God Hongtian

Chapter 2635 Thousand-Handed Arhat!

This fairy jade has a sense.

Yun Hao was excited, but also nervous!

Ling Feiyu needs help!

It means that her situation is not optimistic and she is in big trouble.

Yun Hao made a prompt decision and set off directly, following the sense of the fairy jade.

Although Feng Jing's condition is bad, he is a seventh-level fairy after all. He also carries a specially refined fairy pill that can be used for healing. He will soon be able to recover a certain combat power, so he naturally cannot fall behind.

The sense from the fairy jade lasted for a whole day before disappearing.

After the sense disappeared, Yun Hao stopped.

He looked around with a frown. Throughout the day, the sensed position he got from the fairy jade has been moving at a very fast speed, and along the way, he has found traces of fighting in many places.

Obviously, Ling Feiyu has indeed encountered big trouble. She is fighting, moving, and waiting for reinforcements.

Now the sense has disappeared... Yun Hao is in a very heavy mood.

He dare not think too much!

I just hope it is not the worst result!

After searching all the way, I finally found this place. It's not far away.


Don't get into trouble!

"Fei Yu, wait for me, I'm almost there, I must hold on!" Yun Hao said in his heart.

But at this moment.


"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

Figures rushed over and surrounded Yun Hao and his team.

"Finally found it!"

"Sure enough, he is in the same group with Ling Feiyu!"

"Ling Feiyu appeared here before, and you came here right after!"

"Little bastard, you dared to plot against us before, and also stole our stone tools. Now, this account should be settled!"

The group of immortal emperors who besieged Feng Jing before showed anger and cruelty on their faces, wishing to skin Yun Hao and pull out his tendons immediately!

At this time, Feng Jing instantly transformed into a phoenix body, surrounded by immortal fire!

"I can burst out for a moment now, I will try to kill a way out, you break through!" Feng Jing sent a message to Yun Hao with mental power.

The next moment.

Feng Jing's power exploded, and he took the initiative to launch a fierce attack. Groups of Phoenix fairy fire turned into rounds of fiery red suns, rumbling down.


Pieces of light from the fairy soldiers bloomed. Even though three of the descendants of the fairy emperor in the exile land had their stone tools taken away by Yun Hao, they still had treasures and joined forces to resist Feng Jing's attack.

Yun Hao did not hesitate, he took the dog and wanted to escape.

"Want to leave? Wishful thinking!"

A loud shout sounded.

A figure burst out and killed Yun Hao.

"Shua shua shua!"

In an instant, some bones fell off the dog's body and turned into "sword bones". He used crazy swordsmanship to launch a fierce attack on the fairy emperor creature that came to kill him, chopping it to bleed continuously and its body flew backwards.

But then, several more figures came to kill him.

"Master, shoot them to death!"

The dog shouted.

Another part of the bone fell off and turned into a 'bone arrow'. Yun Hao took out the immortal bow made of the torso of the immortal emperor of the Kuimu tribe without hesitation and put on the dog's 'bone arrow'.

As Chu Feng pulled the bowstring, the fingers holding the bowstring loosened, and the bone arrows shot out in an instant.

A sharp whistling sound was heard, and the terrifying piercing force burst out. These bone arrows blocked the creatures of the Immortal Emperor Realm who rushed over one after another.

"Master, continue!"

Several more bones of the dog fell and turned into 'bone arrows'.

Chu Feng fired three arrows at the same time!

A creature of the seventh level of the Immortal Emperor Realm was annihilated under such an attack by Chu Feng!

"Thousand-handed Arhat!"

A loud shout sounded.

A golden body of Arhat tens of thousands of feet long appeared in the sky and earth. This Arhat golden body had thousands of arms on its body. Each arm pinched the Buddhist seal method and played all kinds of golden Buddhist magical skills, rumbling towards Yun Hao.

This is the Buddhist cultivator named Huiming from the human race.

