God Hongtian

Chapter 2700 Terrifying Strength!

Chains of fairy fire burst out from this nine-curved fairy fire formation, beating fiercely. Each chain of fairy fire had the terrifying power to easily blow up the stars.

The dense chains of fairy fire were like a downpour, attacking Feng Zhenxiang, the Supreme Elder of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace. Such power frightened the monks fighting below.

what's the situation?

Why did the Nine-Tune Immortal Fire Formation suddenly erupt so fiercely, and it was aimed at the Supreme Elder... Who is controlling this Nine-Tune Immortal Fire Formation?

Previously, this formation had been controlled by Deputy Palace Master Huang Xuan.

After Huang Xuan died.

Although the Supreme Elder failed to control the core formation of the Nine-Tune Immortal Fire Formation, he immediately arranged for several immortals and multiple immortal formation masters to guard the key formations. To a certain extent, control this immortal formation.

As for those guys who resisted the Supreme Elder, even though three of them hid in the core formation, they... did not have the ability to control the Nine-Tune Immortal Fire Formation at all!

As a tenth-level immortal, Feng Zhenxiang has long understood that his combat power is so strong that he cannot be defeated so easily. Even... an explosion of power at this level is not a trouble at all for him.

Feng Zhenxiang opened his arms, and in an instant, a pair of phoenix wings spread out on his back. He had not fully transformed into his true form, but the mere spread of the phoenix wings unleashed a terrifying power.

The monstrous fairy fire swept up, drowning and burning the fairy fire chains that came from the explosive shots.

"Get out of here!"

Feng Zhenxiang roared.

The domineering sound waves rolled, shaking the world. The wings behind him vibrated, and his body turned into a fiery red stream of light. It shot out in an instant. With a slap of his palm, suddenly, in front of his palm, layers of twisted The space barrier emerges.

Behind these layers of twisted space barriers, a man's figure emerged.

It’s Yun Hao!

He formed a seal with his hands, and the Mystic Immortal Technique of Formation Words had reached its peak. Countless immortal runes were blooming with brilliant light, flying around his body.

And in front of him, there was a bead the size of a fist suspended.

Fire Control Fairy Bead!

Yunhao used the secret magic of "Bing" to inspire the power of the fire-controlling fairy beads.

Then use the power of the fire control fairy beads, combined with the secret magic of the formation word, to control this nine-curved fairy fire formation to form a small-scale powerful explosion.

The reason why it was only a small area was naturally because time was too tight and he only had time to control some key formations.

From Feng Zhenxiang's palm, endless fairy fire spurted out, blasting the layers of twisted space barriers in front of him one after another.

Yunhao stepped on the Xingzi Secret Immortal Technique and moved sideways quickly. Then, layers of twisted space barriers appeared around him, putting himself in a relatively safe environment.

Feng Zhenxiang temporarily stopped attacking. He stared at the fire-controlling fairy beads in front of Yun Hao. His eyes were shining brightly and his expression became complicated.

"The boy from the human race actually got the fire-bending fairy bead."

"As expected, the palace master... has fallen. He has actually turned into a phoenix bone ring and recognized you!"

"Boy, since you have been recognized by the Palace Master of our Burning Heaven Immortal Palace, it proves that you are destined to the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace. When the Palace Master turned into a bone ring, he probably asked you to return the Fire Control Immortal Pearl to the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace. ”

Yun Hao nodded and said: "Yes, senior has indeed made such an explanation."

Feng Zhenxiang raised his arm, spread his palms, and said: "Then you can give the Fire Control Immortal Pearl to me. I will thank you again after I finish handling the matters here!"

Yun Hao looked calm and said calmly: "You know very well that I don't intend to stand on the same front with you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have taken action against you just now. What's more, before the senior turned into a bone ring, he told me Yes, give the Fire Control Immortal Pearl to the current owner of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace."

Feng Zhenxiang's eyes narrowed slightly: "I would like to advise you not to make random decisions. In addition, Burning Heaven Immortal Palace has never appointed a new palace master. Now I am in charge of everything in Burning Heaven Immortal Palace. You will use the Fire Control Immortal Pearl. , handing it over to me can be regarded as completing the task assigned by the palace master."

Yun Hao raised the corners of his mouth and said, "I'm sorry, I can't promise you!"


Feng Zhenxiang's aura suddenly surged again.

He was too decisive.

After a few words, Yun Hao couldn't be moved, so he stopped talking nonsense and burst out in an instant. This time, he even completely transformed into the Phoenix body. The terrifying fire phoenix soared in the sky and let out a violent sound from his mouth. Cry.

Rounds of fireballs, like the sun, rumbled towards Yun Hao with his waving wings.

Yun Hao relied on the layers of twisted space barriers triggered by the Nine-Bend Immortal Fire Formation, but he was unable to resist Feng Zhenxiang's violent offensive.

He dodged repeatedly and fell into crisis, just like a small boat traveling on the sea in a violent storm, it might be torn apart by the terrifying wind and waves at any time!

Yun Hao's expression was solemn.

He never looked down upon such a formidable opponent.

But it turns out that he still seriously underestimated Feng Zhenxiang's terrifying power!

The tenth-level Immortal Lord who has realized the Tao is too powerful. When he explodes with all his strength, the Nine-bend Immortal Fire Formation controlled by Yun Hao at this level is far from reaching the level of fighting with him.

The huge fire phoenix transformed by Feng Zhenxiang raised a series of fireballs as big as the sun and smashed towards Yun Hao. Its huge body still maintained an extremely agile speed. It swooped down from a high place and locked Yun Hao's body and breath with a pair of claws.

Grab it suddenly!

Even if two stars blocked the front, they would be easily crushed by Feng Zhenxiang's claws.

Yun Hao wanted to use the characteristics of Weiwodao that resonated with the heaven and earth to get rid of Feng Zhenxiang's aura lock, but it was meaningless...

Seeing that Feng Zhenxiang's pair of claws was about to crush Yun Hao.

The nervous look on Yun Hao's face suddenly disappeared. He just sighed lightly, and the next moment, his right palm slapped towards Feng Zhenxiang's pair of claws.

In an instant, Yun Hao's right palm suddenly turned pale and bloodless.

The pale breath spread, and everything in this world seemed to have lost its color.

Pale hand!

Yun Hao originally wanted to keep a trump card, but now he could only use this power.

Daluo Cangtian Palm!

The palm print transformed by the pale air rumbled out, and hit the pair of sharp claws that Feng Zhenxiang hit, hitting Feng Zhenxiang's huge phoenix body backwards in the air, and the blood of the phoenix fell from the sky, as if it was a pouring blood rain.

But even so, Feng Zhenxiang still had a strong breath and quickly maintained his balance. The loud cry of the phoenix sounded, and the endless fairy fire seemed to burn through the starry sky.

"Phoenix dances in the sky!"

He used the top magic of the Phoenix Clan, and countless afterimages rushed out of his body. Each afterimage contained a terrifying and violent power. In the blink of an eye, these afterimages were overwhelming...

Yun Hao swung his palm, and then the pale hand broke away from Yun Hao's hand.

"You go and meet your wife first, leave this to me!"

Liu Yishou's voice sounded.

"Brother Shou, are you sure?"

Liu Yishou chuckled and said, "Under the Immortal Emperor, killing people indiscriminately, have you forgotten?"

After the words fell, he slapped his palm, shattering a piece of Phoenix's residual image, and then a wisp of pale air fell on Yun Hao, protecting Yun Hao and rushing out.

Seeing Yun Hao leave, Liu Yishou muttered softly in the pale hand floating in the air: "You are a bit boastful, it will not end well..."

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