God Hongtian

Chapter 2656: The Heart of the Immortal Emperor!

Although Ling Feiyu's injury was not serious, fortunately, Yun Hao had just helped him greatly enhance his Phoenix bloodline, and Yun Hao still had various resources in his hands!

The fairy medicine brought out by Gouzi from the world of primitive creatures!

Also, the storage rings of Huiming and Lei Li, the human Buddhist cultivators, and Yang Zixia, who is in the second stage of the ultimate bloodline, all have a large number of elixirs suitable for the human body. Ling Feiyu can also use these elixirs.

It took half a day for Ling Feiyu's injuries to stabilize and be under control.

The two lingered for a moment.

Click to stop.

No matter how strong the emotions and impulses are, they must be controlled temporarily.

"Husband, please leave here first. My injuries are no longer harmful. I will go out to find you immediately after completing the tasks entrusted by Master." Ling Feiyu said.

Yun Hao frowned slightly and said: "Cangwu Immortal Lord told you to get the Heart of the Immortal Emperor?"

Ling Feiyu shook his head and said: "No, Master doesn't know about this Immortal Emperor's Heart. Master let me in, just to let me sharpen myself and find the immortal fate that will help me practice, including these The creatures from the Exiled Land will appear here, but Master actually doesn’t know.”

"It was only after I killed the creatures in the Exiled Land that I learned about the information about the Heart of the Immortal Emperor."

"Master has already stepped on the threshold of enlightenment, but he stayed in the place of exile, was affected, and has been unable to take that step. Master said before that the old demon of annihilation has been found. A way to regain enlightenment in the land of exile!”

"If the master cannot reach enlightenment before the old demon is destroyed, and after the old demon is destroyed for the second time, the master will have no way to survive. Therefore, no matter what, I have to get this heart of the Immortal Emperor. Leave it to Master!"

Yun Hao looked solemn and said: "According to some of the circumstances I guessed, once you achieve enlightenment in the Exile Land, you will be trapped in the Exile Land forever..."

Ling Feiyu looked shocked and said, "Why?"

Yun Hao told Ling Feiyu in detail some of the information he had deduced.

After listening, Ling Feiyu fell into silence.

"The Immortal Emperor will lose the right to choose when he enters the Exiled Land, or becomes an Immortal Emperor after he attains enlightenment in the Exiled Land..." Ling Feiyu murmured. This news had a big impact on her heart.

This is also normal.

In the eyes of monks of all races, the Immortal Emperor after enlightenment is supreme.

But now, a cruel reality lies before us.

The enlightened Immortal Emperor, in the land of exile, can only be reduced to... a pawn in an unknown and mysterious plan. He has no freedom, no self, and no power to choose his own future path!

This is so subversive.

For a moment, Ling Feiyu didn't know whether he should try to find this Immortal Emperor's Heart, and then take it out and hand it to Cangwu Immortal Lord.

Yun Hao changed the subject and said: "Feiyu, you just said that your Phoenix Immortal Fire is about to evolve into Phoenix Pure Fire. What's going on with Phoenix Pure Fire?"

Yun Hao really didn't know this.

He just clearly sensed that after he greatly strengthened the phoenix bloodline with the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Art, Ling Feiyu's phoenix fairy fire became very pure and its power increased dramatically.

Ling Feiyu came back to his senses and said: "Phoenix Pure Fire is the highest order among Phoenix Immortal Fires. Phoenix Pure Fire is equivalent to the Nirvana Immortal Fire of Xiantong Ancestral Land at the same level."

Yun Hao's eyes suddenly brightened.

The Nirvana Immortal Fire is the second-ranked Immortal Fire among the ten legendary Immortal Fires in the Immortal World!

It is countless times more powerful than Yunhao's Green Lotus Karmic Fire!

And the Phoenix Pure Fire is actually comparable to the Immortal Fire of Nirvana!

Ling Feiyu continued to explain: "Actually, even within the Phoenix Clan, only a handful of top-notch experts know about the Phoenix Purifying Fire. Because the Phoenix Purifying Fire is the fire of life of the Phoenix Clan, it is not among the top ten in the immortal world. Among the rankings of Great Immortal Fire.”