This person is at the eighth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm.

At this time.

Yun Hao had no time to shoot the dog's 'bone arrow' again!

He instantly stepped on the secret immortal technique of the character "行", and his figure flashed.

But the magical skills of the various Buddhist sects, like maggots on the tarsal bones, locked his figure and followed him.

Yun Hao's aura suddenly burst out, and the pseudo-primordial immortal power of the only way of my way rippled. He resonated with this piece of heaven and earth, and merged with all kinds of auras. Only then did he get rid of the lock and successfully avoid the various Buddhist magical powers displayed by the Thousand-Handed Arhat Golden Body!

The remaining four 'bone arrows' were then placed on the drawn bowstring, and the four 'bone arrows' burst out and pierced through the Thousand-Handed Arhat Golden Body!

"Boom boom!"

The Arhat Golden Body, which was tens of thousands of feet high, collapsed and annihilated!

"Without that bone arrow, what else can you do?"

"Give me back my stone pestle!"

Human Buddhist Huiming shouted angrily, stepping on the golden Buddha light, and endless Sanskrit lingering all over his body.

"Want to go back!"

"Then give it to you!"

Yun Hao shouted.

The stone pestle suddenly appeared in his right hand and was thrown out suddenly.

The stone pestle hit Huiming, the human Buddhist cultivator.

Huiming snorted coldly. Although he suspected that there was something wrong, he treated it with caution and did not touch the stone pestle with his flesh. Instead, he condensed the golden Sanskrit into a handprint, trying to take the stone pestle back.

But the moment his golden Sanskrit handprint touched the stone pestle, an extremely violent pale air suddenly burst out from the stone pestle!


Huiming's golden Sanskrit handprint exploded directly.

The stone pestle continued to smash Huiming with unabated force.

Huiming's heart trembled.

The power of the stone pestle in his hand was not as strong as the power stimulated by Yun Hao...

He was full of disbelief!

In a hurry, Huiming's hands formed Buddhist seals, and his skin turned golden!

The stone pestle, which burst out with fierce power, hit Huiming hard, shattering the golden light on Huiming's body. Huiming's body lost balance and flew backwards, with blood gushing out of his mouth and nose.

It was at this time.

Feng Jing, who was still forcibly exploding while being besieged by a group of immortal emperor creatures, reluctantly threw out a ball of phoenix fairy fire to reinforce Yun Hao. This ball of phoenix fairy fire fell on Hui Ming, who was knocked away by Yun Hao, and burned most of Hui Ming's body.

Yun Hao stepped on the secret immortal art of the character "Xing", chased after him, and took back the stone pestle. He held the stone pestle in his right hand and suddenly chiseled it, and directly smashed the remaining half of Hui Ming's body!

Hui Ming, die!

Yun Hao grabbed Hui Ming's storage ring, and his figure flashed and flew back to Gou Zi's side.

"Master, shoot again!"

Gou Zi was not afraid at all when fighting.

Most of his bones turned into "sword bones", and he used crazy swordsmanship to fight fiercely with several immortal emperor creatures.

He separated "bone arrows" one after another, allowing Yun Hao to shoot the enemy. At this moment, Gou Zi separated four "bone arrows" again, and it only had one head left.

Yaya was very distressed and quickly held the dog's skull in her arms.

Yun Hao opened the bow again!

Four arrows were shot in a row!

Killed another creature of the fifth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm and seriously injured a creature of the sixth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm!

Finally, a way out was found!

Enduring the pain of the injury, Feng Jing shouted in the fierce battle with explosive power: "Don't worry about me, you retreat first!"

After that, he burned the monstrous fairy fire again and fought with a group of creatures in the Immortal Emperor Realm to win a chance for Yun Hao.

This was not the time to act on impulse. Yun Hao took a deep breath and immediately took Yaya, who was holding the dog's skull, and rushed out of the battlefield at the fastest speed!

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