God Hongtian

Chapter 2661: Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly!

Yunhao and Ling Feiyu ignored Taotie behind them.

They all knew that Taotie wanted to stay with them so actively just because he was afraid of being settled by this new group of practitioners.

Not a moment.

The two of them got rid of Taotie.

Yunhao continued to take Ling Feiyu to the valley that most likely belonged to primitive creatures.

Now, let alone meeting Yaya and Gouzi.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it is definitely a safe area over there.

The experienced person cannot be found!

But it didn't take long.

Yun Hao suddenly felt uneasy in his heart. This was his instinct. Without any hesitation, he instantly took Ling Feiyu and moved to one side.


A cold light burst out.

If Yun Hao hadn't been alert in advance, at this moment, he and Ling Feiyu would be right in the attack range of this beam containing tyrannical power.


There was an explosion.

A large area of ​​ground collapsed.

"The response was pretty quick!"

A sneer followed.

A cultivator at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm appeared. She was a woman. Her skin was covered with colorful lines, just like a poisonous snake. She twisted her slender waist like a snake, shuttled through the air, and quickly approached Yun Hao. With Ling Feiyu.

Ling Feiyu snorted coldly, and the flames containing some phoenix pure fire swept out. She held the Emperor Corpse Immortal Sword in her hand and killed the woman. The sword light flashed, and the sharp edge burst out. In the exquisite sword moves, There is a hint of the Immortal Emperor's Sword Dao contained in the Emperor's Corpse Immortal Sword!

In an instant, dense sword energy roared, blocking the woman's charging figure and drowning her. Muffled groans sounded out. This woman was fighting alone. She was obviously no match for Ling Feiyu. She was eaten in the blink of an eye. Not a small loss.

Yun Hao was not idle either. He stepped out using the Secret Immortal Technique of Xingzi. He dodged directly and entered the dense sword energy slashed by Ling Feiyu. Although he and Ling Feiyu had not fought hand in hand for many years, but The two of them still have the same mind and work together very well.


The stone sword slashes violently!

Tai Cang Sword Dao!

The Perfect Immortal Emperor woman with snake and python bloodline immediately displayed a palm-sized fairy flag on her body. This flag was stained with the aura of the Immortal Emperor. There was even a little skin and flesh of a Taoist-level creature in the material of the flag.

But after all, it still couldn't resist Yun Hao's perfect stone sword. With a crash, the fairy flag was torn apart by Yun Hao's stone sword.

The stone sword's edge was unstoppable and continued to strike at the woman's body.

The colorful lines on the surface of her body suddenly spread a layer of strange fairy light, but this layer of fairy light still couldn't stop Yun Hao's stone sword. The fairy light was also like tissue paper, being chopped by the stone sword. open!


A shrill scream came from the woman's mouth. Her chest was slashed by Yun Hao's stone sword, green blood spurted out, and her body was almost split in half and exploded.

She backed away quickly! Want to distance yourself.

But Ling Feiyu's sword also arrived. Infinite immortal light bloomed from the Emperor's Corpse Immortal Sword, and was blessed by the scorching phoenix immortal fire, causing the woman to be seriously injured again. One of her arms was cut off by Ling Feiyu and burned to ashes. .


Zongxian Sword Technique!

Yun Hao stabbed with a sword!

The stone sword penetrated the woman's head!

Yun Hao's wrist holding the sword turned, and the sword edge stirred, strangling the woman's fairy soul!

He grabbed it with his left hand and took away the woman's storage ring.

"Feiyu, let's go!"

Yun Hao was very decisive, shouted loudly, and then continued to evacuate as quickly as possible with Ling Feiyu.

The battle has already taken place, which will inevitably attract more experienced practitioners who have just entered. You must move quickly. If you delay even a little time, you will most likely be besieged!

Once surrounded, it will be even more troublesome than before when it was besieged by Long Guang, Huang Fei, Li Chu, and Qiongqi. After all, now the Pale Hand has expressed its stance and needs to rest and will not try to help anymore... …

The two of them had just evacuated from the battlefield, and it only took them more than ten breaths, when a storm broke out in the world around them.

The storm evolved various killing moves and turned into thousands of sharp blades, slashing at Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu.

Yun Hao snorted coldly, and launched the Ten Thousand Swords Technique with one move. The sword light was infinite, and ten thousand sword energy roared out, disintegrating the killing move transformed by the storm. Not far away, a gorgeous and bright fairy light was rippling, and the fairy light was rippling. Among them, a huge fairy butterfly flapped its wings and exuded a terrifying aura.

"Heaven-Splitting Fairy Butterfly!"

Yun Hao looked solemn and said in a low voice, according to a lot of information he had previously mastered, this Heaven-Splitting Immortal Butterfly was an Immortal Emperor who received the help of many Immortal Emperors at the moment before his death, completing what was equivalent to a rebirth. process, and then turned into this state.

To a certain extent, the foundation of this Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly is the Dao-level foundation!


The Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly made a cold sound, and then, its figure flew up in an instant. The seemingly light butterfly body was incredibly fast, and its wings slashed like the edge of a sword, which was extremely terrifying!

The Emperor's Corpse Immortal Sword in Ling Feiyu's hand met the edge of the wing cut by the Heaven-Splitting Fairy Butterfly. Although the Emperor's Corpse Fairy Sword was equivalent to the Dao-level foundation, Ling Feiyu's power was slightly weaker than that of the Heaven-Splitting Fairy Butterfly. Her body , immediately lost his balance and flew backwards!

Yun Hao's stone sword swept across!

Wenxian Nine Swords, the second sword!

The sword technique, which has a powerful effect of disturbing the immortal heart, has lost its power at this time.

Even though this Sky-Splitting Immortal Butterfly needed to practice again because of its alternative rebirth, and now only had the strength of a perfect immortal emperor, its immortal heart was as solid as a rock, and it was the true will of an immortal emperor, which could not be shaken by the second sword of the Nine Swords of the Immortal!

The wings of the Sky-Splitting Immortal Butterfly vibrated, raising a powerful force, which deviated the trajectory of the stone sword that Yun Hao cut down.


The Sky-Splitting Immortal Butterfly shouted coldly, with a strong disdain in its tone, and then its huge butterfly body turned flexibly in the air, and then pounced on Yun Hao.

Yun Hao's eyes flashed with cold light, and the killing move was released again!

A sword of time!

The power of time, as the sword edge stirred, instantly crushed the explosive power of the Sky-Splitting Immortal Butterfly. The stone sword chopped the wings of the Sky-Splitting Immortal Butterfly with great force, tearing the butterfly wings that were as thin as cicada wings but comparable to top immortal weapons apart.

"How is it possible..."


After all, it is a creature with the foundation of the Dao-level, and the Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly has already reacted. Yun Hao's sword just now was the power of time!

The power of time is also mysterious and supreme for any creature at the Dao-level. The heart of the Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly is extremely horrified!

At this time, Ling Feiyu also came back to kill, and the blazing Phoenix Fairy Fire, as her Emperor Corpse Fairy Sword slashed out, fell on the body of the Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly. The hidden Phoenix Pure Fire power in it instantly burned the butterfly wings of the Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly that were torn by Yun Hao's stone sword!


The Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly, which was reborn from a Dao-level creature, did not dare to fight anymore at this moment, and hurriedly fled to the distance, shouting: "Don't watch the show, these two guys are very weird!"

In an instant, another figure shot out from all directions!

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