God Hongtian

Chapter 2633: Come to the rescue!

Through the elixirs in those mysterious guys' storage rings, Yun Hao achieved a breakthrough in his cultivation level in just two days.

The fifth level of the Way of Only Self, the ninth level!

Moreover, he still has a lot of special elixirs in his hand. Yunhao is confident that he can reach the six-turn realm of the only way in a short time.

And in these two days.

Gouzi sensed that mysterious call more frequently, and the sense became clearer.


The area they were in was no longer peaceful.


A huge explosion erupted.

Yun Hao looked towards the direction where the movement was coming from. Originally, the best thing to do now was to stay away from these areas where there was a high possibility of fighting.

But he was worried, what if Ling Feiyu was there?

Therefore, Yunhao left Gouzi behind and asked Gouzi to take care of Yaya.

"Master, take this with you!"

Every bone fell off Gouzi's body and turned into ten 'bone arrows'.

Even if part of a dog's bones is missing, it can still grow back.

Yunhao has figured out something. The origin of Gouzi is contained in the skull.

As long as the skull is not damaged, it's not a big problem.

These ten 'bone arrows' are of great use to Yun Hao. They can stimulate the power of that immortal bow and explode with powerful lethality.

He was alone, carrying the ten 'bone arrows' that Gouzi had fallen off, following the sensed battle direction, and quietly sneaked closer.

On the way, Yunhao used the stone flute to summon the spirits of the dead.

It didn't take long.

Yunhao came to the edge of the battlefield.

He placed the undead not far away and did not let the undead get close.

Due to the rush this time, there were only more than 300 undead, and it was difficult to hide these undead. If they were too close to the battlefield, they would be exposed and discovered immediately.

Yun Hao didn't want to be discovered before he had a clear idea of ​​the situation on the battlefield.

If there is no one he cares about in the battlefield, he will turn around and leave immediately.

After a while, Yun Hao finally saw the appearance of the battlefield.

It turned out to be... Feng Jing!

The confidant of Cangwu Immortal Lord!

A strong man at the seventh level of Immortal Realm.

But at this moment, Feng Jing was in a very bad state. He had transformed into his true form, but the Phoenix body was already covered with scars.

The phoenix fairy feathers no longer shine brightly and look extremely dim. Even the phoenix fairy fire has lost a lot of its power.

At this time, Feng Jing was in a desperate situation.

But it was a group of Immortal Emperor Realm monks who put Fengjing in such a situation.

Yun Hao could see that the relatively serious wounds on Feng Jing's body clearly still contained the unique power fluctuations of the Black Phoenix.

It is estimated that the two immortals who fought against the Black Phoenix camp in Fengjing were seriously injured and their combat power plummeted.

A group of Immortal Emperor Realm monks are besieging Fengjing.

Among them, there are guys from the Phoenix tribe, who did not enter here with them. Apparently, they are descendants of the Immortal Emperor of the Phoenix tribe who came from the depths of the Exiled Land and joined the mysterious and unknown plan.

Their magical moves are very special, and these inheritances are the result of their cultivation in the past immortal world era.

Moreover, they either control complete stone tools or use powerful immortal weapons that are completely unaffected by the Exiled Land. Although their coordination is not very good, there is no doubt that the lethality they unleash is extremely exaggerated.

Yun Hao did not reveal his aura, he was observing the battle situation.

If you rush into the war, you will only bring endless disasters to yourself.

The power he possesses now cannot change the situation of the battle.

Phoenix feathers and phoenix blood splashed in the air. Feng Jing, the dignified seventh-level immortal, was in an extremely embarrassed state.

With a swish sound, a sword with a cold aura struck Feng Jing's body, opening a hideous wound.

Immediately afterwards, a man rushed forward, his body suddenly transformed into a colorful tiger, and let out a deafening tiger roar!

Feng Jing's phoenix wings lifted the huge colorful tiger away, but in the blink of an eye, several more stone tools crashed into Feng Jing.

Feng Jing's phoenix body was hit by the power of the stone tool. Although he withstood most of the damage, the wounds on his body were involved, and a large amount of phoenix blood spurted out.

The next moment.

The already dim fairy light on Feng Jing's body suddenly surged.

His weak breath also burst out suddenly.

At this moment, the Phoenix Clan Immortal Emperor Realm man who was besieging Fengjing also transformed into the Phoenix body, let out a loud cry, and a drop of blood spurted out from his mouth.

This drop of essence and blood contains terrifying energy, and the power of the burning flames far exceeds the phoenix fairy fire on Feng Jing's body.

"Immortal Emperor Essence and Blood!"

In the dark, Yun Hao stared at this scene and exclaimed in his heart.

That was a drop of the blood essence of the Immortal Emperor of the Phoenix Clan.

In this place of exile, Immortal Emperors from the Immortal World Era are gathered together. There are too many Immortal Emperors here.

For example, the Immortal Emperor of the Kuimu tribe took off a section of his body and made it into an immortal bow for use by his descendants, Mulan.

Right now, this Phoenix Clan's Perfection Realm Immortal Emperor actually carries a drop of the Phoenix Clan's Immortal Emperor's essence and blood.

The Immortal Emperor's essence and blood burned, the Immortal Fire swept across, and the power of destroying the world exploded, destroying everything, and directly dissipated the power brought by Feng Jing's secret technique!

