God Hongtian

Chapter 2642: Magical Medicine in the Valley!

On both sides of the valley, there is a stone statue of a giant dog, the prototype of Gouzi, and another stone statue towering at the entrance of the valley is a cat.

With the wild cat...

So similar!

Here, it’s related to primitive creatures!

Stone statues of giant dogs and fat cats guard this place.

Is it a coincidence?


The bloodline of the wild cat is also related to primitive creatures?

Yun Hao's eyes suddenly condensed.

He discovered that there seemed to be something above the head of the big fat cat statue.

"Uncle Yun!"

Yaya also noticed something was wrong with Yun Hao and called softly.

Yun Hao came to his senses.

"I'll go up and have a look!"

The next moment.

He flew up.

In an instant, we arrived at the top of the huge stone statue of the fat cat.

I actually saw it...

Some bones!

fish bone!

Moreover, next to the fish bones, there were actually dried small fish placed in the sun!

"The wild cat is here!"


Yun Hao had an extremely certain judgment in his heart!

Cats eat fish, that’s normal.

There might be other creatures similar to the wild cats here.

However, he was certain that these small dried fish were dried by Huang Mao.

Because Huang Mao always likes to arrange the dried fish neatly, and then arrange them into the pattern of a big-faced cat.

What Yun Hao saw in front of him was completely consistent with Huang Mao's habits.

He even pictured the wild cat lying on it, taking a nap, waiting for the fish to dry in the sun!

The wild cat has actually left the Haotian world he created!

The wild cat also came to the fairy world!

The wild cat has been to the Exiled Land! Been to this valley!

Moreover, even if Huang Mao leaves now, he will definitely come back. Yunhao is too familiar with Huang Mao. If Huang Mao leaves for a long time, he will never leave these dried fish behind!

Yun Hao raised his hand and grabbed it.

He wanted to be more sure.

From these small dried fish, try to extract the scent of the wild cat.

But his power couldn't touch the huge fat cat stone statue. There was some kind of special aura in the fat cat stone statue. With a slight swing, Yun Hao's power was destroyed.

Gouzi also took Yaya with him and soared into the sky.

"Master, let me try!"

The dog immediately pounced over and landed directly on the head of the fat cat statue. He used his paws to pick up the small dried fish, and then flew back to Yun Hao with a few small dried fish.

Yunhao took the dried fish.

His breathing was rapid.


The scent remaining on the dried fish was all too familiar to him.

The wild cat is really here!

After a while.

Yunhao then took Gouzi and Yaya and fell back to the ground.

Huangmao was obviously not here for the time being, but the dried fish was still there. Huangmao would definitely come back. He looked at Gouzi and said, "Go in!"

Let’s go into the valley first and see what’s going on!

Gouzi hummed.

Rush into the valley immediately.

But a strange scene happened again.

The entrance to the valley was obviously empty and dogs could enter, but Yunhao and Yaya were... blocked!

There seemed to be an invisible barrier in front of them.

Gouzi turned his head: "Master, Sister Yaya, what's wrong?"

Yun Hao's eyes flickered and he said: "Only you can enter this place. You go in first. We will wait for you outside."

Gouzi: "Okay!"

The next moment, Gouzi's figure rushed into the depths of the valley and disappeared from the sight of Yun Hao and Yaya.

Yaya blinked, looked at the giant dog stone statue, then looked at the fat cat stone statue, and said, "Uncle Yun, do you know this big cat?"

Yunhao nodded.

When he was in the secular world, the wild cat had always been by his side.

Later, when he entered the God Realm, Huangmao accompanied him and experienced countless dangers.

Later, when he entered the immortal world, Huang Mao failed to come with him. Yun Hao even thought that Huang Mao's bloodline had reached the limit and could not ascend to immortality. But now, this surprise really made it difficult for Yun Hao to calm down.

"Uncle Yun, who is better behaved, the big cat or the dog?" Yaya was very curious.

A smile appeared on Yun Hao's face and he said: "They are all well-behaved."

Yaya muttered: "But, I feel that the big cat should be more naughty..."

Yun Hao: "How can you see it?"

Yaya pointed at the giant dog stone statue.

"The owner has been staring at the big cat stone statue just now, and the dog just wanted to get into the valley as soon as possible, so you didn't notice that there was a picture of a big cat painted on the head of the giant dog stone statue."

Yun Hao: "..."

He flew up again.

Sure enough, I saw a cat face pattern.

What a shame!

Yunhao was speechless for a while.

Fortunately, the dog didn't see it.

Otherwise, there will be conflicts before we even meet...

at this time.

The dog that entered the valley suddenly rushed out.

“Master, you eat this!


Gouzi brought out a blood-red fruit.

The blood-colored light flowing inside the fruit was extremely pure. Yun Hao just glanced at it and felt that the blood and energy were surging rapidly throughout his body.

"Sister Yaya, this is for you!"

Gouzi gave Yaya another fairy grass.

This fairy grass is green and contains rich life energy.

"I'll go in and have a look!"

Gouzi dropped these words, full of motivation, and rushed into the valley again.

Yaya looked serious and said in an extremely affirmative tone: "Uncle Yun... Gouzi is definitely more obedient than the big cat!"

Then, Yaya swallowed the green fairy grass.

The next moment, Yaya's Wanbao fairy body glowed and became more and more brilliant.

Yun Hao also swallowed the blood-colored fairy fruit brought by Gouzi. In an instant, the surging energy dissolved in his body, but this energy seemed extremely gentle, strengthening Yun Hao's body and blood at an incredible speed.

A little half a day passed.

Yaya has not yet absorbed all the energy of the fairy grass.

But Yun Hao has completely refined the energy of the fairy fruit, and his blood is 10% stronger than before!

The physical strength and vitality have been greatly improved.

At this time.

Gouzi rushed out again.

"Master, there are more!"

Gouzi waved his bone claws, and suddenly, a pile of fairy medicines emitting pure energy fluctuations were placed in front of Yun Hao.

"Master, I'll go in and look for it again!" Gouzi said.

Yun Hao: "Wait, what's going on inside?"

Gouzi: "There are so many immortal medicines, and there's no danger... So I quickly took some out and gave them to the master and Sister Yaya!"

Yun Hao smiled helplessly and said, "Didn't you find anything useful when you went in?"

Gouzi: "It seems so. I'll talk about it later. I'll go in and get some more!"

After that, Gouzi went back into the valley.

Yun Hao then swallowed a white fairy flower that exuded a fresh fragrance. It tasted sweet and had a cool medicinal property. Yun Hao's pseudo-primordial immortal power became more solid and more powerful!

It didn't take long for Gouzi to come out.

This time, nothing was found.

"Master, it's no good. There's a mysterious will inside that won't allow me to take anything out anymore..."

Yun Hao's eyes flashed.

Mysterious will?

Could it be a powerful existence among the primitive creatures?

Then, Gouzi complained again: "Master, I found some immortal medicines inside. I ate half and threw away half. There were also many cat paw prints."

Yun Hao: "..."

This is the style of wild cats!

Then, he patted the dog and said, "Since you can't take it out, go in quickly, go and figure out your affairs, and try to rebuild your flesh and blood body!"

"Yes! Master!"

The dog went back into the valley.

And Yun Hao continued to refine the immortal medicines that the dog brought out.

A few hours later.


A strong breath burst out from Yun Hao.


The sixth turn of the only way, the second level!

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