God Hongtian

Chapter 240: Dynasty Marriage, Victim

Chu Xinyue felt like she was suffocating!

But this kind of suffocation was so fascinating to her that she wished she could be immersed in this feeling forever and ever.

But at this moment.

Manager Lin's voice once again came in through the communication formation outside the secret room.

"Little princess, there are still some things in the county that require you to make arrangements."

Chu Xinyue couldn't help but stop in response to Yun Hao's actions, and then instantly became more active and enthusiastic than before. After a while, Chu Xinyue made up her mind and reluctantly separated from Yun Hao.

Looking at Yun Hao's messy clothes...

This wood is really hard. I scratched it several times just now, but there was no trace at all...

Looking back at myself...

There are red fingerprints all over the body!

Chu Xinyue lowered her head and adjusted her clothes, not daring to look at Yun Hao.

How can you do this……

What happened to me just now?


so close!

It was almost that...

But I'm a little disappointed... Humph, it's all the fault of Manager Lin, who kept urging me!

Chu Xinyue lowered her head, arranged her clothes, took a deep breath, tried to calm herself down, and then looked up at Yun Hao: "Mumu, I'm going out first."

Say it.

He quickly opened the door to the secret room and ran out as if he was running away.

Outside the secret room.

When General Manager Lin saw Chu Xinyue's appearance, although he was a eunuch, he had seen a lot of things, so he naturally noticed something.

An extremely complicated expression appeared on Manager Lin's face.

He watched the little princess grow up.

in his heart

, already treated the little princess as her own child.

Yunhao is excellent.

Excellent to a level never seen before in the Qingfeng Dynasty.

Even Han Qianshan, who is said to be a genius who appears only once in five hundred years, will be eclipsed in front of Yun Hao's talent.

Logically speaking, if Chu Xinyue could form a good relationship with such a talented person, Manager Lin should be very happy.

But there are some things that not many people know about. He has always protected the little princess, and he knows it very well.

If the little princess really wants to be with Yun Hao, then there is still a huge barrier between them, which is related to the safety of the dynasty and the country!

"Little princess, we are waiting for you." Manager Lin said.

Chu Xinyue hummed: "I'll be there right away."

Manager Lin deliberately slowed down his pace, looked at Yun Hao who walked out of the secret room, and whispered: "Yun Hao, you have already felt the little princess's feelings. Promise me not to let her down. No matter how big the obstacle is, you will never let her down." You have to move forward firmly.

Ruruo, you have failed the little princess and made the little princess sad.

I don't care what happens to other people.

Even if Young Master Yun saves Lao Nu's life this time, Lao Nu will take action at all costs! "

Yun Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, a cold light bursting out.

"If I want to do something, no one can stop me!"

A terrifying power erupted, like a divine sword coming out of its sheath, its sharp edge reaching the sky and the earth!

Manager Lin's heart trembled, and then he quickly followed the steps of the little princess.


Yunhao returned to the courtyard where Baodan Tower arranged to rest.

Today I had a series of battles, and I personally healed the wounds of many people. Although the Dantian

There are cave spiritual roots within to provide vitality, and the elementary spirit body also has a continuous supply of physical vitality, but it is still a little tired after all.

Don’t wait for Yunhao to rest.


Xiao Hei rushed in like a black gust of wind, landed next to Yun Hao, and rubbed his head against Yun Hao's trouser legs.


Coughs sounded outside the yard.

"You said you, the hole in your chest hasn't healed yet, yet you insist on gossiping. I never imagined that you, Tiedan, are such a person!"

The fat man muttered.

Dongfang Xiu's mean voice also sounded: "Tiedan, if it weren't for your serious injury, Fatty and I wouldn't have brought you here to satisfy your gossip!"

Fatty: "That's right, Xiu'er and I don't care about this at all. A man should focus on achieving great achievements!"


Fatty and Dongfang Xiu, one on the left and one on the right, held Shi Feng's arms and dragged the weak Shi Feng in.