"Since the birth of the Phoenix clan, only the Phoenix ancestor has possessed the Phoenix Pure Fire."

"It was because of the Phoenix Immortal Fire that I possessed a trace of Phoenix Pure Fire qualities that I was valued by countless high-level officials of the Phoenix Clan..."

"Later, the owner of the Xiantong Ancestral Land, who is also the contemporary patriarch of the Phoenix Clan, found me. He used the supreme immortal treasure and combined it with the luck of the Xiantong Ancestral Land to deduce that there might be a Phoenix Pure Fire in the exiled land. some traces of it.”

"Then, I chose to enter this place and worship under Cangwu Immortal Lord."

"Master once said that although my Phoenix Immortal Fire has a trace of the characteristics of the Phoenix Pure Fire, it is countless times more difficult to truly evolve the Phoenix Immortal Fire into the Phoenix Pure Fire than it was for him to attain enlightenment in the Exiled Land. "

"But husband, after you used the Dragon Phoenix Immortal Art to help me strengthen the Phoenix bloodline, the characteristics of my Phoenix Pure Fire were also enhanced. Before, my Phoenix Immortal Fire only had a trace of the Phoenix Pure Fire characteristics. , then at least 10% of the fairy fire has been transformed into Phoenix Pure Fire. "

Yun Hao's eyes flashed and he said: "So, as long as I continue to use the Dragon and Phoenix Immortality Art to help you strengthen your bloodline, your Phoenix Immortal Fire may evolve into Phoenix Pure Fire!"

There was a strong expectation in his heart.

The Phoenix Pure Fire can be compared with the Nirvana Immortal Fire. Only the ancestor of the Phoenix Clan has possessed the Phoenix Pure Fire. If Ling Feiyu can also possess it, there is no doubt that it can greatly enhance Ling Feiyu's strength and improve her standing among the Phoenix Clan. status.

Speaking of this, Ling Feiyu also looked very curious and said: "Husband, the Dragon and Phoenix Immortality Technique has only existed in legends. It is difficult to tell whether it is true or not. How did you get it?"

Yun Hao then briefly recounted his experience in the Yuanchu Black Hole. After listening to it, Ling Feiyu was filled with emotion.

"Fei Yu, what are your plans for the Immortal Emperor's Heart here?" Yun Hao asked.

This will eventually have to be faced. Just now, he just saw that Ling Feiyu's thoughts were confused, so he changed the subject.

Ling Feiyu's thoughts were indeed much clearer, and then he said: "Try to get it first, take it out to Master, and then explain the situation to Master, let Master make his own choice, because I know that Master wants to kill the old demon Juemie very much... Master's mother was killed by the old demon Juemie."

"Over the years, I have been in the exile land, and Master has been very kind to me, protecting my growth, and carefully guiding me in my practice, like a teacher and a father..."

Yun Hao hummed, then nodded, and said: "I will help you!"

The two made a decision, and then went hand in hand, and found the Taotie who was responsible for keeping watch nearby.

Taotie squatted on the ground, looked up and looked into the distance, saying: "If you don't come, I will call you."

Yun Hao looked in the direction Taotie was looking, but he saw nothing and didn't sense anything, so he asked: "What did you find?"

Taotie's tone suddenly became deep, saying: "It's normal that you can't see it, and I can't see it either. It's normal that you can't sense it because the distance is too far, but I once had the honor to follow the elders of the clan and eat a small bite of the heart of the immortal emperor, so I have a deep memory of the taste of the heart of the immortal emperor. As expected, the heart of the immortal emperor has appeared!"

"And, strangely... the taste of the heart of the immortal emperor is getting clearer and clearer!"

"Why do I feel that the heart of the immortal emperor seems to be getting closer and closer to us?"

The next moment.

Yun Hao's right hand suddenly shook, and his arm suddenly raised... his palm opened.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of jumping fiery red light burst out, hitting the center of his right palm without bias!

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