God Hongtian

Chapter 2623 Primitive Creatures!

Cangwu Immortal Lord didn't say at all what he was going to do when he went in this time.

Just let everyone go find Ling Feiyu!

But Yunhao didn't care anymore. He had only one purpose, to find Ling Feiyu.

A few days later.

A huge fairy boat stopped at the edge of an area filled with rich pale energy.

This fairy boat was created by the monks of the Phoenix clan by combining the characteristics of the fairy spirit energy in the Exiled Land, using the fairy materials excavated in the Exiled Land, and then using the weapon refining and inheritance methods obtained in the Exiled Land. from.

at this time.

Inside the largest cabin of Xianzhou.

Yunhao stood alone in front of Cangwu Immortal Lord.

"Cangwu Immortal Lord calls this junior to come here. I wonder if you have anything to explain?"

Yun Hao has always wanted to get in touch with Cangwu Immortal Lord alone.

But no chance at all.

But he never expected that after arriving at his destination, Immortal Cangwu would suddenly call him over.

Immortal Cangwu looked at Yun Hao and said, "In addition to looking for Feiyu, do you have any other purpose in entering the Exile Land this time?"

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "I only came here to find Feiyu!"

Cangwu Immortal Lord said calmly: "I already know about you and Feiyu, but I hope you can understand. I won't stop you, but if Feiyu is unwilling to renew his relationship with you, I hope you don't die. Stalking and leaving each other with dignity."

Yun Hao said calmly: "I just want to find Feiyu. As for Feiyu's decision, I completely respect her wishes."

Cangwu Immortal Lord nodded and said: "Enter inside, you can control the undead through the stone flute, but do not rely too much on the power of the undead. After all, no matter how strong or weak the undead are, they are only the lowest level of the Exiled Land." kind of strength.”

Yun Hao understands this.

The Exiled Land has many undead.

But the undead, without intelligence, can only wreak havoc and destruction.

Immortal Cangwu continued: "You still know too little about the undead."

"The upper limit of the undead is the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm."

"Besides, it is impossible for the undead to give birth to spiritual intelligence!"

These few words immediately made Yun Hao look shocked.

No wonder, when Feng Ying controlled the undead army to launch a war, there was no undead that could match the fighting power of the Immortal Lord.

Yun Hao initially thought that Feng Ying was still unable to control the undead at that level.

But... Yun Hao met Gou Zi for the first time. Although Gou Zi's initial state was a bit complicated, it was indeed comparable to the Super Immortal.

Even though Gouzi's power has dropped now, which is in line with the upper limit of the undead's power and equivalent to the combat power of the Immortal Emperor of the Perfection Realm, Gouzi's intelligence is not consistent with what Cangwu Immortal Lord said.

But how does a dog’s intelligence turn on?

Yunhao only heard Gouzi say that it was Dugu Jianmo who helped him give birth to spiritual intelligence, but Gouzi himself didn't know how it was born.

"Cangwu Immortal, why did the undead skeletons around me have spiritual intelligence?" Yun Hao realized that Cangwu Immortal came to him specifically to say this, and he would definitely mention Gouzi's situation next!

So, take the initiative to bring up the topic.

Cangwu Immortal Lord: "The dog next to you is not an undead soul. It is most likely a primitive creature from the Exiled Land!"

Yunhao looked shocked.

"Is there still primitive life in the Exiled Land?"

Cangwu Immortal Lord nodded and said: "Even what I know about the secrets of the Exiled Land is just the tip of the iceberg, a drop in the bucket."

"But I am sure that the Exiled Land has primitive life, but I only know that primitive life exists, and I don't know any more secrets."

"The place you are about to enter contains some traces of primitive life. If you are lucky enough, you may make some new discoveries."

Yun Hao's heart stirred up waves.

It was originally thought that the skeleton undead dog adopted by Dugu Sword Demon to accompany him through the last stage of his life turned out to be related to the primitive creatures of the Exiled Land.

"Now, it's almost time to go in." Cangwu Immortal Lord's voice sounded again.

Yun Hao cupped his hands and said, "Then I will take my leave."

Cangwu Immortal: "You have nothing else to say?"

Yun Hao looked calm and said: "I would like to ask Immortal Cangwu to make it clear!"

Cangwu Immortal Lord stared at Yun Hao. After a moment, he smiled faintly, waved his hand and said: "Go, pay attention to safety."


Yun Hao looked calm and retreated.

Cangwu Immortal Lord's eyes flickered, and then he smiled with relief.

"It doesn't matter, there are so many secrets in this kid. If I forcefully explore it, I might encounter disaster, so just let it take its course!"

Yunhao left the cabin, took Yaya and Gouzi with him, and came to the deck of the fairy boat.

He kept staring at the dog!

The bones on Gouzi's body are crystal clear, and the fairy light shines. This guy is not an undead in the true sense...

Yun Hao's thoughts were complicated, and he kept thinking about the words of Cangwu Immortal Lord in his mind.

"Master, the way you look at me scares me. Do you want to use my bones to make soup?" The undead dog trembled, and every bone was rattling and shaking.

Yaya's eyes lit up and she said, "Big bone soup is delicious!"

The undead dog sobbed: "Sister Yaya, you said you would protect me!"

Yaya smiled brightly and said: "Don't worry, the dog is so good, sister Yaya will definitely not be willing to tear your bones to make soup!"

At this time.

One by one, the Phoenix Clan cultivators also walked out of the cabin of the Immortal Boat.

The two leading the team were a seventh-level Immortal Venerable, named Feng Jing, and a fifth-level Immortal Venerable, Huang Qin.

These two Immortal Venerables were the real confidants of Immortal Venerable Cangwu, and there was no so-called faction difference.


Immortal Venerable Cangwu also came out of the cabin.

Feng Jing and Huang Qin immediately bowed their hands in greeting.

The rest of the Phoenix Clan cultivators, as well as Yun Hao, also bowed to Immortal Venerable Cangwu.

Immortal Venerable Cangwu looked at the area covered by the pale air in front of him, and his eyes showed an unconcealable light of expectation. He didn't say anything else, but nodded calmly.

"Let's go!"

Immortal Venerable Feng Jing of the seventh level shouted, and then flew out of the Immortal Boat first.

One after another, figures followed closely, and entered the rolling pale air at a very fast speed!

As soon as he entered the rolling pale air, Gouzi immediately rubbed Yun Hao's leg with his head.

Yun Hao realized that the dog might have some special feelings. With his left hand, he gently patted the dog's head, signaling the dog not to make any abnormal movements.

At the same time, the pale hand in his right hand also became agitated, but fortunately, the pale hand now had no power and was forcibly suppressed by the means left by Ye Chen and Lu Yi.

On the other side.

A group of cultivators from the Black Phoenix camp knelt on the ground together.

In front of them, a vague black shadow was constantly twisting.

Kneeling in the front was one of the two disciples of the old demon, Huang Shuang!


"Please rest assured, I will not disappoint your expectations like that fool of my senior brother!"

"I will definitely stop Ling Feiyu, and then take the opportunity to prove the truth in the Land of Exile for you, Master!"

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