God Hongtian

Chapter 234 The Seven Golden Pills Battle against Yun Hao

Chu Xinyue stared at Yun Hao in a daze, with boiling hot water still flowing in her eyes.

Before, it was tears of despair!

She was still very young, and there were still many things she wanted to do, and she hadn't fallen in love passionately, but rather than fall into the hands of the rebels, she resolutely chose to die.

But now, it was tears of emotion!

Before she died, the only person she thought of in her mind suddenly fell from the sky, stood beside her, and told her that with him, no one could hurt her in the slightest.

At this moment, Chu Xinyue felt that the grievances she had suffered from this piece of wood before were all worth it!

"Yun Hao, my second grandfather didn't kill you when he went to Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy. You are lucky, but you are too arrogant and too bold to enter the county city. Very good, then I can take revenge with my own hands! You destroyed my cultivation and caused me to suffer imprisonment. I have to settle these accounts with you! I will also kill you with a knife after I destroy your cultivation! By the way, you and Chu Xinyue seem to have a special relationship. If so, I will let you watch this bitch being humiliated by countless men and become a bitch who can be fucked by anyone!" Murong Qing's voice was full of strong resentment, and her expression was completely twisted and hideous! "Come on, take down this pair of dogs and bitches!" Murong Qing screamed madly. But at this moment. The flying sword disappeared from Yun Hao again. A flash of blue light rushed into Murong Qing's mouth, which was open with a hideous laugh, and with a puff, it directly penetrated the back of Murong Qing's head.

Murong Qing's hideous expression instantly solidified on her face, her pupils were dilated, her vitality was extinguished, and her body fell to the ground with a bang!

The flying sword was dark blue, and it flew back to Yun Hao's side. The blue sword body was not stained with blood.


Murong Guang, who was besieging Lin Da Zongguan together with Leng Xie, the elder of the Blood Fire Demon Cult, roared in grief and anger with his eyes bulging.

Lin Da Zongguan seized the opportunity, punched Leng Xie away, and rushed to Yun Hao and Chu Xinyue in a flash.

"Yun Hao, I will fight with them. I will hand over the little princess to you. Promise me that you must protect the little princess no matter what!"

As he spoke, Lin Da Zongguan suddenly spit out a large mouthful of black poisonous blood.

Yun Hao frowned, put his right index finger and middle finger together, and tapped on the body of the chief steward Lin in an instant, sealing the major meridians and acupoints around him, temporarily suppressing the toxicity in his body.

The effect was remarkable, and in a few blinks of an eye, the black blood lines on the surface of the chief steward Lin's skin disappeared.

"You should not do it again, otherwise the poison will attack your heart and you will be powerless to save him!" Yun Hao said.

Chief steward Lin took a deep breath and said, "The life of this old slave is nothing..."

"Chief steward Lin, he... can do it, I believe him!" At this time, Chu Xinyue spoke, she wiped away the tears in her eyes, and her eyes became clear and bright again. In her eyes, there was no one else, only Yun Hao!


An angry roar sounded, Murong Guang hugged Murong Qing's cold body, and he was crazy with hatred!

"Yun Hao, I will not be a human being if I don't cut you into pieces!" Then, Murong Guang handed Murong Qing's body to a soldier behind him, waved his arm, and said: "All Jindan realm, take action, I want these three to be buried with my granddaughter!" Suddenly. One after another, Jindan realm cultivators stood up. Including Murong Guang and Leng Xie, there are a total of seven Jindan. The traitor He Yong, the head of the Yuzhen Peak of Qingfeng Martial Academy, also stood up. He is a formation master of the middle grade of Xuan level, which is equal to Jindan! "Kill!" Murong Guang roared and took the lead to kill Yun Hao. Countless blood vessels protruded from his body, and a strong smell of blood and evil spirit entangled him. The power of the fourth level of Jindan realm burst out without reservation. Leng Xie's figure was like a ghost, disappearing without a trace in an instant, but he rushed to Yun Hao's side almost at the same time as Murong Guang, forming a pincer attack with Murong Guang! Leng Xie reached out with one hand, his five fingers like hooks, his means were sinister and treacherous, and he fiercely reached for Yun Hao's back.

Murong Guang swung his fists, fiercely and powerfully, and attacked Yun Hao's face!


The flying sword was dark blue, as if it had life, and shot towards Leng Xie's palm.

Leng Xie snorted coldly,

and suddenly an extremely evil breath surged out of his hand, and he grabbed the flying sword with a fierce grab!


Yun Hao ignored the back, and the Su Xin Sword swept up diagonally, and the cold light of the sword was like a thread piercing the air, and in a tough way, it directly tore Murong Guang's fist force.

At the critical moment, a layer of heavy light appeared on Murong Guang's body!


This layer of heavy light that protected his body exploded, and Murong Guang's body flew backwards.

Before Yun Hao could take advantage of the situation to attack, He Yong pressed his hands, which were sealed, on the ground, and countless spiritual patterns twisted together, like arrows, bursting out from the ground under Yun Hao's feet.

Yun Hao had already noticed it, and he soared into the air, with lightning raging under his feet, crushing all the spiritual arrows.

But the five Jindan-level rebel generals joined forces to attack, and the intensive offensive was like a storm, madly bombarding Yun Hao.

The Blood Fire Demon Cult elder Leng Xie sneered strangely, and the flying sword in his hand was dark blue, sizzling with black gas. In a few breaths, the flying sword turned into powder!

"If I had known you had mastered the art of flying swords, do you think I would be unprepared? Without the flying swords, your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, and you are dead!" Leng Scorpion let out a strange laugh, jumped up, and joined the siege cloud. Hao's battle group.

Murong Guang spat out a mouthful of blood after being knocked away, but he ignored his injuries and continued to kill like crazy.

The seven golden elixirs join forces to fight Yunhao!

Same here

At that time, there was also a Xuan-level mid-level formation master who was looking for opportunities to interfere!

But even so, Yun Hao was still in an invincible position, making every move without any panic or decline. Around him, the sword light was bright and the thunder was surging, which made Murong Guang and others feel even more pressure!

They were all extremely frightened.

Yun Hao's combat power was beyond their imagination.

There are absolutely no flaws in that swordsmanship!

"Quick victory!"

Leng Xie shouted loudly, and after finishing his words, he pulled off the blindfold on his right eye.

The super powerful inheritance of the Blood Fire Demon Cult, blood pupils are activated!

A sea of ​​blood poured out from Leng Xie's right eye in an instant and enveloped Yun Hao's body.

I think back then, with his blood pupils, even if he was only half-step into the Golden Core Realm, he forced Bai Changfeng, who was at the third level of the Golden Core Realm, to use the Martial Palace Seal!

Nowadays, Leng Xie's cultivation level is stronger than Murong Guang's, and the power of his blood pupils has naturally increased significantly.

The rolling sea of ​​blood exuded terrifying power, blocking Yun Hao from all sides.

"kill him!"

Leng Scorpion roared.

Murong Guang and others immediately rushed into the sea of ​​​​blood, each using their killing moves, hoping to take advantage of this opportunity to completely kill Yun Hao!

Leng Scorpion controlled the blood pupil and suppressed Yun Hao. The six golden elixir masters all launched their killing moves towards Yun Hao.

But Yun Hao, who was in the sea of ​​blood, had an icy arc at the corner of his mouth at this moment.

It's time to show your true power!

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