God Hongtian

Chapter 2705 The final winner!

The core array of the Nine-bend Immortal Fire Array.

Yun Hao had already noticed that the blockade had been broken. Soon, Feng Zhenxiang, the Supreme Elder of the Burning Heaven Palace, was about to join forces with the Second Elder of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan to charge in together.

Not only Yun Hao noticed it.

Feng Jiu, Feng Nan, and Ling Feiyu also sensed that there was a terrifying aura, like a torrent pouring down, approaching this side.

The three elders of the Burning Heaven Palace, Huang Yi and Feng Xin, who had been hiding here before, were pale, worried, and uneasy.

And Feng Lin stood up with a solemn expression and said, "Everyone, now that things have come to this, we can only fight with this old man Feng Zhenxiang...!"

A moment later.

A ball of extremely violent immortal fire appeared in the sight of Yun Hao and the others.

Feng Zhenxiang, the tenth-level immortal master of the enlightenment level, came at a very fast speed, and the strong murderous aura blended with the Phoenix Immortal Fire. Now, he only wanted to fight quickly.

Just at this time.

Feng Lin, the Eighth-level Immortal Venerable standing on the center of the altar, suddenly reached out with one hand and actually... grabbed the Fire Controlling Immortal Pearl that Yun Hao had sacrificed!

The moment he grabbed the Fire Controlling Immortal Pearl, his figure had already shot out.

With a flick of his arm!

The Fire Controlling Immortal Pearl turned into a stream of light and smashed into the distance.

And Feng Lin's figure rushed towards the killing Feng Zhenxiang!


Feng Zhenxiang roared, and a pair of phoenix claws directly tore the Phoenix Immortal Fire around Feng Lin, and the claws... penetrated Feng Lin's head.

But the next moment.

A strange scene appeared!

In Feng Lin's body, dark rune chains spread out, and the rune chains directly entangled Feng Zhenxiang's claws that penetrated his head!

"Feng Zhenxiang, your death is coming!"

Feng Lin roared extremely crazy.

The next moment.


Feng Lin's body suddenly exploded!

The Eighth-level Immortal Venerable, self-destructed!

Feng Zhenxiang's claws were entangled by the black rune chains, and he had no time to evacuate. He could only bear the power of the self-detonation of an eighth-level immortal.

A large amount of phoenix blood fell from the sky, and broken phoenix feathers floated.

Feng Zhenxiang had already been injured by the pale hand, and now, he was injured again!

His phoenix body was bleeding!

Before Feng Zhenxiang could catch his breath...

The abnormality reappeared!


"Boom boom boom!"

The power of the Nine-bend Immortal Fire Array suddenly erupted, and one violent attack after another came surging, drowning Feng Zhenxiang's seriously injured body.

On the altar.

Feng Jiu and the others... all looked... stunned.

What on earth... was going on?

Why did Elder Feng Lin suddenly take away Yun Hao's Fire Controlling Immortal Pearl?

After he took the Fire Controlling Immortal Pearl, he threw it away, and then... at the cost of self-destruction, Feng Zhenxiang was injured!

But at this moment...

Who is controlling the Nine Bends Immortal Fire Formation?

Even the two Immortal Elders who had been hiding here with Feng Lin were at a loss... They couldn't figure out what was going on.

Feng Zhenxiang was too strong!

Even though he was seriously injured and was submerged by the power of the Nine Bends Immortal Fire Formation, he still fought his way out.

He flew in the sky and roared.

"Huang Xuan!"

"You are not dead!"

"Come out!"

As soon as these words came out.

Feng Jiu, Feng Nan, and other elders of the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace who were in the center of the altar formation, once again set off a storm in their hearts.

The deputy palace master is not dead?

The next moment.

The answer is revealed!

Above the sky, a majestic woman with brilliant light all over her body came in the air. Around her, the Phoenix Immortal Fire was boiling, and she was holding the Fire Controlling Immortal Pearl in her hand.

"Deputy Palace Master!"

Feng Jiu and the others all exclaimed.

Huang Xuan came to Feng Zhenxiang and said calmly: "From the perspective of Fentian Immortal Palace, I should call you the Supreme Elder."

"From the perspective of the master-disciple relationship, I should call you Master."

"But from the perspective of justice...you have ignored the interests of Fentian Immortal Palace for your own selfish reasons and put Fentian Immortal Palace in an irreparable situation. As the deputy palace master of Fentian Immortal Palace, I must eradicate the sins of you today!"

Feng Zhenxiang stared at Huang Xuan. He was silent for a moment, and suddenly laughed.

