God Hongtian

Chapter 265: Source Stone of Disaster, Blocking the Road

Yun Hao waved his hand casually, and the breeze swept away the dust on the book, and then the book flew in front of him.

Yun Hao opened the book, and there was not much recorded in it. They were all things that could not be identified.

These things were placed in a corner of the royal treasury. Yunhao's eyes flashed, and without looking at the contents recorded in the booklet, he went directly to the area where these unknown things were piled.

His spiritual power spread out, covering a bunch of miscellaneous things.

"Netherworld Heavenly Gold!"

Yun Hao looked a little shocked. He raised his hand and grabbed it. A piece of black metal that was shining with deep light and the size of a fist fell into his hand.

This item is extremely extraordinary and can be used to forge heaven-level weapons and magic weapons.

After observing carefully for a moment, Yun Hao shook his head and said to himself: "The material inside has not been completely transformed, and it will take at least another three thousand years to truly take shape."

He put down this unformed piece of Netherworld Heavenly Gold.

Many natural and earthly treasures need to be polished over time before they can have special functions. Before that step, they are almost useless!

"Red-blooded Suzaku Fruit!"

Yun Hao also found a red crystal the size of a thumb, which is a rare high-level elixir. When the essence and blood of the ancient alien monster Suzaku drips on the red blood spirit vine, there is a very slim chance that it will result. produce this kind of fruit.

After the fruit is ripe, it must be used within three days.

After three days, the Red Blood Suzaku Fruit will condense into crystals and lose all its effectiveness.

Soon, Yun Hao's sight stopped at an irregular oval stone.

Source Stone!

But this is not a common

The source stone of communication!

The surface of the gray-brown stone skin is covered with dense lines and textures. These textures look like layers of waves.

When he was in Liuyun City, Yun Hao's method of identifying source stones was very simple. He could see through it with just one glance whether there was anything inside.

But this piece of Origin Stone is extremely special, completely blocking Yun Hao's prying eyes, and even Yun Hao's mental power cannot invade it.

Yun Hao just took a few more glances, and suddenly felt dizzy. The water-like lines on the surface of the Source Stone seemed to be twisted, turning into a vortex, sucking his sight and mental power!

Yun Hao snorted coldly.

A sharp edge burst out, cutting off the swallowing power that appeared from the source stone, and everything returned to normal.

Yun Hao once again opened the book that recorded unknown things and found information about this source stone.

In the nine hundred and thirty-seventh year of the Qingfeng calendar, Lin Zhenming, the first source master of the dynasty, went to the ancient country of Daxia. He stayed there for ten years and returned with seven mysterious source stones.

Lin Zhenming got help from the royal family and summoned all the source masters in the dynasty to jointly perform the method of opening stones. In one month, disasters came one after another. Lin Zhenming died, and more than half of the source masters in the dynasty died.

Of the seven mysterious Origin Stones, four were damaged due to failure to open the stone, one was left in the custody of the royal family, and two were retrieved by Lin Zhenming's descendants!

Take a look.

Yunhao closed the book.

This happened more than a hundred years ago.

"Dongfang Xiu's mother's name is Lin Qingwan. She is the first source master of the Qingfeng Dynasty. She was born

The family is the Yuanshi family, and they should be the descendants of Lin Zhenming. "Yun Hao muttered to himself.

The third item has been decided, it is this mysterious Origin Stone!

The Source Stone comes from a glorious and glorious era. That era suffered from destruction. In order to continue the fire of civilization, the Source Stone was used to seal up the cultivation methods, natural materials, earthly treasures, etc.

There is even life trapped in the dust!

There is nothing special about the source stone that is just an ordinary thing.

But the Source Stone that has sealed away some of the rarer and more important things has an additional layer of imprisonment from heaven!

In the Source Master world, Source Stones are divided into three categories.

Common Source Stone, Disaster Source Stone, and Forbidden Source Stone.

If you want to identify and open the source stone of disaster, you must have the level of a source earth master. Otherwise, if you cannot withstand the cause and effect of disaster caused by opening the stone, you will be like the tragedy of the Qingfeng Dynasty more than a hundred years ago. There will be huge casualties.

