God Hongtian

Chapter 1644 The Ultimate Human Bloodline?

After Yunhao left the world belonging to primitive creatures, he sensed the signal sent by the phoenix-shaped fairy jade as soon as he came out. But before he could find Ling Feiyu, the signal was interrupted again.

Every time this feeling disappears, it basically means that Ling Feiyu is in trouble and is fighting with the enemy.

His mind became more and more urgent, and he still rushed in the direction pointed before the induction disappeared.

after one day.

Yunhao arrived at a ruined place.

Fierce fighting took place here, and all the traces on the battlefield were obviously freshly left.

He picked up a piece of shattered immortal weapons from the ruins of the battlefield.

These are the immortal weapons that contain the aura of the Immortal Emperor, and they were all shattered!

Yun Hao's expression became more solemn. This type of immortal weapon belonged exclusively to the descendants of the Immortal Emperor in the exiled land. Some of the guys Yun Hao fought against before had complete stone tools, but they all had this kind of immortal weapon. A super immortal weapon with an imperial aura.

He discarded the fragments of the immortal weapon in his hand, and then with a flash of his body, he found a burned-out phoenix fairy feather from a huge charred pit that collapsed from the ground.

"This is the aura of Senior Fengjing!"

Yunhao immediately made a judgment.

"Could it be that Senior Fengjing has already joined Feiyu?"

This speculation still did not relax Yun Hao's tight heartstrings, because Feng Jing had always been seriously injured and could not even display 30% of his seventh-level Immortal Realm strength.

What's more important is that even if Fengjing endures his injuries and fights, he won't be able to last long. Even if he and Ling Feiyu have reunited, what he can do to help Ling Feiyu is very limited. It is even very possible that he will not be able to help Ling Feiyu. Rainfall caused a drag.

Yun Hao continued to try to find some traces in this battlefield.

Soon, he discovered a pure white stone!

"This is not a fragment of a stone tool!"

"It's not like those ordinary stones in the Land of Exile!"

"It contains a hint of dragon energy, and the huge footprints around it should be the teeth of the ancient dragon elephant that the woman from the esophageal spider clan mentioned before when she gave her explanation!"

"The Ancient Dragon Elephant is also one of the top powerful clans among the clans in the Exiled Land!"

"This piece of ivory was obviously chopped off by a sharp blade. Senior Fengjing doesn't practice swordsmanship. Could it be... that it's Feiyu's sword?"

Yunhao was still searching for traces left on the battlefield, wanting to confirm more things. Soon, he found a bunch of hair from the nine-tailed fox and the blood dripping from the golden lion.

After a while.

Yun Hao finally found a broken phoenix feather here. It was completely different from the one in Fengjing. The remaining aura in this phoenix feather belonged to... Ling Feiyu!


Ling Feiyu and Feng Jing reunited.

But they're in big trouble!

"The ancient dragon elephant, the nine-tailed fox, and the golden lion are all races with extremely exaggerated bloodline talents. Fengjing is seriously injured, and Feiyu has to fight those three guys on his own..."

Yun Hao's eyes were covered with fine bloodshot eyes.

As long as he confirms these, he can continue to look for the phoenix-shaped fairy jade even if it no longer senses it!

Along the way, he looked for the ancient dragon elephant, the nine-tailed fairy fox, the golden lion, as well as the traces left by Feng Jing and Ling Feiyu, the two sides chasing and fighting!

Another half day passed.

Yun Hao found a large number of Phoenix bones in a newly discovered place where a battle took place!

The broken Phoenix bones were scattered everywhere.

The good news is that these broken phoenix bones do not belong to Ling Feiyu.

It’s from Fengjing!

But it also means that Fengjing was completely beaten. He may be dead, or he may only have a remnant of his soul.

The situation is already very serious!

Just when Yun Hao was about to continue leaving.

Suddenly, a whistling sound sounded in his ears.

A spear shot out.

The spear was tainted with the strong aura of the Immortal Emperor.

Seeing that the spear was about to penetrate Yun Hao's body.

The spear suddenly trembled slightly!

Yun Hao's Secret Immortal Technique of Bing Zi interfered with the power contained in the spear. Then, he stepped on the Secret Immortal Technique of Xing Zi and moved sideways in an instant.


The spear then landed where Yun Hao was originally, and the ground with a radius of tens of thousands of feet was directly annihilated, turning into a shocking huge pit.

Immediately afterwards.

The spear flew out of the pit again and fell into the hands of a human man.

There was a lightning-like purple mark on this human man's forehead. He stared at Yun Hao, raised the corners of his mouth, and said, "Interesting, if you can avoid my attack, you are considered to be quite capable."

Yun Hao stared at this human man.

Cultivation at the seventh level of the Immortal Emperor Realm!

But compared to the previous Buddhist cultivator Huiming, who was at the eighth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, this person's aura was stronger, and he was obviously more talented.

He had previously learned from the woman from the Eating Spider Clan that among the many Immortal Emperors in the Exiled Land, the human race had the largest number of Immortal Emperors, and the human race's Immortal Emperors had great say here.

The power of the human race is the main force in the Exiled Land!

"You and I are both human beings, so why bother killing each other!" Yun Hao said with a solemn expression. Now, he doesn't want to cause trouble, he just hopes to find Ling Feiyu as soon as possible.

But the human man with a lightning mark on his forehead sneered and said, "Although you are also a human, you are just a low-level bloodline born in accordance with the change of eras. I am not the same as you. What I have is the purest and most powerful ultimate human bloodline!"

"Boy, don't hide it. I already know your information very well!"

"Your name is Yun Hao!"

"You have a stone flute that can control the undead, but the summoning of the undead takes time. I won't give you this opportunity!"

"But I may not really want to kill you!"

"As long as you hand over the flawless stone sword and the skeleton undead transformed from the original creature, I will give you a way to live, and even accept your loyalty and introduce you. One day, maybe you can also get the most perfect ultimate human bloodline like me!"

Yun Hao frowned.

The most perfect ultimate human bloodline?

A trace of disdain suddenly appeared on his face.

The blood of the human race is born weak, but the human race has become the most influential group in the fairy world.

Because the blood of the human race has almost unlimited growth potential!

There is no most perfect!

Only more perfect!

Since the other party has such an attitude, Yun Hao does not need to waste time with him. The stone sword that is no longer a secret instantly appears in his hand, and the sword tip points to this person.

Use actions to directly show the attitude!

The human man sneered repeatedly, and his face was also full of contempt. He said: "You really don't cry until you see the coffin. In this case, I will let you know how powerful the most perfect ultimate human blood is!"

"You will regret your stupid decision soon!"

The next moment, the lightning mark at his forehead suddenly burst out with endless thunder and fairy power, which turned into a thunder and fairy armor on his body, and the spear in his hand was also surrounded by terrifying lightning.

Mighty and violent!

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