God Hongtian

Chapter 230: Thousands of troops, nothing to fear


Huge roars continued to explode.

The top area of ​​Qingfeng Wuyuan's main peak has been completely enveloped by the power of the formation.

Inside the formation, Dean Bai Changfeng and Murong Ming from Shenyonghou Mansion were having a fierce battle!

Bai Changfeng smashed his fists, and the fist marks were like mountains, densely packed towards Murong Ming.

Murong Ming was also good at boxing, and his punches were so powerful that he shattered the punch marks that hit him one after another.

The fight between the two was extremely ferocious.

Murong Ming was at a disadvantage, and blood bleeded from the corner of his mouth!

"You...how could it be...haven't your cultivation always been stagnant? You actually made a breakthrough!"

Murong Ming was shocked.

In fact, even if Bai Changfeng breaks through, he is only at the fifth level of the Golden Core Realm, and there is still a certain gap between him and Murong Ming, who is at the seventh level of the Golden Core Realm.


At this time, Bai Changfeng was also blessed with a layer of mysterious power. There were hidden runes flowing on the surface of his skin, giving him the strength to crush Murong Ming.

This mysterious power is exactly the power of the seal from the Martial Palace!

Ever since Yun Hao helped him reshape the seal, he was no longer disturbed by the seal. Not only had his cultivation level improved, but he could also perfectly utilize the power of the seal.

Bai Changfeng didn't talk nonsense with Murong Ming at all. He was now eager to kill this old guy Murong Ming.

After all, now, the entire Qingfeng Martial Academy is in dire straits. If he resolves the battle as soon as possible, the people of Qingfeng Martial Academy can reduce many casualties!

The faintly flowing runes on Bai Changfeng's body shone brightly. He suddenly flew forward and punched out. The air in front of his fist was compressed to the extreme in an instant, and then exploded with a bang.

The violent force lifted up a layer of the ground within a kilometer radius, and the beating made Murong Ming cough up blood and fly upside down!

Bai Changfeng resumed his offensive and wanted to get rid of this old bastard Murong Ming in one go!

Suddenly, the large light curtain covering the main peak shed a bright light. The light swept towards Bai Changfeng. Bai Changfeng's offensive was blocked and his body trembled!

Immediately afterwards, another large array of light fell, and Bai Changfeng suddenly fell to the ground. With a bang, half of his body sank into the ground.

Murong Ming did not give Bai Changfeng a chance to breathe. In the blink of an eye, he controlled the power of the formation and shed a third piece of light.


The top of the main peak is all here

Under the impact of this force, a section of his body was shattered!

The billowing dust agitated, the boulders tumbled, and in the deep pit filled with rubble, Bai Changfeng's body exploded out. Almost the moment he rushed out, another formation of light swept towards the pit!


Almost half of the main peak of Qingfeng Martial Academy was destroyed by the explosion!

On Bai Changfeng's body, blood and dust condensed into a thick layer of blood, mud and dirt, and his aura was extremely disordered.


Murong Ming laughed and said: "Bai Changfeng, you should be familiar with this power. This is your Qingfeng Martial Academy's protective formation. How about it? It was beaten so miserably by your own protective formation. Are you feeling complicated?"

He had just used the power of the Qingfeng Martial Academy's protective formation to catch Bai Changfeng off guard and directly reverse the disadvantage!

Bai Changfeng looked up to the sky and roared.

He hates it!

It was not that he was unaware of traitors. He had been keeping an eye on Zhang Tai, but he never expected that besides Zhang Tai, there were also Feng Yi, Fang Cun, a large number of disciples, and the peak master of the Imperial Formation Peak, He Yong!

If there weren't too many traitors in Qingfeng Martial Academy, why would Murong Ming kill him today?


Murong Ming laughed wildly and said: "Even if you have too much unwillingness, there is no point in regretting it. Today, you must die!"