A shrill scream came from Feng Jing's mouth, and the huge Phoenix body was burned to extremely serious injuries. All its fairy feathers were lost, its whole body was charred, and it fell towards the ground.

But even so.

The moment he landed, Feng Jing once again burst out with determination, and an aura of destruction filled the air from him.


At this moment, a stone pestle flew out and hung above Feng Jing's body. A pale aura fell from the stone pestle, forcibly suppressing Feng Jing!

"This old guy wants to self-destruct. Help me to suppress him. As long as this strength of his is used up, he won't be able to do it even if he self-destructs!"

The one shouting was a human race man.

This is a Buddhist!

Wearing a gray monk's robe, he made Buddha seals with his hands, and chanted Buddhist sutras. The sound of chanting sutras turned into dense Sanskrit manifestations, stimulating the power of the stone pestle.

The other Immortal Emperor Realm monks from all races immediately cooperated with this human Buddhist man and each performed the Immortal Technique to seal the town, not giving Feng Jing a chance to self-destruct.

Feng Jing's aura was still boiling, but the guys he faced all had mysterious and powerful fairy gem weapons. The power he wanted to self-destruct had been stuck at a critical point and could not explode at all.


"Where is that Ling Feiyu!"

"Tell her the truth!"

Loud shouts sounded.

Feng Jing, who was suppressed by a large number of stone tools and immortal treasures, remained silent without saying a word, still holding on. He was still trying to break through these blockades and completely detonate his power.

But no matter how hard Feng Jing struggled, it was to no avail.

And this group of Immortal Emperor Realm guys also seemed to be struggling.

The situation has reached a stalemate!

"Hold on! He can't hold on for long! When his energy and energy are exhausted, you can just beat his immortal soul!"

The man with the cultivation level of the Perfection Realm Immortal Emperor of the Phoenix Clan shouted loudly.


In Yunhao's hand, he had already caught the 'bone arrow' turned from Gouzi's bones.

He adjusted his breathing and calmed himself down.

These guys have come into contact with Ling Feiyu!

They are interrogating Feng Jing and want to know the whereabouts of Ling Feiyu!

At this moment, Yun Hao could no longer remain indifferent.

Even if the risk is high, we still have to take action!

Fortunately, this is an opportunity!

Fengjing's power and the power of these guys formed a stalemate and a stalemate!

Silently, the 'bone arrow' in Yun Hao's hand was already placed on the bow, and he pulled out the bowstring!

Then let go of your fingers!

In an instant, the 'bone arrow' shot out.

Seven shots at a time!

The seven 'bone arrows' dragged out seven crystal clear torrents of fairy light, locking on the seven Immortal Emperor Realm monks who were besieging Fengjing!

This sudden attack and killing.

These guys who were trying their best to seal off Fengjing were caught off guard.

When they discovered these 'bone arrows', the bone arrows were already near them!

Their eyes widened.

There were roars one after another.

They could only cast some simple defensive spells in a hurry and... dodge as much as possible.

A series of roars erupted!

Their formation was completely disrupted!

At the same time, Feng Jing's power that was about to explode suddenly withdrew part of it, and he exploded with all his strength, killing two Immortal Emperors in an instant!

And Yun Hao, using the secret magic of Xingzi, flew over. Taking advantage of the chaos, he grabbed his right hand and with his pale hands, he forcibly collected the stone pestle and the other two stone tools.

"Senior Fengjing! Follow me!"

Yunhao shouted.

At this time, Fengjing was at the end of his strength.

The moment he saw Yun Hao, he was actually very shocked.

He never expected that at this juncture, it would be Yun Hao who came to save him.

Now Fengjing had no choice but to follow Yun Hao immediately.

"kill him!"

"My stone pestle!"

"My stone throwing knife!"

"My stone beads!"

Especially the three guys who had the stone tools taken away by Yun Hao were the most crazy.

Yunhao took Feng Jingyu and wanted to escape.

But behind him, terrifying power roared, and terrifying spells and killing moves came.

Feng Jing let out a low roar and exploded with all his remaining strength. He turned around suddenly and defeated the spells that contained terrifying lethality.

Taking this opportunity, Yun Hao drew the bowstring again.

The remaining three 'bone arrows' were released and shot at the three guys who were the fastest and craziest because they had lost their stone tools.

The power of the bone arrow exploded the moment it came into contact with the three guys. The bodies of the three guys were thrown upside down and covered in blood.

But the pursuers are still there!

They couldn't catch up with Yun Hao for a while.

But Yunhao also had to carry the exhausted Feng Jing with him, so he couldn't get rid of these guys at all.

"Yunhao, you can't get rid of them if you take me with you. You can go. I can't thank you enough for saving me. If I'm like this, it's destined to be hard for me to do anything. I'll give you this thing. You go find Feiyu." , I believe that with your ability, there is a way to help her!"

Feng Jing thrust a phoenix-shaped fairy jade into Yun Hao's hand.

Yunhao took the fairy jade!

The moment he took it, he felt a familiar aura.

Ling Feiyu's breath.

Even if we haven't seen each other for a long time.

But he will never forget the aura that belongs to Ling Feiyu!

"This moment has not yet come!"

Yun Hao solemnly put away the phoenix-shaped fairy jade. The next moment, he took out the stone flute. The stone flute played, and the sound wave runes floated out. More than 300 undead souls hiding nearby rushed out. !

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