God Hongtian

Chapter 2663: Reinforcements! The Undead Army!

Huang Tianba helped Yun Hao, his purpose was not simple...

Taotie was stunned.

Ling Feiyu was also stunned.

Even Yun Hao himself felt that it was absurd!

Huang Tianba's expression was extremely serious. He looked at Yun Hao with extremely fiery eyes and said: "Cultivating the ultimate bloodline is the top priority for our human race. My mother's ability to give birth to me is enough to prove the excellence of her bloodline. If you combine with my mother, I can guarantee that you will have at least the third-stage ultimate bloodline!"

"Moreover, I am not exaggerating. Maybe it is really possible to give birth to the first-generation bloodline that is superior to the third-stage ultimate bloodline!"

"Yun Hao, you can rest assured. My mother is a beauty. In terms of appearance and figure, she is definitely not inferior to Ling Feiyu. You still have the charm, and you won't suffer any loss in this regard!"

Taotie crawled over carefully and whispered: "Will your father agree? I remember that your father seems to be a guy who has achieved enlightenment!"

Huang Tianba said lightly: "For more third-stage ultimate human bloodlines, or even for the first generation of human bloodlines, my father's idea is useless and unimportant!"

Yun Hao's expression returned to calm, and then he said: "I refuse!"

Huang Tianba frowned and said: "If you let my mother get pregnant, you don't need to be responsible, we will collect other fetuses ourselves Essence, nourishing the fetus of your and my mother's bloodline."

"Moreover, with your bloodline, there are many human women for you to choose. I can tell you with certainty that all the immortal emperors of the human race here are willing to let the women among their descendants combine with you to leave their bloodline!"

Yun Hao's expression gradually became cold. He held Ling Feiyu's hand and said, "I have no interest in you cultivating the so-called ultimate human bloodline, and I cannot agree with this method!"

Huang Tianba's face gradually showed a hint of coldness, saying, "Without my help, you Do you think you can leave here? "

"Those guys are different from me. What they want is your stone sword and the secrets in your body. If you fall into their hands, then even if the immortal emperors of the human race come forward, the immortal emperors behind them will not agree to let you go. "

"Follow me now, this is your only way out!"

Yun Hao said calmly: "No need to say more, I have made up my mind. As for your help just now, I thank you, but from now on, you and I are not on the same path!"

Huang Tianba swung his arm and raised the tip of the spear.

The Emperor Corpse Immortal Sword in Ling Feiyu's hand suddenly lit up with a blazing cold light.

The stone sword in Yun Hao's hand also pointed directly at Huang Tianba.

The ultimate human bloodline in the third stage is indeed very strong. Yun Hao has seen Huang Tianba intercept many extremely talented trialists by himself.

But if Huang Tianba wants to use strong means, Yun Hao is not afraid to fight him!

Taotie trembled, not daring to speak. With its two front hooves, it dug a hole in the ground and buried its head in the hole, pretending to be invisible...

Huang Tianba continued: "Yun Hao, it's all for the human race, why are you so stubborn? I really don't want to do it!"

Yun Hao said lightly: "If you are willing to give way, then I will still remember your kindness in helping me before, but I can't agree to what you said. As the saying goes, people with different paths cannot make plans together, and there is no point in talking more!"

Huang Tianba frowned, suddenly looked into the distance, and then said: "I will always be near you. If you figure it out, call me at any time!"

As soon as the voice fell, Huang Tianba's figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.

In the distance, a series of whistling sounds sounded.

The group of trialists who were intercepted by Huang Tianba before were chasing...

The Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly was obviously the fastest. The wings that were destroyed by Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu before had grown back.

At a distance, the Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly used a powerful immortal secret technique, and the edge of its wings slashed out with extremely terrifying power, like a blade, slashing at it.

"Brother, I'm here!"

The Taotie, with his head buried in the pit, roared and rushed forward, shattering the magic that the Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly slashed at, then opened his mouth and swallowed, swallowing the immortal power that was overflowing after the Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly's magic was defeated.

"Have you asked me if you want to hurt my brother and my sister-in-law?"

"I don't agree!"

"Unless you step over my body!"

The Taotie shouted, impassioned.

"Brother, don't worry, I'm here!" Then, the Taotie turned his head and looked at Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu, but only saw two backs that had already flown away...

"Brother, sister-in-law, wait for me!"

The Taotie panicked instantly and ran away in a hurry.

"You are such a traitor, you are such a despicable thing!"

A group of powerful creatures chased after him, using dense magic and bombarding the Taotie.

The Taotie had thick skin and flesh, but it could not withstand the impact of these fierce forces and screamed miserably.

"Everyone, you misunderstood!"

"I can bend and stretch. Before, I was just pretending to be close to Yun Hao, preparing to let him relax and be alert, and then find an opportunity to suddenly explode, suppress him, and show the power of our trial-takers!"

"With your wisdom, I believe you will understand my difficulties and original intentions!"

But no one listened to it. The violent immortal magic was like dense raindrops, drowning the Taotie...

Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu were flying at a very fast speed, trying to get rid of the pursuers, but those guys were not ordinary people. They had all kinds of incredible tracking magic.

Even though Yun Hao maximizes the characteristic of the Solitary Way technique that resonates with the world, he will soon be locked onto his aura again.

Moreover, there are new trialists entering this place one after another, coming from elsewhere to intercept Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu.

The two teamed up to break through the blockade time and time again, but with more and more pursuers, the situation became worse and worse.

At this time.

Huang Tianba appeared again. He kept up with Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu and said, "Yun Hao, I will make another concession. As long as you agree to give birth to ten children with my mother, I can guarantee that by the time It’s time to set you free!”

Yunhao didn't want to talk to Huang Tianba.

Too lazy to respond.

But Huang Tianba was very persistent and shouted: "The reason why I don't take you away by force is because I understand a truth, forceful melons are not sweet, but if you fall into their hands, what will be the consequences? You Have you thought clearly?"

Yun Hao still didn't speak, and continued to fly at an extremely fast speed with Ling Feiyu.

Huang Tianba was very angry and said: "This is my last advice to you. I'll give you some more time to think about it. I'll show up again later. It doesn't matter if the melon you're twisting is not sweet, I have to twist it off. Anyway, you can give it to me." Mom, quench your thirst!”


Huang Tianba's figure flashed again and disappeared without a trace.

After a while.

In front of Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu, two new trialists arrived. They looked excited and immediately moved to intercept them.

This time, they were unable to break through quickly, and after a delay, the Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly and a large number of trialists finally caught up. There were more than twenty trialists, all of whom were extremely evil beings with bloodline talents. Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu surrounded him.

far away.

Huang Tianba frowned, he was a little unsure about this situation.

The third-stage ultimate human bloodline is very strong, but there is a limit to how strong it can be. In this situation, if he fights in, there will only be one end, and that is to be beaten and live a life of doubt!


"You guys keep going!"

"I really want to see what other tricks you can use to escape!"

The Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly, who had suffered losses before, sneered again and again.

Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu looked extremely solemn.

But at this moment.

A melodious flute sounded.

Yun Hao's frown relaxed!

He looked towards the direction where the flute sound came from, and saw...a dense army of undead, rushing towards them like a huge raging wave!

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