God Hongtian

Chapter 2615 Variables, mysterious will!

The technique of the Whirlpool Sound Wave Technique is indeed completely different from any practice method that Yun Hao has come into contact with in terms of its use of immortal power.

Very complex and profound.

There were even many details that subverted Yun Hao's understanding of the technique.

But Yun Hao understood this method and it went very smoothly.

It's really because he has come into contact with too many super skills!

Tai Cang Sword Dao! Quasi-Emperor Sutra!

Only my way! Emperor Sutra!

Ask the Immortal Nine Swords! Emperor Sutra!

Escape a sword technique! Emperor Sutra!

Among the Nine Secret Immortal Techniques, the Secret Immortal Technique with the word Bing, the Secret Immortal Technique with the word Dou, the Secret Immortal Technique with the word Formation, the Secret Immortal Technique with the word Column, and the Secret Immortal Technique with the word Xing, are all at the lowest level of the Emperor Sutra!

The book of years! Suspected to be above the Emperor's Scripture!

Dragon and Phoenix Immortality Technique! Suspected to be above the Emperor's Scripture!

Crazy swordsmanship! It is also suspected to be above the Emperor Sutra!

The difficulty of the Whirlpool Sound Wave Technique for Yun Hao is only reflected in the fact that Yun Hao has not been exposed to this type of training method. However, the difficulty at this level is lower than that of Tai Cang Sword Dao of the Quasi-Emperor Sutra. many.

Moreover, he also has pale hands to help control the stone flute.

In just two days, he was able to do what Feng Ying had done before!

Now, he alone is equivalent to...an army of the undead!

After mastering the Whirlpool Sound Wave Technique, Yun Hao was finally able to absorb the spirit energy of the refining and banished land. By the way, combined with a batch of fairy crystals he carried, he also broke through the first level of cultivation.

The fifth level of the Way of Only Self, the eighth level!

A few days later again.

Feng Xing finally arranged the situation here temporarily.

He found Yun Hao.

"Let's go, I have to go back and report to Cangwu Immortal what happened here. I will inform Cangwu Immortal about your situation according to what you said. As for whether you can see Ling Feiyu, it all depends on Cangwu Immortal Lord’s decision!”

"Okay!" Yun Hao cupped his hands, and then left with Feng Xing.

After entering the Exiled Land, there were many twists and turns.

But fortunately, what he wanted to do was progressing smoothly.

Ling Feiyu is getting closer and closer.

Yunhao's heart is full of expectations!


The place of exile.

A dark area.

The black aura surged between heaven and earth, as if bubbling, strange and eerie.


A Phoenix tribe woman with black lips, wearing a long black dress, and a graceful figure entered the darkness and knelt on the ground.

In the darkness in front of her, a vague black shadow slowly condensed.

"Your senior brother is dead."

A voice came from the blurry black shadow.

This sound echoed in the darkness, as if it had vibrated through multiple spaces, it was strange and complicated.

The Phoenix woman in black dress who was kneeling on the ground raised her head in shock, and then said with joy on her face: "He is finally dead!"

The blurry shadow said in an indifferent voice, "I can see that you are really happy."

"If I die, senior brother will definitely be very happy."

"Senior brother is dead, of course I have to be happy. From now on, I will be Master's only disciple!"

"Master, please have faith in this disciple. I will definitely not live up to your training and expectations like that idiot, senior brother!"

The blurry black shadow was not surprised by the 'deep feelings' between the disciples. He just said lightly: "Do you know how he died?"

"How he died is not important. What is important is the stone flute in his hand. Master, please rest assured that the disciple will get the stone flute back!" said the Phoenix tribe woman kneeling on the ground.

"That stone flute is important even if it is said to be unimportant. In fact, it is just that. Don't worry for now. Your ability is completely different from that of your senior brother. Now is the time to show your ability. Come out, next, I have a very important task for you to do!" Fuzzy Black Shadow said.

"Master's orders, disciples must do their best!" said the woman from the Phoenix tribe in black dress.

The blurry black shadow said: "That guy Feng Cangwu is about to achieve enlightenment, but it is extremely difficult for him to achieve enlightenment in the place of exile. It could have been said to be hopeless, but now, something has changed, and that place has reappeared. ”

"What the Master said was the place where you discovered the Banished Fruit?" There was a hint of shock in the woman's tone.

"That's right!" The vague black shadow responded affirmatively.

Back then, Immortal Extermination escaped into the place of exile. By chance, he entered a special place and found a lot of fruits of exile. By taking those fruits, you can be baptized by the power of exile, making your bloodline more powerful. Change, become the Dark Phoenix, and be able to survive better in the Exiled Land.

"Back then, when I entered that mysterious area, I not only discovered the Exile Fruit, but I was also sure that there was a mysterious will inside!"

"In the place of exile, it will be difficult for me to regain enlightenment, and Feng Cangwu will not be able to attain enlightenment. However, if I can get the guidance of the mysterious will in that place, it will definitely not be difficult to attain enlightenment!"

"But, you can only enter that place once!"

"Wei Shi has already been there, and Feng Cangwu has also been there. We can no longer enter in person."

"According to the clues I have mastered, Feng Cangwu will definitely arrange for his disciple Ling Feiyu to go in this time!"

The woman wearing a black dress and dark lips had a complicated expression: "Master, do you want me to fight with Ling Feiyu?"

The blurry black shadow hummed and said: "That's right, when entering that place, talent is more valued, perhaps because of the mysterious will that exists inside. They are specifically selecting practitioners with extraordinary talents. Ling Feiyu's talent is very exaggerated. She has a complete You have Phoenix bloodline and a complete human bloodline. The two bloodlines are perfectly integrated. Only your talent can compete with Ling Feiyu on our side!"

"But... the disciple is only at the second level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, but Ling Feiyu has already possessed the power of the pinnacle of the Immortal Emperor Realm..." When this woman from the Black Phoenix camp mentioned Ling Feiyu, she seemed Very unconfident.

The blurry black shadow let out a cold laugh.

"Your cultivation is not as good as Ling Feiyu, this is not a big deal!"

"You are now my only disciple. Of course my teacher will train you well. When the test begins, your cultivation level will definitely catch up with Ling Feiyu. In addition, the teacher has given you the share of training over the years. It’s not difficult for you to defeat Ling Feiyu in terms of ability!”

"Thank you, Master!" the Black Phoenix woman looked excited.

Then, she couldn't help but be curious and asked: "Master...what is the mysterious will that you mentioned that exists there?"

"It's your turn to know. My teacher will naturally tell you. If I haven't told you, don't talk too much!" There was a trace of anger in the tone of the blurry black shadow.

"Yes! Disciple realizes his mistake! Master, calm down!" The Black Phoenix woman suddenly became frightened.

"Next, just enjoy the feeling of rapid growth in strength!" The fuzzy black shadow spoke again.

The next moment, streams of rich black air flowed out and entered the woman's nose, mouth, eyes, ears... and penetrated into her body from every hole in her body.


A shrill scream sounded.

This woman is in great pain!

But while the pain was erupting, her strength was increasing at an extremely exaggerated speed!

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