"You are worthy of being my disciple, Feng Zhenxiang!"

"You used the trick of pretending to die to force me to promote the civil strife in the Burning Heaven Palace. You calculated step by step to lead me into the core array, and then used Feng Lin's self-explosion to lay the foundation for victory."

"It's really a good calculation!"

"But you are not yet better than me!"

"As the Supreme Elder of the Burning Heaven Palace, I want to see today whether you, the deputy palace master, have the ability to shoulder the future burden of the Burning Heaven Palace!"

"It should be that I am here to test your cultivation results!"

The next moment.

The huge phoenix body transformed by Feng Zhenxiang rushed towards Huang Xuan.

Huang Xuan also turned into a phoenix in an instant.

The ninth level of the Immortal Venerable Realm!

But... Huang Xuan's power is surging with... the aura of enlightenment!

She has already realized the truth!

In addition, the Fire Control Fairy Pearl is under Huang Xuan's control, and Huang Xuan can also control the power of the Nine-Bend Fairy Fire Array to cooperate with the attack.

And Feng Zhenxiang is seriously injured!

In just a moment!

Feng Zhenxiang's body was torn apart by Huang Xuan's power.

Feng Zhenxiang's broken body fell from the sky!

At this time, the group of senior officials of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace who followed Feng Zhenxiang, as well as the second elder of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, finally arrived.

Seeing this scene, they were all... shocked beyond measure.

The dead deputy palace master Huang Xuan actually appeared here without incident.

Supreme Elder Feng Zhenxiang was completely...defeated!

Huang Xuan looked at the senior officials of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace who were following Feng Zhenxiang. Her eyes burst out with domineering light and said: "I, the Lord of the Palace, remember that you committed the mistake only because of Feng Zhenxiang's pressure. As long as you admit your mistake now, I, the Lord... can forget about it!"

Now, how to choose? There is no need to think anymore.

Immediately, more than 70% of the senior officials of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace who were following Feng Zhenxiang dispersed from their fighting forms and rushed to Huang Xuan one after another, kneeling on one knee to show their attitude of admitting their mistake!

The second elder of the Golden-winged Dapeng tribe had his mouth twitching. He gritted his teeth and took a step forward. But before he could speak, Huang Xuan said coldly: "Although Feng Zhenxiang's death is not a pity, there is one thing he is right about." , Burning Heaven Immortal Palace needs to ignite the Emperor Origin Immortal Fire.”

The second elder of the Golden-Winged Dapeng Clan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately raised his hands and said: "Please rest assured, Master Huangxuan, what kind of cooperation did our Golden-Winged Dapeng Clan have with Feng Zhenxiang before? What will we do with you next?" The same goes for cooperation! ”

Huang Xuan turned around at this time.

She looked indifferent and stared at Yun Hao.

Yun Hao and Huang Xuan looked at each other, his expression calm.

From the beginning, he was aware of the problem.

Especially, entering the core formation.

Because, all along, only Deputy Palace Master Huang Xuan can enter the core of the Nine-Bend Immortal Fire Formation.

But the three immortal elders from Feng Lin came in.

Yun Hao was able to come in because of the secret magic of Zhenzi.

But Feng Lin and the others don't have this ability. Just now Yunhao and the three of them maintained the operation of the core formation, and he discovered that the three of them had very poor attainments in the immortal formation!

Therefore, Yun Hao had already determined that they were arranged to enter the core formation by a force hidden in the dark!

The only one who can do this is Huang Xuan!

Huang Xuan spoke, with a condescending tone in her tone, saying: "You have been recognized by the previous palace master, obtained his bone ring, and returned the Fire Control Immortal Pearl to Burning Heaven Immortal Palace. You have done a lot of credit." "

"This palace master can grant you the honorary guest status of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace, and your status is equivalent to that of the elders of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace."

"Next, hand over that little girl, and nothing will happen to you."

The corners of Yun Hao's mouth raised in a cold arc, and he said: "I will not give Yaya to you, and besides... I promised the master of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace to return the Fire Control Immortal Pearl to Burning Heaven Immortal Palace. , hand it over to the contemporary palace master of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace, instead of... to you!"

Huang Xuan frowned and shouted coldly: "What do you mean?"

Yun Hao said calmly: "Since it's not for you, I naturally want to... take it back!"

"You think I don't dare to kill you?!" Huang Xuan's aura suddenly surged, and murderous intent burst out.

The corners of Yun Hao's mouth raised in a cold arc, and he said: "Kill me? Can you kill me?!"

The next moment, the entire altar suddenly lit up with an extremely blazing fairy light of runes!

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