God Hongtian

Chapter 259: Flying away one sleeve, capturing the flag

The man who yelled for Yun Hao to get off the field had thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was as tall as a gorilla. He exuded a powerful force of energy and blood, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

He is obviously a warrior who focuses on tempering his body.

But this kind of people usually have a problem, that is, they are impulsive and irritable, and all they can think about is their fists.

"Lu Chong, what do you want to do?"

"You are just jealous that he is 10,000 times prettier than you!"

"Oh, is there anything wrong with being good-looking?"

A group of female disciples were unhappy.

Yun Hao's appearance was already invincible, and the elegant and unrestrained way Yun Hao flew up just now was deeply impressed into the hearts of the girls.

Genius Li Dongfeng, who had an implicit quota, stood aside and said calmly: "The quota for the qualification competition has already been decided, and there are only thirty-six people.

This kid ran up there without any idea, just to show his face in front of others. It is really ridiculous to gain attention in this way.

With this in mind, it is better to practice seriously and win the respect of others with strength. This is the direction of my generation of warriors! "

After Li Dongfeng said this, he immediately aroused the echo of a group of male disciples.

"What Senior Brother Li said is absolutely true!"

"Senior Brother Li is the only son in the family of the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance. He could have enjoyed prosperity and wealth, but he practiced with great perseverance and achieved such dazzling results now. Senior Brother Li is truly a role model for our generation!"

"This pretty boy just came out of nowhere. Are you crazy about wanting to be famous? Get out of here!"

She is so good-looking that female disciples like her.

But of course the male disciples were envious.

Especially when they saw the goddess in their hearts acting like a nympho towards this pretty boy, they felt itchy. If they had such an opportunity to add insult to injury, of course they would not miss it.

On the high platform.

An old man frowned and said, "What kind of behavior do you have? A bunch of little guys are not sensible at all!"

Qin Xiao smiled lightly and said: "It's a small matter, it's harmless. Young people, let them go."

Another old man said: "The noise really damages the image of our martial arts academy."

Vice Dean Lu Ming smiled and said: "Old Zhou, you have forgotten that when you were young, you started fighting with others just because they looked at you on the street.

It's okay, just let them make some noise, it's better than being lifeless. "

Qin Xiao and Lu Ming have said this, and the other people in power at Qingfeng General Hospital can't say anything more. They can only leave it to these young and overly energetic people.


The fat man glanced at Li Dongfeng, sneered and said, "Brother Black, can you beat him up?"

He Dongliu: "His realm is much higher than mine..."

Shi Feng: "What do I need from you!"

He Dongliu: "!!"

In the field, the burly man named Lu Chong grinned and said, "Why don't you get out?"

Yun Hao: "Why don't you get out?"

Lu Chong laughed and said: "Because I am at the peak of the Yuan Gang realm, combined with physical strength, ordinary half-step golden elixirs can't even hope to withstand a punch from me. My strength proves that I can stand here.

And you?

Hahaha, a straw bag and a small embroidered pillow

Bai Lian, I'm watching your aura. It hasn't been long since you first entered Yuangang, right? With this little strength, how could he be qualified to stand up?

What's more, the quota for participating in this competition has been determined, and you are not on the list! "

As he spoke, he took out a token from his arms, waved it in front of Yun Hao, and said, "Only those who have this token can participate in this competition. Do you have it?"

Yun Hao thought.

The token Qin Xiao gave him appeared in his hand.

When Lu Chong saw it, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Hmph, who are you looking down on? This junior brother also has a token!"

"Lu Chong, why don't you quickly apologize to this junior brother?"

"Junior brother, you don't have to be afraid. Senior sister, I will help you get justice!"

A group of female disciples shouted again.

Lu Chong suppressed his blush.


It is impossible to apologize!

How could I, a manly man, apologize to a pretty boy?

He looked at Yun Hao, snorted, and said: "When we compete for the spot in the competition later, I will definitely let you know what a fist as big as a sandbag is!"

Yun Hao looked indifferent and was too lazy to respond.

Seeing the silence below, Vice Dean Lu Ming coughed lightly, cleared his throat, and then said: "Burn the incense, let's start!"


An incense stick was lit on the high platform.

The thirty or so people in the square did not immediately rush to the flag planted on the top of the circular stone pillar.

Everyone knows a truth.

It doesn't matter who gets it first.

What matters is who can hold the flag in his hand after burning the incense!

The person who gets the flag first is the one who wins the flag the most.

You suffer a loss because you have to face the robbery of others and fall into the predicament of being beaten.

"Young pretty boy, take a punch from me!"

Lu Chong shouted and rushed towards Yun Hao.


Lu Chong smashed his fist and the air exploded. The power of this punch was quite fierce.


"Junior brother flash!"

"Don't go head-to-head with this reckless man!"

All around, the female disciples exclaimed, and some even covered their eyes, afraid to look.

If such a handsome junior brother was punched in the face by Lu Chong...

Some powerful female disciples have already started planning, and they will give Lu Chong a hard lesson afterwards!

If you are ugly, you will be jealous of others who are good-looking. Such people are the most abominable!

Seeing it, Lu Chong's fist was about to hit Yun Hao's face.

Yun Hao raised his hand and waved.

The movements are elegant and the clouds are calm and the wind is gentle.

However, the breeze swept out by the rolling sleeves easily disintegrated Lu Chong's fist strength.


Lu Chong's entire arm was instantly twisted and deformed, with broken bones piercing the skin and popping out.


His body was shot back like a giant crossbow arrow, flying hundreds of meters away!

A group of people stared wide-eyed.

Lu Chong's strength is not weak anymore.

At the peak of the Yuan Gang Realm, coupled with his tyrannical physical strength, ordinary warriors who are half a step into the Golden Core Realm may not be his opponent.


Lu Chong was knocked away by a sleeve!

With such strength, most of the disciples watching the battle felt inferior to him!

A group of female disciples immediately cheered.


At that time, the fat man put his hands on his hips and shouted: "It turns out that some people are not only good-looking, but also have extraordinary strength, while some people are ugly and have poor strength, so they are only envious, jealous, and hateful!"

Say it.

The fat man looked at Li Dongfeng and said, "Li Chunfeng, do you think what I said is right?"

Li Chunfeng's face was ashen and he said in a deep voice: "My name is Li Dongfeng!"

Xiao Hei grinned: "I don't care about the north, south, east or west wind!"

Li Dongfeng was furious: "Qingfeng General Hospital, how can it be a place where animals run wild!"

Xiao Hei: "Are you angry with a dog? You are too narrow-minded. I look down on you, Mr. Dog! Bah!"

At this moment, another exclamation came from the crowd watching the battle.


At this moment, someone finally got a flag.

It's... Yun Hao!

Others, it’s not that they can’t get it, but they don’t want to get it for the time being.

One after another, they stared at Yun Hao who had obtained a flag and flew down from the huge round stone pillar. They suddenly couldn't hold back.

In an instant, everyone's figure exploded.

Most people, go grab the other four flags.

There are three other people who are targeting Yun Hao!

The three of them rushed towards Yun Hao almost at the same time, using their own methods. Whether it was the angle or timing of the attack, they were all very good at it.

Those who can get the token to participate in the quota competition are naturally not ordinary people!


At this moment, Yun Hao gave a soft drink, and the sword energy rushed out of the scabbard like a rushing river. The blazing sword light completely enveloped the square in an instant!

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