God Hongtian

Chapter 242: Appear in person and take action

Seeing Yun Hao come out, Huang Yu's face showed a look of success, and he shouted coldly: "You are just a commoner, why don't you kneel down and salute when you see this general?"

"Only you? Are you worthy of letting me, Brother Yun, salute? Who do you think you are!" Dongfang Xiu shouted angrily.

"Dongfang Xiu, you are used to being a playboy because of your family background, but now is the time for the Imperial Guard to enforce the law. If you dare to mess around again, even if we take action against you, Yuan Tianshi will never let the matter go to Yuan Tianshi. Blame us!"

Dongfang Xiu: "My seventh uncle and grandpa don't help, my father does, and my mother does!"

The faces of a group of imperial guards became a little ugly.

A petty leader shouted: "Master Dongfang Manor, Master Lin Yuan, and those who are not members of the court, are not allowed to interfere with the law enforcement of the Imperial Guard!"

Dongfang Xiu looked dissatisfied and was about to continue arguing.

Yun Hao raised his hand and waved it.

There was a clang.

A token hit Huang Yu directly in front of him.

Everyone looked at it intently and exclaimed.

"The Qingfeng Order...it turned out to be the Qingfeng Order...how could he have the Qingfeng Order?!"

The Qingfeng Order was made by Yun Hao when he wiped out the remnants of the Blood Fire Demon Sect. Wu Ke, the governor of the county, personally applied to the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War considered that Yun Hao's talent might be higher than that of Han Qianshan, so they issued one as an exception.

Those who hold the Qingfeng Order do not need to kneel down even in front of the emperor!

Under the emperor, there is no need to salute any official!

Yun Hao looked at Huang Yu with a sarcastic look on his face and said, "How do you get the qualifications to ask me to salute?"

The corner of Huang Yu's mouth twitched slightly, Yun Hao held his clear

Feng Ling, this was indeed something he had not expected.

Huang Yu immediately changed the subject and shouted: "Yunhao, you hurt my imperial guard, you can't quibble about this, there is a mountain of evidence!

There are only two choices before you.

One, accept the trial honestly;

Second, I will personally take action to seek justice for my loyal soldiers! "

Yun Hao sneered and said: "There are only two choices before you, either get out, or I will let you get out!"

Huang Yu's anger became even stronger.

"Yunhao, you are too arrogant, I want you to look good!"

With an angry shout, the power of the Half-Step Returning Realm suddenly exploded, like a huge volcano suddenly spewing out billowing magma.

A warrior who has returned to the One Realm, his body and mind are united, his heart is united with his strength, his strength is united with his mind, his mind is united with his spirit, and with every move, there is a terrifying explosion!

Even though Huang Yu is only half a step closer to unity, his combat power seems to have entered another level from the golden elixir realm. He is only stronger than the demon witch Blood Lady in the Blood Moon!

A ferocious momentum like a volcano erupted, crushing Yun Hao.

"Click, click, click!"

The ground with a radius of several hundred meters exploded with cracks as dense as spider webs.

Shi Feng, Fatty, and Dongfang Xiu felt as if they were trapped in a stormy sea. The terrifying pressure impacted their bodies and minds. Their bodies retreated uncontrollably!

Even Xiao Hei, who had been promoted to the middle level of the Xuan level and was comparable to a warrior in the Golden Core realm, couldn't bear it. His body slumped down and his breathing became much faster.


, do you know you are wrong? ! "

Huang Yu shouted violently, and the sound waves created a storm. The ground was lifted up and rolled towards Yun Hao.


The sword energy in Yun Hao's body exploded instantly, and invisible sharp edges gathered three feet in front of him. No matter Huang Yu's pressure or the rolled up ground, he couldn't get close!

"Huang Yu, back off!"

at this time.

There was another roar, and Manager Lin suddenly rushed to the field.

He stared at Huang Yu and said: "The troops in the county governor's office have been severely damaged. The little princess asked you to lead the imperial guards, assist the county governor's office in counting casualties, and make arrangements to appease and deal with the aftermath, but you are here to show off your cruelty. You are so big." courage!"

Facing Manager Lin's rebuke, Huang Yu's expression remained unchanged and said: "Manager Lin, I have certainly not forgotten the princess's explanation.

