God Hongtian

Chapter 2697 Two-pronged approach!

Feng Jiu, the elder of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace, joins the battle.

Feng Nan, who was already on the verge of collapse, suddenly became less stressed.

Fengjiu is extremely strong.

At the seventh level of the Immortal Realm, the poison in his body has now been removed by Ling Feiyu with clean fire, and the life source consumed has been replenished by Yun Hao with the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Art. His combat power is sky-high.

As soon as it appeared, it transformed into a gigantic phoenix with boundless power. The fairy light was brilliant, and the fiery breath swept across. The phoenix feathers were filled with terrifying power. It suddenly flapped its wings and passed by, followed by a roar and explosion.

The Immortal Lord of the Golden-winged Dapeng Clan had most of his body blown apart, and half of his body fell downwards.

A ray of sword light swept up and destroyed the remaining half of the body of the Immortal Lord of the Golden-winged Dapeng Clan. Immediately afterwards, a handprint surrounded by various immortal runes was grabbed.

The immortal soul of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan was detained.

High in the sky.

Two fire phoenixes fought fiercely.

Fengjiu had the absolute upper hand.

Feng Nan was finally able to take a breath. He adjusted his breathing for a moment and stabilized his injuries. Then he went into the battlefield again and launched a crushing massacre against the Phoenix warriors who besieged the place where he practiced and lived. .

"Boom boom boom!"

Huge roars continued to sound, shaking the sky and the earth.

"Fengjiu, you still have a way to turn back now. Follow me and bow your head to the Supreme Elder to admit your mistake before it's too late. Otherwise, if you continue like this, there will be only one dead end in front of you, the road to death!"

The Immortal Lord of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace, who was suppressed by Feng Jiu, roared loudly. He seemed to be struggling. After just a few rounds, the surface of his Phoenix body was already covered in blood.

"Feng Zhenxiang is unworthy of being called the Supreme Elder!"

"I, Fengjiu, will never bow to him!"

"All this is his conspiracy. He leaked the secrets of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace. He colluded with the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan and killed the deputy palace master!"

"I, Fengjiu, will not compromise. I will try my best to make Feng Zhenxiang pay the price for what I have done!"

Feng Zhenxiang is the name of the Supreme Elder of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace.

As Feng Jiu spoke, the offensive became more ferocious and domineering. The endless phoenix fairy fire was like a huge wave of fire, engulfing the opponent's body.

"Fengjiu, the Supreme Elder said that the deputy palace master was not killed by him!" the Immortal Lord of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace shouted. In the blink of an eye, several more hideous wounds appeared on his body, and Phoenix's blood sprayed in the sky.

"Humph, the truth is what it is, and your sophistry is useless!" Fengjiu shouted angrily, and unleashed his killing move again. His sharp claws tore off a large piece of flesh from his opponent's body!


Fengnan’s place of life and practice is at the door of the secret room.

Yun Hao held the remnant soul of the golden-winged Dapeng Clan Immortal Lord in his hand, burned it with the Green Lotus Karmic Fire, and supplemented it with the True Meaning of the Nine Swords of the Immortal. Within a moment, this guy's immortal heart collapsed due to torture.

As his understanding of the Nine Swords of Wenxian becomes deeper and deeper, Yunhao can also display more wonderful functions.

"My ancestor...what's going on now!" Yaya was extremely worried.

Her ancestor was the leader of the Golden-winged Dapeng Clan, an Immortal Emperor whose end was approaching, and he loved Yaya very much.

The betrayers of the Golden-Winged Dapeng Clan all know that they can sacrifice Yaya and use the energy of the Ten Thousand Treasures Immortal Body to explode in one go, and retrieve the Golden-Winged Dapeng Clan's clan-killing fairy treasure in the forbidden area.

How could the leader of the Golden-winged Dapeng Clan not understand this?

As long as he can find the immortal treasure of the clan, even if his power is exhausted and he will die soon, he can still kill all directions and suppress the chaos of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan.

However, the leader of the Golden-winged Dapeng Clan, whose life was about to come to an end, chose to protect Yaya and give up the Clan-Suppressing Immortal Treasure that was lost in the forbidden area!

"Emperor Peng doesn't have much life left. He is currently sitting in the Peng Palace... He doesn't dare to leave, because if he takes action, his remaining life will be gone in an instant, and he may fall completely at any time, but we don't dare either. Attack...because no one dares to bear the wrath of the Immortal Emperor who is about to die!"

Hearing that the Immortal Emperor of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan only had a little life left... Yaya's eyes turned red.

