God Hongtian

Chapter 232: Breaking the City Wall with One Sword

Yun Hao took the initiative to attack, bursting out with the light of energy, blood, rays of light and thunder, killing the swordsmen and heavy armored soldiers blocking him!

The speed of the Three Thousand Thunder Phantom Body was so fast that he had already reached the enemy before he could even react.

Even though the edge of his sword has not yet been slashed out, the violent air waves set off by his forward momentum knocked those soldiers wearing heavy armor away!

The heavy armor with astonishing defense on their bodies was shattered by the impact of the air waves, and their bodies were like kites with broken strings!


With a loud shout, the leading general swung his sword and killed him!

The other swordsmen holding swords also drew their swords.

No matter how fierce Yunhao's offensive is, they are still fearless. This is the training they have received all along. They are cold-blooded and indifferent. They don't know fear. They only know how to obey orders!

Countless sword lights, like countless horses piercing the air, killed Yun Hao.

The sword light is raging, cruel and domineering!

Yun Hao snorted coldly, raised his sword at an angle, and unleashed the Thirty-Six Meridian Sword Art. In an instant, thirty-six sword energy burst out from the sword's edge, whizzing back and forth, crushing everything that was attacking him. Blade light!

Suddenly, a layer of earthy yellow light swept from Yun Hao's body.

The gravity attribute of the Minxuan Pearl spread.

Earthy yellow light enveloped the area, and gravity instantly increased tenfold!

Not good at speed, the soldier wearing heavy armor suddenly felt as if his whole body was being pressed by a mountain. It was difficult to move, and even some

Somewhat out of breath.

And the sword, which was good at close combat and had an agile body, was unable to adapt to the sudden change in gravity. The movement of the sword became sluggish and slow, full of loopholes!

Yun Hao rushed into the enemy army, his sharp edge seemed to tear everything apart, his sword edge danced, and the cold light bloomed!




A series of cold sword lights caused blood flowers to bloom!




The terrifying thunder blasted each enemy's body into pieces!

The so-called heavy armor was just a joke in front of him. Those swords couldn't even get within three feet of him!

On the city wall.

A group of soldiers were ready to go, and there was already a trace of... fear in their cold expressions!

Even though their training process in secret is extremely cruel and they are always facing death, even if the concept they have been instilled in them is to be fearless...

But the power Yunhao displayed at this moment was really terrifying!

That dazzling and roaring thunder can not only break a person's body, but also break the courage in a person's heart!

That dazzling and cold sword light can not only tear apart a person's body, but also tear apart the faith in a person's heart!

"Fire the arrow!"

There was another loud shout, and the archers on the city wall once again drew their special bows!

They went out to confront Yun Hao's heavy armored soldiers and weapons. They were almost dead in the blink of an eye, so they had to let go.

Arrow, block Yun Hao and avoid being killed by Yun Hao on the city wall!




Another dense mass of arrows shot out, the whistling sound was sharp and ear-piercing, causing bursts of sonic booms!

Thirty-six rays of sword energy circled around Yun Hao in an instant, creating a blazing sword light.

In the sword light, the sharp edge is everywhere!

Locust-like arrows shot out all over the sky. When the arrows touched the sword light, they exploded one after another!

"The worm shakes the tree!"

Yun Hao shouted coldly. As the killing unfolded, his momentum continued to rise.

"Array Master, form an array!"

The generals on the city wall gave orders again.

Dozens of formation mages appeared on the city wall, surrounded by elite protection.

After all, formation mages are not good at close combat. If a warrior gets close to them, the consequences will be disastrous.

After these formation masters appeared, they all took out the formation base that had been prepared, and then formed seals with their hands to stimulate the power of the formation base.

"Clatter, crash, crash!"

Huge chains spread out from each formation base, shaking in the air, and then like a dexterous python, they whipped towards Yun Hao fiercely.

"Get out of the city and kill the enemy!"

The generals on the city wall issued orders one after another, and hundreds of heavy armored soldiers and melee weapons roared out of the city wall and charged towards Yun Hao.

There were twenty-one huge chains, each one more than three feet in diameter, and the air crackled as they were whipped.

Yun Hao stabbed the sky with his sword!

Twenty-one huge chains, suddenly wrapped around

Then, Yun Hao's sword was locked, and Yun Hao's body was locked. Twenty-one chains were intertwined with each other, forming a huge, airtight cage!

The formation master who set up the formation breathed a sigh of relief.

The generals and soldiers on the city wall also breathed a sigh of relief.

The hundreds of heavy armored soldiers and melee weapons who rushed out also breathed a sigh of relief.






The surface of the cage made of twenty-one formation chains burst into cracks.

Endless sword light burst out from the cracks.

Immediately afterwards.


A huge explosion broke out, and the formation chain cage was completely torn into pieces by the terrifying edge.




The array masters controlling the array on the city wall suffered an instant backlash. Each one of them staggered, their faces were as pale as paper, and they spurted out blood!

Yun Hao broke out of the formation, and this scene shocked everyone.

The hundreds of heavy armored soldiers and melee weapons who had rushed out of the city wall felt an invisible pressure like a big hand, tightly grasping their hearts!


Yun Hao let out a clear whistle.

Carrying the thunderbolt, he once again charged into the enemy crowd.




He has a strong killing intent and overwhelming fighting spirit. His sword strikes every blow, killing every move. Under his sword edge, the enemy's lives are like straw, being harvested in patches!

Not a while.


The enemy troops that Hao had killed were so timid that they completely lost their courage and fighting spirit and fled in all directions!

"Hold, hold, block him, kill him!"

The generals on the city wall roared angrily.

"What are you using to block my sword?!"

Yun Hao shouted and stepped forward.

The thunder blasted out a huge charred pit on the ground, and the surrounding enemy troops were blown away. The strong impact caused their flying bodies to explode in the air.

Yun Hao's body also took advantage of the force and leaped high into the sky.

He faced the city wall with a cold expression, his eyes flashed, and Su Xin Sword slashed suddenly!

This sword seemed to roll up the turbulent sea of ​​​​the sun, rolling up huge waves, and waves of sword energy burst out.

In the waves of light, lightning flashed!

A full nine layers of sword energy light waves carrying the thunderous conception merged into one in an instant, turning into a huge sword energy that was a hundred meters long.

Under this majestic and majestic sword energy, everyone on the city wall felt that they were extremely insignificant and could no longer resist at all.

Because they know that resistance has no meaning anymore!

When Yun Hao's sword energy struck the city wall.


Open the city wall with one sword!

The towering city wall collapsed suddenly, creating a gap dozens of feet wide!

Yun Hao no longer paid attention to the soldiers and generals guarding the city wall. He flashed and rushed into the county city!

The purpose of his trip is very clear. No matter what, Chu Xinyue must be rescued!

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