God Hongtian

Chapter 257: Where in life do we not meet?

Yun Hao took the token given by Qin Xiao and left the hall.

Dongfang Xiu and his group were actually waiting outside.

"Brother Yun, are you okay? Come on, I'll take you for a walk first!" Dongfang Xiu said.

The Imperial City is his base, and he is very familiar with it. He is a local snake, and he is very enthusiastic about taking his brothers to eat, drink and have fun!

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "The Dynasty Competition is about to begin. The Qingfeng General Hospital has begun to select candidates to participate in the competition. I am going to win a spot."

This decision obviously surprised the Dongfangxiu people.

In fact, they all know that Yun Hao is not a person who likes to be in the limelight, and what he is going to do must have deep meaning!

"Brother Yun wants to get a quota, isn't that easy?!" Dongfang Xiu immediately flattered, and then said: "Just now, a beautiful senior sister saw me, came up to chat with me, and chatted for a few words, I know the quota competition Let’s go, I’ll take you there!”

Shi Feng complained silently: "It's obviously Xiu'er, but you shamelessly went to strike up a conversation, and you were called a hooligan."

"Ahem!" The fat man coughed lightly and said, "You can't tear yourself apart even if it's difficult."


Many people gathered around a square in Qingfeng General Hospital, making it very lively.

The Dynasty Competition is a grand event for the entire Qingfeng Dynasty's geniuses under the age of thirty to compete. Being able to participate in this competition will already bring glory to one's ancestors.

If you can perform well in the competition, your fame will soon spread and become widely known.

In every dynasty competition, Qingfeng General Academy will arrange for ten people to participate.

these ten people

Among them, five places have been determined by default.

The remaining five spots were offered to young people from Qingfeng Martial Academy to compete.

The qualification competition that is about to begin now is all about five places.

In the middle of the square, there were more than thirty people standing.

Everyone holds their head high and is full of energy.

Among them, more than half are disciples trained by Qingfeng Martial Academy, and the rest are geniuses from Qingfeng Martial Academy's branches in various counties and cities.

Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Academy originally had a quota, and if nothing else happened, the quota would definitely go to Yun Hao.

But because Murong Guang united with the Demon Sect to rebel and brought huge casualties to Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Academy, the matter was delayed at Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Academy.

"It's a pity that the man named Yun Hao from Beihan County didn't come."

"Yeah, it's a pity. It is said that Yun Hao has condensed the dragon spirit. I still want to broaden my horizons."

"There is nothing we can do about it. Beihan County suffered a huge chaos, which caused huge casualties to the martial arts academy. Now the people there are still busy dealing with the aftermath and can't get out."

Waves of regretful sighs came out.

Han Qianshan's disciple, He Dongliu, who had entered the Fire Ruins Secret Realm, came from a distance with a calm expression.

He was one of five reserved spots.

Beside him, there was a man and a woman, both of whom were extraordinary.

"Senior Brother He, have you seen Yun Hao? Is he really as charming as the legend says?" The woman blinked her bright, watery eyes, full of curiosity.

He Dongliu was about to answer.

The man next to him smiled lightly and said, "Junior sister, the rumors are exaggerated.

Accounting for half of it, Yun Hao should have real abilities, but compared with the rumors, he must be far behind. "

Woman: "But didn't he suppress Huang Yu, the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard?"

The man smiled, with a touch of disdain on his face, and said: "Deputy Commander Huang Yu is a half-step master, but he only used 50% of his strength when fighting Yun Hao.

Moreover, Yun Hao's victory was not glorious. He hid his method and suddenly unleashed the divine dragon spirit. Unprepared, Deputy Commander Huang Yu's mind and will were shaken, and Yun Hao took advantage of him. "

Woman: "Oh."

He Dongliu frowned and said: "Senior Brother Li's words are wrong. What does it mean that Yun Hao's victory is not glorious? Shenlong Yuanling was one of his trump cards. It shook the mind and will of Deputy Commander Huang Yu. That was him "

The woman's eyes flashed, and she nodded with deep approval: "Yes, yes, yes, I think Senior Brother He is right."