"Keep talking!" Yun Hao shouted coldly.

The remnant soul of the Immortal Lord of the Golden-winged Dapeng Clan could not resist Yun Hao's will, and said: "But we cannot wait for Emperor Peng to exhaust his lifespan and die. We also know that Emperor Peng will definitely explode before he dies. The most violent attack, so we urgently need the help of the Phoenix Clan’s Burning Heaven Immortal Palace…”

"Furthermore, if the Supreme Elder of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace wants to ignite the Emperor Source Immortal Fire, he must extract the life source of Emperor Peng before he dies completely."

"Now, just wait until the chaos inside the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace is resolved, and we will set off... We have made full preparations. The two clans have joined forces. Even if there is no sacrifice of the Ten Thousand Treasure Immortal Body to retrieve the clan's immortal treasure, There is a 90% certainty that this plan will be completed at a huge cost.”

"Is the second elder here?" Yaya asked through gritted teeth.


"Moreover, the current second elder has already reached the ninth level of the Immortal Realm, and... with the help of the Supreme Elder of Burning Heaven Immortal Palace, the restricted spells that Emperor Peng had left in the second elder's body have been lifted. , the second elder is no longer restricted, he can take action against you personally. "

Previously, the first elder and the second elder of the Golden Winged Dapeng tribe escorted Yaya out of the clan, but out of concern, Emperor Peng injected forbidden power into both of their bodies, so they could not take action against Yaya. , otherwise, they will suffer backlash and die.

It was precisely because of this that the second elder of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, who was clearly in that star field, never showed up. Instead, he used various conspiracies to kill the first elder and then used his power to capture Yaya.

But now, the second elder of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan has broken free from the power restrictions of Emperor Peng, and his cultivation has skyrocketed recently, and he has the power of the ninth-level immortal.

Yaya, who is still young and immature, doesn't know what to do in the face of this situation.

"Yaya, you don't have to think about anything, leave everything to me!" Yun Hao's palm suddenly squeezed, and with a bang, he completely crushed the residual soul of the immortal of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan.

The next moment.

The Dragon Phoenix Immortal Art was performed.

Around, the blood source of the Phoenix Clan monks who died in the battle was swallowed up by Yun Hao.

After a moment.

Feng Jiu transformed into an old man again, holding a miserable Phoenix Immortal in his hand, swooping down from the sky and coming to Yun Hao.

Feng Nan had also resolved the battle and rushed over immediately.

The Immortal who was captured alive by Feng Jiu was shocked when he saw Yun Hao,

Ling Feiyu, and Yaya.

He didn't know where Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu came from, but he found that both Feng Jiu and Feng Nan showed great respect for them.

As for Yaya, of course he recognized her. This was the little girl with the Wanbao Immortal Body that the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan was looking for.

"If you dare to kill me, you will only die. The Supreme Elder has ordered to completely block the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace. No one can leave without the permission of the Supreme Elder..."

Feng Jiu snorted coldly and threw the guy to the ground. He looked at Yun Hao and asked for his opinion.

Yun Hao said coldly: "I'm not going to leave yet!"

"Since I've come to the Burning Heaven Palace and encountered this kind of thing, I want to try to see how powerful that Feng Zhenxiang is!"

The next moment, Yun Hao pressed his hand on the head of the Phoenix Clan Immortal Venerable. This guy was seriously injured and dying, and had lost the ability to resist. His blood essence was rapidly flowing away and was swallowed by Yun Hao with the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Art. His body trembled violently.

In just a few breaths, this guy's scarred body turned into a dry branch, with only his last breath left. Yun Hao asked the truth of the Nine Swords of Immortal again and dug out some important information from this guy.

Three of the Immortal Venerable elders who went with Feng Jiu to confront the Supreme Elder Feng Zhenxiang also escaped and hid in the core array of the Nine-Curved Immortal Fire Array.

Then, Yun Hao looked at Feng Jiu and Feng Nan and said, "Since we have to fight Feng Zhenxiang, we must naturally strengthen our strength and find a way to join those elders of the Burning Heaven Palace who are against Feng Zhenxiang!"

Liu Yishou's words reminded Yun Hao.

Keep a hand!

So, the best way is to use the power of the Burning Heaven Palace to deal with the opponents of the Burning Heaven Palace.

What's more, he is also very interested in the Nine-Bend Immortal Fire Formation of the Burning Heaven Palace.

He has long wanted to try to control this formation!

Coincidentally, there are three Burning Heaven Palace Immortal Lords who are against Feng Zhenxiang, hiding in the core array.

Two things can be done at the same time!

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