God Hongtian

Chapter 2649 Cooperation!

Yun Hao's expression became more and more strange.

He stared at the Taotie in front of him and said, "Is your elder brother also in the End Mountain?"

Taotie shook his head and said, "My elder brother comes and goes without a trace. I want to follow my elder brother's footsteps, but my elder brother told me not to worship meows. Meows are just legends."

When mentioning this, Taotie's eyes revealed an extremely fanatical light, saying, "My elder brother has a noble character and is a meow that has escaped from vulgar tastes. When my elder brother went to war, no grass grew. My elder brother waved his cat claws and left without taking away a cloud, leaving only endless legends."

Yun Hao's face showed a helpless expression.

"Where did you meet your elder brother?" Yun Hao asked.

Taotie: "In a dream, I met him in a dream! When I was most confused and helpless, my elder brother entered my dream and illuminated the way forward for me!"

Of course, Yun Hao would not forget that the wild cat had the talent to enter dreams.

So, the wild cat brainwashed the Taotie!

What level is the wild cat at now?

Under normal circumstances, even if the wild cat is a primitive creature, it takes time for the primitive creature to grow, but the wild cat stayed in the valley that belonged to the primitive creatures, and the strength of the wild cat was definitely worth looking forward to.

Because the energy of the immortal medicines that the dog brought out when he entered the valley was extremely exaggerated, and the dog also said that some of the immortal medicines in it were eaten half and discarded half. Obviously, the wild cat's days in it were very moist.

But the wild cat left the valley and is currently missing.

At this time, Yun Hao took back most of the stone tools, but still held the sword in his left hand and the stone spear in his right hand. He stared at Taotie and said, "As long as you tell me where Ling Feiyu is, the contradiction between you and me will be written off!"

Taotie blinked his eyes and said, "I'll take you there!"

Yun Hao's face clearly revealed a strong sense of vigilance again.

Taotie: "Don't worry, I don't want to plot against you. I'm helping you sincerely, because helping you is also helping myself!"

"What do you mean?" Yun Hao asked.

Taotie: "There are so many annoying guys. I want to eat them, but I can't do that because of the constraints. But it's different if you kill them. If you kill them, I will eat them as waste. Isn't that great?"

Yun Hao: "..."

He knew what the constraints Taotie was talking about were.

Before, the human race said that the strong men of all races in the exile land had restrictions on Taotie and were not allowed to devour them at will.

Experiencers, you can fight each other! But you can't kill!

Taotie chuckled and said, "This is called, if the mountain doesn't move, the water will move. The smart Taotie will not be bound by the rules. Of course, thanks to my elder brother, he opened the light of wisdom for me. My elder brother told me that I should use my brain more in everything I do!"

No doubt.

Taotie's worship of wild cats has risen to an incredible height. As long as the word elder brother is mentioned, the light in Taotie's eyes is fanatical.

"If you are worried that I will cheat you, it's very simple. I can swear that if I do that, my elder brother will not be able to eat dried fish for the next hundred years!"

Taotie swore solemnly in a very serious tone.

Yun Hao: "..."

"Lead the way!"


Taotie immediately agreed, and then started to move happily. After taking a few steps, he turned his head and said, "Don't use that stone sword and stone spear to stab me in the back while I'm in front!"

Yun Hao nodded: "As long as you don't play tricks, I promise to let you eat enough!"

When it comes to eating, Taotie's eyes light up, and the speed of leading Yun Hao is much faster.

"Yun Hao, what is your dream?" Taotie, who was leading the way in front, asked.

Yun Hao: "..."

Taotie: "My elder brother came into my dream and asked me the first question, which was this."

"Originally, my dream was to eat, eat, eat...eat non-stop!"

"But after my elder brother's guidance, I realized that I should not only eat more, but also eat selectively. I can't eat everything. Eating randomly is a great disrespect for eating!"

"If I can't even respect my own dream, then this dream is meaningless. What's the difference between me and a salted fish?"

Yun Hao was silent, feeling emotional in his heart. The wild cat's deception skills soared!

It's not easy to fool a legendary extremely ferocious Taotie like this!

"Yun Hao, if there is a chance, I will introduce my elder brother to you. Believe me, as long as you have come into contact with my elder brother, you will definitely be conquered by his meow charm!"

This time, Yun Hao responded very seriously and said, "Okay!"

Just then.

Taotie suddenly roared.

The breath burst out!

The body pounced fiercely!


A huge explosion caused a violent wave of air, and a deep pit was blown out of the ground of the End Mountain. In the deep pit, a strange beast was already bloody and its original appearance could not be seen.

Taotie held down the strange beast with its two front paws.

"Taotie, you..."

The strange beast suppressed by Taotie roared.

Taotie pawed down again, smashing most of the strange beast's head. Then he jumped out of the deep pit, looked at Yun Hao, and said, "It's your turn!"

Yun Hao's eyes flashed, and the stone spear in his hand shot out with terrifying piercing power. A sharp whistling sound followed. The power of the stone spear directly shot the immortal soul of the strange beast that was seriously injured by Taotie.

Taotie stood on the edge of the pit, smiled, then opened his bloody mouth and swallowed the newly dead beast below.

Yun Hao withdrew the stone spear, looked at the Tao Xi who was still devouring it, and said, "You'd better not think of using me to help you devouring these things."

Taotie did not respond until he had completely devoured it, then turned to look at Yun Hao: "Eldest brother said, you don't talk when you eat, and you don't talk when you sleep, so I couldn't speak just now."

"Don't worry, I won't lie to you or take advantage of you. We are now cooperating. Only by being honest with each other can we win-win. Although this guy is not capable of killing Ling Feiyu, he is of violent blood lion blood. Violent Blood The lion bloodline is respected by the golden lion, and the golden lion surrounded and killed Ling Feiyu before, right? "

While talking.

The wounds on Taotie's body that were struck by Yun Hao with stone tools were nourished by the devoured energy and began to heal quickly. Then, Taotie's paws suddenly took out a huge silk scarf, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said: "Big brother said Now, life must have a sense of ritual!”

"Let's keep going!"

Along the way.

As long as Taotie encounters other creatures, he will pounce on them without saying a word.


Then let Yun Hao add a killing move!

Then Taotie devoured it to his heart's content!

It perfectly avoids the constraints imposed by the rules.

However, Yun Hao did not completely act as Taotie's thug. Taotie devoured the energy, blood and immortal power, while Yun Hao gained one storage ring after another.

"Brother, look, I was right, cooperation is a win-win situation!"

Taotie had just swallowed a creature with strong energy and blood, and the aura on his body suddenly shook, and he broke through to the ninth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm!

A pair of big eyes stared straight at Yun Hao and said: "In order to make the next cooperation more pleasant, brother, please give me those storage rings. I am stronger, so I can kill more!"

Yun Hao hummed, and opened his palms, with storage rings in his palms. But at this moment, his aura suddenly exploded, breaking through to the third level of the Sixth Revolution of the Solitary Way!

Previously, after killing Lei Li, Lei Li's storage ring contained a large number of elixirs and elixirs suitable for human physiques, and Yunhao also had some elixirs that Gouzi had brought from the valley before.

Yun Hao is always running the Weapon Way technique to refine the energy of these elixirs and elixirs.

"Give you these stone tools too?"

A pile of stone tools appeared next to Yun Hao.

Taotie looked away at Yun Hao and said calmly: "I think it's not necessary... Big brother, you and I should not be so polite and appear to be aloof!"

at this time.


Not far from Yunhao and the others, a fierce battle storm broke out.

Vaguely, Yun Hao heard a loud phoenix cry!

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