God Hongtian

Chapter 2708 Di Fei and Peng Fei!

Although it was not Yun Hao's original intention to take charge of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace, when this matter suddenly hit him on the head, he naturally would not refuse.

In terms of strength and in name, it's enough!

Now, most of this has been done!

Just the last step left.

To promote this final step, strong suppression alone will not be effective.

After all, the power he has shown now is already powerful enough.

Here, unless the Immortal Emperor comes in person, none of the monks in the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace can compete with his power.

One more copy is needed for these guys to see...hope!

"Elder Fengjiu, Elder Fengnan, please get up."

Yunhao looked at Fengjiu and Fengnan who were kneeling on one knee and said.

When they get up.

Suddenly, Yun Hao directly used the Dragon and Phoenix Immortality Technique to inject all the phoenix bloodline he had just swallowed into their bodies.

The injuries on Fengjiu and Feng Nan disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their auras became strong again.

Feng Jiu and Feng Nan were already used to this situation. After all, they had received help from Yun Hao several times to heal their injuries, but this time, it was different!

Because, after Yunhao helped them heal their injuries, he still did not end the operation of the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Art.

The huge source of the Phoenix bloodline was still flowing...into their two bodies!

Directly help them strengthen their bloodline.

Fengjiu and Fengnan immediately realized Yunhao's intentions.

They knew how to cooperate with Yun Hao.



Two groups of pure phoenix fairy fire exploded suddenly, and they transformed into the phoenix body, so that the traces of strengthened bloodline were more intuitively presented under the gazes of the eyes.

A moment.

Fengnan made a breakthrough!

Fourth level of Immortal Realm!

It didn't take long for me to break through again!

Fifth level of Immortal Realm!

The breath surges!

And a moment later, Fengjiu, who was a seventh-level immortal master, also had a breakthrough and was promoted to the eighth-level immortal master!


Feng Jiu's body was suddenly filled with a mysterious aura fluctuation, which was...a trace of enlightenment...

Only then did Yunhao stop delivering the Phoenix bloodline to Fengjiu and Fengnan.

The two of them have reached their limit.

The faint aura of enlightenment on Fengjiu's body, although very weak, cannot be faked. This is the threshold of true enlightenment!

Because just now Yunhao absorbed the blood energy of Feng Zhenxiang and Huang Xuan. Both of them had realized the Tao, and the traces of the Tao they had realized were integrated into their blood.

Feng Jiu and Feng Nan both received the Phoenix bloodline which contained traces of enlightenment.

In other words, Yunhao laid the foundation for enlightenment for the two of them.

But as for whether they can finally achieve enlightenment, it depends on their own destiny and destiny, but at least... now, Feng Jiu has taken a very critical step through the foundation laid by Yun Hao!

Feng Nan broke through two realms in a row.

Fengjiu breaks through the first level and is close to enlightenment.

The blood aura on their bodies was much stronger than before.

These are all real, displayed in the sight of a group of senior officials of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace.

"Thank you, Palace Master, for granting me the destiny of enlightenment and immortality!"

Fengjiu knelt down on one knee again.

The same goes for Feng Nan: "Thank you, Palace Master, for strengthening my bloodline and helping me break through. I, Feng Nan, will definitely work hard to practice, live up to Palace Master's wishes, and strive to knock on the door to enlightenment!"

A transcendent aura emerged from Yun Hao. He looked at the senior officials of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace. From their faces and their eyes, he saw curiosity, shock, and desire...

The previous unwillingness, reluctance, and dissatisfaction have basically disappeared.

"I... Feng Zhenhua, would like to serve Mr. Yun as the master of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace!"

At this time, there was another Immortal Lord of the fourth level in the field. He shouted loudly and fell to the ground on one knee.

"Although Mr. Yun is from the human race, he is also the successor personally chosen by the previous palace master. Today, he has turned the tide and saved the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace from danger. It is only natural that Mr. Yun serves as the palace master of the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace! It is just and right! It is natural! "

A sixth-level immortal also lowered his head, knelt on one knee, and saluted Yun Hao.

Then, batches of senior officials of the Burning Heaven Palace knelt down on one knee one after another, acknowledging Yun Hao's identity as the master of the Burning Heaven Palace.

Ling Feiyu looked at Yun Hao.

"Husband, Burning Heaven Immortal Palace has suffered such a disaster, and now the internal mood is in panic. It is urgent to stabilize the morale of the military to prevent more chaos from happening again."

Yun Hao nodded, and then ordered Feng Jiu to take charge of this matter.

It didn't take long for all the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace monks present to evacuate.

After all, this place is the most important place in the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace, and is the core of the Nine-Bend Immortal Fire Formation. Under normal circumstances, no one is allowed to enter without the permission of the palace owner.

"Husband, the situation in Burning Heaven Immortal Palace has been stabilized for the time being, but we cannot take it lightly. Next, I will go back to the Xiantong Ancestral Land alone. If I can bring Master here, then... all this will no longer be possible. Something changed!”

Yun Hao nodded, he naturally understood what Ling Feiyu meant.

Now, not all the senior officials of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace have surrendered to him. There are still some guys who are just forced by the situation just now.

Then, Yun Hao raised his hand and waved.

A trace of remnant soul appeared in his hand.

It is the second elder of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan!

He led the monks of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan to evacuate, but was killed by Yun Hao with the Nine Bends Immortal Fire Formation. Yun Hao left the remaining soul of this guy alone, because he must know all the plans that the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan had arranged against Yaya's ancestor.

A moment later.

The remaining soul of the second elder of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, tortured by the burning of the immortal fire, collapsed and began to confess honestly.

"Emperor Peng's life span is not long..."

"Originally, the idea of ​​the Supreme Elder was to... waste as much time as possible and delay time..."

"But a few days ago, an uninvited guest suddenly came to our Golden Winged Peng clan's clan land... I don't know where Emperor Peng found a Kunpeng of the Immortal Emperor Realm..."

"Emperor Peng sent Kunpeng into the forbidden land of our Golden Winged Peng clan, wanting that Kunpeng to help find the lost clan treasure."

"Kunpeng is the highest bloodline of the Peng clan. That Kunpeng is very likely to bring the clan treasure out of the forbidden land."

"It is precisely because of this that the Supreme Elder is anxious and has been urging the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace to speed up the progress and get rid of Emperor Peng as soon as possible and ignite the Emperor Source Immortal Fire... As long as Emperor Peng is solved, even if Kunpeng finds the clan treasure of our Golden Winged Peng clan, it will not cause any waves!"

Yun Hao's eyes flashed.


He has been in the fairy world for a long time, and naturally knows that Kunpeng has not appeared in the fairy world for countless thousands of years.

And... it's Kunpeng of the Immortal Emperor Realm!

Yun Hao hurriedly asked: "Is the name of Kunpeng called... Pengfei?"

"It seems... it's called this name..."

Yun Hao's eyes lit up with a bright light.

It's really Pengfei!

Pengfei has been following Di Fei and practicing in the Yuheng Star Region where the human race cultivates civilization. Why did he go to the tribe of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan?

Could it be that Di Fei also went?

Yun Hao's breathing became a little faster, and he said: "Is there another human man who appeared in your Golden Winged Dapeng Clan with Kunpeng?"

"Yes... It's a human boy with the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor Realm... with a black heavy sword..."

Hearing this, Yun Hao was sure.

It was Di Fei!

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