I would have asked someone to invite Yun Hao. After all, they were familiar with the environment of the county and I had planned to ask them to help. However, this Yun Hao, relying on his meritorious service, directly hurt my brothers regardless of good or evil.

The Imperial Guard is the first army of the Qingfeng Dynasty, and the Imperial Guard represents the royal family!

Yun Hao acted so recklessly, not only did he hurt the face of our imperial guards, but he also despised the power of the royal family!

I, Huang Yu, as the deputy commander of the Imperial Guards, must give an explanation to my brothers. I must save the face of the Imperial Guards and maintain the majesty of the royal family!

What happened today, no matter who it is, can't stop me from severely punishing Yun Hao, a little bastard who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth! "

His expression was solemn, his voice was cold and stern, and his words were sonorous. The Imperial Guards who didn't know the truth all looked moved and started to express their emotions.

They all shouted: "If Yun Hao is not severely punished, the imperial guards will never agree!"

"If Yun Hao is not severely punished, the Imperial Guard will never agree!"

"If Yun Hao is not severely punished, the Imperial Guard will never agree!"

Roaring in anger, soaring into the sky!

Dongfang Xiu, Fatty, Shi Feng and the others were so angry that they gritted their teeth.

Dongfang Xiu resisted Huang Yu's momentum and pressure, walked forward, and shouted: "Huang Yu, I thought you were just a narrow-minded guy before, but today, you have really opened my eyes. It turns out that in this world, And you are such a shameless scoundrel.

You know the truth!

But here you are, raking in the towel and stirring up emotions. You are simply worse than a woman in a brothel!

At least those women have their prices clearly marked, but what about you? If you become a bitch and still want to build a memorial arch, you don't pee and look in the mirror. Just like you, you are a fucking bitch by nature!

Do you want to take action?

Come on, if you dare to take a step forward, I will stab myself, Mr. Dongfang!

When the time comes, I will learn from you and go back and tell my father, tell my mother, tell my seventh uncle and grandpa, you were the one who stabbed me, and the mud in your crotch is either shit or shit! "

Dongfang Xiu didn't think he was usually carefree, but he was also a ruthless person at heart. He directly pulled out a dagger, ready to stab himself at any time...

Yunhao looked at Dongfang Xiu.

Dongfang Xiu: "Brother Yun, don't worry. I, Dongfang Xiu, a seven-foot tall man, can't beat him. Even if I throw dirty water on him, he will drown!"

Yun Hao moved slightly and said, "I will handle this matter myself."

Dongfang Xiu heard what Yun Hao said, so he stepped back, but

He did not forget to shout: "Huang Yu, I, Brother Yun, am going to teach you a lesson with my own hands. If you, the grandson of a turtle, can be punished by me, Brother Yun, it is simply the blessing of your eighteen generations of ancestors!"

"Master Yun, I will handle this matter." Manager Lin said.

Yun Hao smiled calmly, with an icy chill in his smile, and said: "To deal with this kind of thing, there is no need for others to intervene."

When General Manager Lin saw this, he wanted to say something, but in the end he held it back and walked aside.

Huang Yu sneered and said: "Yunhao, you have the guts. In this case, I will let you use 50% of your strength and only use three moves. After three moves, I will let you go and let bygones be bygones!"

Even if Yun Hao is really captured, the little princess will immediately let Yun Hao go.

As for killing Yun Hao, he really didn't have the guts. Yun Hao had contributed a lot to putting down the unrest in the county. If he killed Yun Hao, he would be dead.

His purpose from the beginning was to teach Yun Hao a lesson so that the little princess could see Yun Hao's embarrassment and then never look down on Yun Hao again.

As for the little princess's hatred for doing so, Huang Yu actually didn't care too much.

He knew that the little princess looked down on him, so he had no chance.

He is the type of person who simply doesn't want others to get what they can get!

"It's up to you. If I take a step back, I lose!" Yun Hao said indifferently.

Huang Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Watch the move!"

After the words fell, the red cherry silver gun inserted on the ground suddenly picked up.


The earth and rocks on the ground bulged, and a huge python of earth and rocks rolled up and charged towards Yun Hao fiercely!

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