The man called Senior Brother Li snorted and stopped talking.

Yun Hao, Dongfang Xiu, Fatty, Shi Feng, and Xiao Hei also arrived near the square.

"Look, that's He Dongliu!" The fat man's little eyes looked around and he found the only person he knew.

Dongfang Xiu's eyes were bright, and he chuckled: "The little girl next to He Dongliu is the daughter of our President Qin, and her name is Qin Meng.

At first, President Qin wanted to betroth his daughter to me, but I didn't agree. The girl even cried, made trouble, and hanged herself. But as a man, if you don't want it, you won't! "

Everyone chuckled in their hearts.

Dongfang Xiu doesn’t care about the strange eyes of his brothers either

God, continued: "As for the man next to He Dongliu, his name is Li Dongfeng, and his father is the Minister of Household Affairs.

This Li Dongfeng is ranked in the top three among the disciples of Qingfeng General Academy, but this guy is very annoying. He has a bit of talent but doesn’t know what his last name is. His eyes are too high. Moreover, I also heard that this guy went with the second prince. Very close! "

The fat man murmured and said, "Second prince? The one who commanded 30,000 troops last year, defeated the enemy's 100,000 elite soldiers, and achieved great military exploits?

I have heard that the second prince seems to be the grandson of the previous generation of heavenly masters. He has many supporters in the court, and even the current prince looks dim in front of him! "

Dongfang Xiu nodded: "That's right."

After saying that, he looked at Yun Hao again, lowered his voice, and said: "Brother Yun, that second prince is not a good thing, so be careful."

"Why? Brother Yun didn't provoke him!" Shi Feng was puzzled.

But the fat man had already guessed it and said: "The little princess's brother is the prince, so if Brother Yun is with the little princess, he will get close to the prince's faction. The second prince will definitely be afraid. After all, brother Yun will become the one who surpasses Han Qianshan." man."

Shi Feng suddenly realized.

At this time.

A woman with beautiful appearance and excellent figure suddenly stood in front of Yun Hao and others.

The woman's eyes were filled with murderous intent, staring at Dongfang Xiu.

Dongfang Xiu shrank his neck: "Brothers, I have something else to do, let's go first!"

After the words fell, Dongfang Xiu immediately rubbed oil on the soles of his feet and ran away.

"You bastard, stop here!"

The woman shouted and then chased Dongfang Xiu.


The other side.

Li Dongfeng, He Dongliu, and Qin Meng have been seen by people surrounding the square.

"Look, Senior Brother Li is here!"

"Senior Brother He is here too!"

"Junior Sister Qin is here too... Junior Sister Qin is really getting more beautiful every day!"

Immediately a group of people gathered around.

"Senior Brother He, please tell us quickly, what kind of person is Yun Hao?"

"Is Yunhao really that powerful?"

"I don't care if he's great or not. I'm just curious. Is he really as good-looking as the rumors say?"

"Yes, yes, I heard that Yun Hao is extremely handsome and is the most handsome man in the Qingfeng Dynasty."

Li Dongfeng's face looked ugly.

In the past, wherever he appeared, he was the center of attention.

But now, he was ignored.

Everyone is curious about the guy named Yun Hao.

"Hmph, Yun Hao is destined to be just a flash in the pan, and he will fall without any surprise soon!" Li Dongfeng thought to himself.

He belongs to the second prince, so he knows something. The second prince... wants Yun Hao to die!

Just as He Dongliu was thinking about how to answer, suddenly, a voice sounded from a distance.

"Brother Black, what a coincidence, we really meet each other everywhere in life!"

He Dongliu's expression suddenly stiffened, and he twisted his neck with difficulty and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw that hateful fat man waving at him and shouting: "Black brother, black brother..."

Then, He Dongliu saw Yun Hao next to the fat man. His expression condensed, his pupils shrank, and he immediately walked over.

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