God Hongtian

Chapter 2665 Four sword energies!

Huang Tianba's ghost lingered and followed him all the time.

He held a spear in his hand, looked at Yun Hao with a complicated expression, and said, "Have you thought it through?"

Yun Hao raised the stone sword in his hand and said: "There is no need to think about it!"

"Master, I'm coming!"

Gouzi was more direct and rushed forward.

The claws slapped, and terrifying power rippled out.

The spear in Huang Tianba's hand pierced Gouzi's strength.

Gouzi roared and directly used the Crazy Demon Sword Technique. Its power condensed into sword energy and launched an extremely fierce attack on Huang Tianba.

Huang Tianba, as the third stage of the ultimate human bloodline, has strong combat power. With the spear in his hand, he waved it repeatedly, crushing Gouzi's crazy sword energy one by one.

"As expected of a primitive creature!"

"But you haven't awakened your original spirituality after all, so you can't be my opponent!"

Huang Tianba looked calm, stirred the spear, and smashed it suddenly, causing the dog to fly backwards.

The dog pretended to pounce again.


Yun Hao's voice sounded.

Gou Zi retreated to Yun Hao's side unwillingly, staring at Huang Tianba and grinning.

"Original spirituality? What's going on?" Yun Hao asked.

Huang Tianba: "If you want to know, I can tell you, but you have to follow me."

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "I said that if we are different, we should not conspire against each other!"

Huang Tianba sneered and said, "Do you think you will be safe after leaving here?"

Yun Hao frowned slightly.

Huang Tianba continued: "It is true that we all have restrictions and cannot appear anytime and anywhere, especially the Immortal Emperor of the Dao Enlightenment Level. However, when some things are of great significance, then there are still Immortal Emperors of the Dao Enlightenment Level. Emperor, after paying some price, you can take action yourself."

"The immortal sword in Ling Feiyu's hand that was transformed from the corpse of the Human Kendo Immortal Emperor, plus the secrets in you, the stone sword in your hand, and this primitive creature that has been reborn with flesh and blood, these things are enough, it will definitely There is an Immortal Emperor who is willing to pay a big price, and when the time comes, you won’t be able to resist at all!”

"So, you don't know your situation at all. You actually have no second choice. Only follow me and join us is your only chance!"

"You don't know us very well. Once you see it with your own eyes and feel it for yourself, you will definitely not refuse, because what we do is subverting countless epochs of fairyland. You can join this plan and become a driving force." A little help from this project is a great honor!”

As Huang Tianba spoke, his expression became extremely fanatical.

Yunhao knew that Huang Tianba was very difficult to deal with.

Of course, if he, Ling Feiyu, and Gouzi go together, they have a good chance of taking down Huang Tianba.


Because, at this moment, there are still many testers looking for them!

Once too much time is wasted here, you will once again be in a dangerous situation surrounded by a group of trialists.

Now, Yaya can't summon an army of undead in a short time. All the undead prepared before have been consumed!

And Huang Tianba actually... also has this concern.

If too much time was wasted and a group of trialists came after him again, he would not be sure that he could take away Yun Hao from the siege of those guys...

The fanatical look on Huang Tianba's face gradually returned to calm. He stared at Yun Hao and said, "I have always been very polite to you. Even if you kill my junior sister, I don't care, but this time, I won't be so polite again." You're welcome!"

"Take a gamble, do you dare?"

"Three moves!"

"If you can take three moves from me without losing, I'll leave!"

"But after three moves, if you can't keep standing, you lose. You come with me and have sex with my mother, and we will be united by blood!"

Gouzi's eyes widened.

what's going on?

It muttered: "Well...if my master doesn't want to, why don't you let me do it? Of course, you have to ensure that your mother is beautiful. After all, I also have a pursuit of a dog. If she is not beautiful, you can't force me!" "

Huang Tianba's mouth twitched, a little angry!

Yun Hao patted Gouzi's head, took a step forward, and said, "Okay, I'll bet with you!"

Ling Feiyu frowned slightly and whispered: "Husband, be careful."

Yun Hao hummed.

He doesn't want to fight!

Three moves bet! It is indeed the best choice at the moment!

Of course, he also knew that it would be very difficult for him who was in the third level of Weidao to resist Huang Tianba's three moves!

Huang Tianba knew about his fighting power and dared to propose such a bet, which also meant that Huang Tianba had absolute confidence!

"You have courage!"

Huang Tianba said.

Yun Hao held the stone sword in his hand and said: "Let's make a move!"


Huang Tianba didn't waste any more time and proposed this bet just to settle the matter as soon as possible.

Delaying time is not good for him or Yun Hao!

In an instant.

Huang Tianba's momentum became extremely powerful, far beyond the state he had just fought against Gouzi. His immortal power was as turbulent as a boiling ocean.

The spear stabbed out casually!

In an instant, Yun Hao also broke out into his strongest state.

The stone sword in his hand met Huang Tianba's spear tip and slashed away!

The third level of innate immortal energy!

Douzi secret magic!

The secret magic of military characters!

The secret magic of listing words!


There was a crisp explosion, and the moment the stone sword's edge and the spear's tip collided, a terrifying storm energy burst out!

Yun Hao's figure flew back thousands of feet away, but then he flashed back and reappeared in front of Huang Tianba.

Huang Tianba raised the corners of his mouth and said, "The shot just now was only 50% powerful!"

Yun Hao smiled faintly and said, "Then continue!"

"This shot is 70% powerful!"

Huang Tianba shouted coldly, and used another move. It looked like a spear was thrust out, but in an instant, it was thrust out countless times, and the spear was full of shadows!

Yun Hao raised his sword, and with his sword of time, the rolling power of time crushed the gun shadows one after another, and he took them calmly.

Huang Tianba narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "The Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly recognized your sword before. It contains the power of time. It is really powerful. I actually want to feel it, so the first two moves are to explore. I’m just trying to find out your background, because I don’t care about three moves, I only need one move, and that’s enough!”

"The third move, your sword of time, can't shake it!"

"This move is called Overlord Looking Back!"

"watch out!"

Huang Tianba shouted loudly, and a domineering, fierce and decisive aura suddenly erupted.

But before Huang Tianba could use his move, Yun Hao moved faster and took the initiative!

Sweep with one sword!

At this moment, four sword energies came out one after another!

Killing Immortal Sword Qi!

Fallen into the Immortal Sword Qi!

Absolutely Immortal Sword Qi!

Immortal Killing Sword Qi!

Yun Hao had always wanted to use the Four Sword Qi of the Zhuxian Sect to understand the Zhuxian Sword Formation, so he was reluctant to use it. But at this moment, he felt that the power of the move Huang Tianba was about to use would be very terrifying. Therefore, Without hesitation, release these four sword energies!

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The four sword energies whizzed away, as if there was some kind of connection between them...

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