"Brother Yun!"

The fat man's eyes were bright and he sighed again: "Hey, Tiedan insists on asking you and the little princess what's going on, and I can't stop you!"

Dongfang Xiu nodded sadly: "This iron man, we asked him to have a good rest, but he just refused to listen. After all, he is a wounded person. We are also worried that if we don't satisfy him, he will be in a bad mood. If he is in a bad mood, the injury will not recover so quickly... As brothers, we work really hard!”

Shi Feng: "I..."

The fat man patted Shi Feng on the shoulder and said: "Tiedan, you don't need to explain. Brother Yun has a broad mind and won't follow

You care about it. "

Dongfang Xiu blinked: "Aren't you very curious about what Brother Yun and the little princess did in the secret room, alone and alone? What's there to ask? It's definitely not what you think. After all, the time is too short, I Yun How could it be so fast?"

Yun Hao lowered his head and glanced at Xiao Hei who was rubbing his trouser leg.

Xiao Hei understood immediately and stood up suddenly, his dog eyes flashing fiercely and his fangs exposed.

"Woof woof woof!"

Fatty and Dongfang Xiu shrank their necks and hurriedly hid behind Shi Feng.

The weak Shi Feng, without anyone to support him, fell to the ground with a bang...

After a little farce, Xiao Hei showed off his power, Dongfang Xiu and Fatty finally became honest.

Several people were sitting under the pavilion in the yard.

Shi Feng looked at Fatty and Dongfang Xiu with resentful eyes.

Dongfang Xiu ignored it directly, looked at Yun Hao, and said: "Brother Yun, your achievements will be spread throughout the Qingfeng Dynasty in a short time. By then, Brother Yun, you will be the most popular man among the younger generation of the Qingfeng Dynasty!"

The fat man silently added: "The Liuyun duo may want to keep a low profile, but their strength doesn't allow it!"

Dongfang Xiu came closer, blinked, and said, "Brother Yun, I have something to tell you.

That Huang Yu is the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard and one of the most promising among the generals in the imperial city. He has returned to the same level in half a step. That guy has a crush on the little princess. He sees the little princess and Brother Yun flirting with each other. He has already Jealous.

Although Lao Huang has an upright temperament, he is very small-minded, especially when it comes to treating the little princess.


, This old Huang is not qualified to be your love rival, Brother Yun. The little princess looks down on him.

Brother Yun, the one thing you really need to care about is the marriage between Qingfeng Dynasty and Tianlang Dynasty.

And in this marriage, the little princess is... the victim of the Qingfeng Dynasty in order to maintain border stability! "

Speaking of this, the expressions of several people present changed, including Yun Hao!

The Sirius Dynasty, located to the north of the Qingfeng Dynasty, was synonymous with toughness and barbarism. They dominated the vast grasslands and often burned, killed, and looted the border cities of the Qingfeng Dynasty. They even conducted large-scale invasions and raids many times. They were one of the biggest troubles for the Qingfeng Dynasty. .

Dongfang Xiu has an extraordinary background and knows a lot. He continued: "This matter was decided about ten years ago. The border between Qingfeng Dynasty and Tianlang Dynasty has also been stable for almost ten years."

The fat man snorted and said: "While the little princess hasn't left yet, take the little princess away now!"

Shi Feng clenched his fists: "Brother Yun, take the little princess and leave now. We will help you stop the pursuers!"

Xiaohei: "Woof woof woof!"

Dongfang Xiu: "...Don't be impulsive. This marriage seems to have a lot of secrets and a turning point, but I don't know the details. I will ask my seventh uncle as soon as I can find time!"

at this time.

Outside the courtyard gate, there was the sound of armor clashing.

A loud shout spread into the courtyard.

"Yunhao, come out here. Commander Huang calls you to come over and pay homage!"

Immediately afterwards, several powerful Imperial Guards rushed directly into the courtyard!

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