God Hongtian

Chapter 236 The blood moon appears in the sky

Yun Hao was shocked. While he was happy to have discovered Cang Yao's clues, he did not ignore Chu Xinyue's soul injury.

Under his observation, Chu Xinyue's soul should have been shaken by a strong shock, so she fell into a coma.

No big deal!

Yun Hao's spiritual power entwined together in a soft and gentle way, warming her soul.

In less than half an hour, Chu Xinyue slowly woke up.

She leaned in Yun Hao's arms, her long black eyelashes beating, her big bright eyes blinking, and a shallow dimple appeared on her pale face.

"Mumu, just now...just now I felt like you entered my body, and the two of us merged into one..."

As she spoke, a blush appeared on her face.

Yun Hao: "It's okay."

After that, he helped Chu Xinyue to stand up, withdrew his arm and said, "I have something to ask you about your soul."

Chu Xinyue nodded: "I will definitely not hide it from you!"

at this time.


The black vortex hanging over the county city spun countless times faster.

The viscous blood pool located in the center of the vortex surged violently, and vaguely seemed to turn into a round blood moon!

"The blood moon is in the sky, the blood-fire demonic skill is completed..."

Manager Lin on the side exclaimed with a look of horror on his face. Apparently, he had some understanding of the Blood Fire Demon Sect that had been causing trouble in the Qingfeng Dynasty for a long time.


Manager Xiang Lin.

General Manager Lin looked solemn and said: "There must be important figures in the Blood Fire Demon Sect hiding in the Blood Moon.

The blood moon is a symbol of the success of their inherited skills, blood fire demon skills, which means that the demon sect thieves who are hiding in the blood moon and practicing are about to enter the realm of unity at this time! "

The Qingfeng Dynasty is not without strong men in the Guiyi Realm. Every cultivator at the Guiyi Realm is a very important person. A stamp of his feet can cause a big shock in the Qingfeng Dynasty!

If, once the demon sect's thieves hiding in the blood pool successfully enter the Guiyi Realm, then... the situation in Beihan County that was finally calmed down will be completely reversed!

Even Yun Hao looked heavy at this time.

He is now only an elementary spirit body, which is equivalent to the Yuan Gang realm. With his many foundations, he can kill the golden elixir easily.

But... if we really have to face a master from the Guiyi Realm, we will be powerless!

Therefore, we must defeat the opponent before he has truly advanced to the Guiyi Realm!

Yun Hao looked at Chu Xinyue: "When I solve this problem, you can talk to me about the soul."


Chu Xinyue fell into a state of extreme nervousness again, and immediately rushed forward and grabbed Yun Hao's sleeve.

Yun Hao turned around and looked at Chu Xinyue.

Chu Xinyue's big eyes were staring at Yun Hao, her white teeth biting her lips, and suddenly she stood on tiptoes, her lips covering Yun Hao's

On the mouth!

Warm, moist, soft.

Then, Chu Xinyue bit hard and took a step back.

With her face flushed, she looked at Yun Hao's lips that didn't leave any teeth marks: "You...why are you so hard!"

The elementary spirit body is no joke. Even if Yun Hao does not actively circulate the vitality of the physical body, the pure defense of the physical body is quite amazing.

Chu Xinyue murmured, and then said: "Mumu, you must be careful...Don't be brave. If something cannot be done, then go ahead and leave the county, and we will find another way!"

Manager Lin stepped forward: "Mr. Yun, I'll go with you. I can be of some help!"

After seeing Yun Hao's terrifying combat power, General Manager Lin was so impressed that he almost fell to the floor with admiration. Therefore, at this juncture, he said he could be of some help...

Yun Hao shook his head: "There are still many rebels and demon cultists in the county city, please protect this girl."

Hearing Yun Hao call herself a girl, Chu Xinyue suddenly... was filled with joy!

Yun Hao said no more, raised his head and glanced at the blood moon in the sky. His figure suddenly rose from the ground, like an unparalleled sword unsheathed and fired!

When he got close to the huge blood moon in the sky, an extremely fishy smell rushed towards his face. The blood moon, which was completely made up of thick plasma, created ripples of blood.

The ripples of blood seem light, but in fact they are extremely profound.

Strong impact.

Yun Hao slashed out with a sword, and the sword energy was like a rainbow, like tearing cloth, splitting the layers of blood ripples. Then, he rushed into the blood moon completely, and his figure disappeared from the eyes of Chu Xinyue below.

"General Manager Lin...he is stupid...he will be fine, right?" Chu Xinyue's heart was completely focused on Yun Hao alone, and she was extremely worried and nervous.

Manager Lin looked at the blood moon in the sky, was silent for a moment, and then said: "Master Yun will create miracles!"

at this time.

"Little princess!"

"The little princess is here!"

"Protect the little princess!"

A large group of people rushed over.

Bai Changfeng, the dean of Qingfeng Martial Academy, Yang Gang, chief instructor, Qin Lan from Yujianfeng, as well as Liu Yan, Yunying, Fatty, Dongfang Xiu, Shi Feng, and Gouzi Xiaohei!

Mu Baifeng, the chief alchemist of Baodan Tower, was also among them.

Each of them was seriously injured, but they still came without hesitation!

"Little princess, where is Brother Yun?" Dongfang Xiu shouted.

Everyone looked at Chu Xinyue nervously.

They fought all the way in and already knew that Yun Hao was killing everyone outside the city wall and opening the city wall with one sword. They also learned through Mu Baifeng that Yun Hao was here to rescue Chu Xinyue.

But...the little princess Chu Xinyue has been found.

But what about Yunhao people?

Chu Xinyue took a deep breath and said: "The seven golden elixirs, led by Murong Guang and Leng Xie, joined forces with He Yong, the middle-grade Xuan-level formation mage, to surround them.

Zhan Yunhao! "

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone's hearts were in their throats.

The seven golden elixirs and a mid-level Xuan-level formation mage join forces. What kind of terrifying force is this?

Everyone is afraid that hearing Chu Xinyue's next words will bring bad news...

Chu Xinyue paused and said: "Yun Hao sword kills all enemies!"

Everyone's tense heartstrings were finally loosened, and they fell directly into a huge shock!

"Brother Yun is invincible, hahaha!" Dongfang Xiu shouted with a loud smile!

"What about... Yun Haoren?" Bai Changfeng recovered from the shock and asked hurriedly.

Chu Xinyue looked at the blood moon in the sky.

Everyone also realized something and looked at the blood moon.

Bai Changfeng's face changed drastically. It was obvious that he also knew some secrets of the Blood Fire Demon Cult, and he said: "The blood moon appeared in the sky!"

Everyone's eyes widened.

So... after Yun Hao killed the seven golden elixirs and a mid-level Xuan-level formation mage, he went to... Zhan Guiyi?

In the hearts of everyone in the Qingfeng Dynasty, Guiyi Realm is invincible!

The Guiyi Realm is an existence as high as the sky!

Every strong person in the Guiyi Realm is truly a super figure who stands at the top of the power of the Qingfeng Dynasty!

At this time, Chu Xinyue showed her magnanimity as a little princess. She raised her sword and said: "Yun Hao is fighting up there, and we can't stop. Please come with me to kill the rebels and the remnants of the demon sect." , and bring peace and prosperity to Beihan County!"

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