As for the forbidden source stone, it is a more terrifying cause and effect. Without the strength of the Yuan Tianshi, forcibly touching the forbidden source stone will definitely cause casualties that sweep away millions of lives!

In his previous life, Yun Hao had experienced such a terrifying scene.

A guy who had just been promoted to Yuantian Master was so arrogant that he went to contact the forbidden source stone. In one day, disaster enveloped tens of thousands of miles around, and all life died in strange ways.

That area has been a restricted area of ​​life for hundreds of years, and no one dares to enter!

After withdrawing his thoughts, Yunhao put the source of disaster stone in front of him into the storage ring.

Normally, the dust-covered objects in the Source Stone of Disaster are already quite extraordinary and of great value.

To find out what is inside, we have to wait until we leave the royal treasury to prepare a set of special tools to open the stone!

Even if he is as strong as Yun Hao, he cannot be careless about this and must be cautious.

With the three items in hand, Yunhao no longer stayed in the royal treasure house. When he left the treasure house, the old man who seemed to have always lived in the shadows did not appear.

But Yunhao could sense that the old man's eyes were actually staring at him.

It wasn't until Yun Hao was far away from the royal treasure house that the old man's gaze disappeared.

It was already afternoon when we entered the palace.

Chatted with the emperor for a few words and stayed in the treasure house for a while. It was already dark.

"Master Yun."

One of Chu Xinyue's maids was waiting in the distance, and immediately ran over and said: "Her Royal Highness the Princess is temporarily unable to escape from the Queen's side, so she specifically asked the maid to wait here. The princess asked Mr. Yun to return to Qingfeng Martial Academy first. Palace Master When I have time, I will go to Qingfeng Martial Academy to find Young Master Yun in person."

Yun Hao nodded: "I understand."

"Master Yun, do you have something you would like me to convey to Your Highness the Princess?"

Yun Hao: "No need."

"Then this slave will go back and report to Her Highness the Princess first."

After a while.

As Yunhao was about to leave the palace, a group of imperial guards suddenly appeared in front of him!

The armors clashed with each other, and a powerful force swept toward Yun Hao.


A man shouted, his voice loud and powerful.

Yun Hao looked at the imperial guards blocking the road in front of him, his eyes were cold and he said nothing.

"I heard that Qingfeng Wuyuan Yunhao's talent is extraordinary, and he has the ability to catch up with Han Qianshan, and our Imperial Guards

They are all people who want to learn martial arts, so they inevitably want to learn from each other. Yun Hao, you won't refuse, right? "

The leader of the Imperial Guards, whose eyes were as bright as a sharp sword, looked proud and arrogant.

Their deputy commander Huang Yu suffered a big loss in front of Yun Hao, and the Imperial Guards were disgraced. Huang Yu immediately thought of this idea after receiving the news that Yun Hao had entered the palace.

If he comes forward in person, it will be revenge for personal gain and he will be blamed.

Therefore, he asked a group of people under his command to come over and challenge Yun Hao on the grounds of asking for martial arts lessons!

Martial arts were extremely popular in the imperial city, and even the emperor encouraged the Imperial Guards to compete with others to prove their martial arts.

Seeing that Yunhao did not respond.

A group of Imperial Guard soldiers blocking the road laughed contemptuously.

"Why, you don't even dare to spar? This kind of courage is not like that of a man!"

"Martial artist, you should be brave and diligent, overcoming thorns and thorns all the way. Why do you practice martial arts when you look like a coward? Why don't you go back and rely on this pretty face and find a rich woman in the age of tiger and wolf to support you!"

"Hahaha, forget it if you don't dare. It's really boring to beat a weakling!"

They used words to ridicule, belittle Yun Hao, and ridicule Yun Hao.

A cold light burst out in Yun Hao's eyes.

"Huh? Are you angry? Do you want to do something? Very good, then I will come and play with you first!"

A young leader of the Imperial Guard who was at the fifth level of the Golden Core Realm pulled out his long sword with a swish sound, pointed the blade directly at Yun Hao, and said with a ferocious smile: "Three moves will make you kneel on the ground crying for father and mother!"

Yun Hao said calmly: "Don't waste time, let's go together."

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