Murong Ming rushed towards Bai Changfeng madly, unleashing his killing moves. At the same time, the power of the formation poured from the air towards Bai Changfeng.

Bai Changfeng punched out, smashing the power of the formation, but he could no longer block Murong Ming's attacking punch. With a bang, he was punched in the chest, and pieces of internal organs mixed with blood spurted out of his mouth. out!

"You deserve to die too!"

Murong Ming roared, and the surface of his fist suddenly burned with blazing flames!

This is the core inheritance of the Murong family, the Burning Heart Fist!

Just as the punch was about to hit Bai Changfeng's face, suddenly, the formation light curtain covering the top of the main peak was torn apart by a wisp of sword energy.

Yun Hao's body passed through the crack, and the Three Thousand Thunder Phantom Body was deployed. He rushed towards Murong Ming with the power of thunder and slashed with the Su Xin Sword!

Sensing the danger behind him, Murong Ming ducked in time to avoid Yun Hao's sharp sword.

Yun Hao rushed over and came to Bai Changfeng's side. He put a hand on Bai Changfeng's back to help him stabilize his almost fallen figure.

"You shouldn't be here,

I'll hold him back, hurry up! "When Bai Changfeng saw Yun Hao, his face became even more anxious.

He knew very well how strong Murong Ming's hatred for Yun Hao was. After all, if it weren't for Yun Hao, Murong Ming would not have killed his own grandson with his own hands in full view of the public!

Murong Ming stared at Yun Hao, his eyes suddenly bulging out, and his eyeballs were bloodshot.

"Zhang Tai's bunch of losers actually let you come here, but it's okay, I will kill you with my own hands to avenge my grandson!"

After the words fell, Murong Ming violently attacked Yunhao and killed him.

Bai Changfeng was about to take action.

"I'll kill him!"

Yun Hao's voice rang in Bai Changfeng's ears. The next moment, Yun Hao stepped out with thunder and slashed out a raging sea of ​​fire with a sword!

The terrifying waves of fire swept across, bursting with the intention of burning the sky!

The terrible high temperature made Bai Changfeng's heart tremble!

He felt that the blood in his body, even the blood flowing in his body, seemed to be burning!

Bai Changfeng widened his eyes.


had a guess!

Such a powerful flame is exactly the same as the flame energy in the Fire Ruins Secret Realm!

In other words...

Yun Hao actually got the opportunity that countless people dreamed of in the Fire Ruins Secret Realm. The innate fire in the Fire Ruins Secret Realm fell into Yun Hao's hands!

Murong Ming, who was murderous the moment before, suddenly turned into a ball of fire.

He was injured because of the previous battle with Bai Changfeng, and blood was flowing on his body. Without any warning, the blood ignited, and a painful burning sensation broke out inside his body without any signs!


Murong Ming, who had turned into a fireball, screamed like a pig being slaughtered.

He roared, his vitality boiling, and finally successfully extinguished the flames on his body.

Just as he extinguished the flames on his body, Yun Hao, whose whole body was bathed in the light of thunder, rushed over with a sword and cut his abdomen in half with one sword!

The flames that he had finally extinguished spread along the wound again, invading his body again, burning his blood.

Murong Ming's body was emitting sizzling hot air, mixed with the smell of burnt barbecue, and his skin was red like cooked shrimps!

His nostrils were steaming, and his expression was distorted because of pain.

"Innate fire seed... Damn it, you actually got the innate fire seed in the Fire Ruins Secret Realm!" Murong Ming roared, his hands spread out

, and shouted: "Even if you have the innate fire seed, so what? You still have to die!"


The Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy's guard formation was in operation, and the powerful force gathered.

Murong Ming was burned by Yun Hao's Sun Flame Heart Fire one after another, and his fighting power plummeted. He was extremely afraid and no longer dared to fight in close combat, so he wanted to use the same trick as he did to Bai Changfeng, and use the formation of Qingfeng Martial Academy to kill Yun Hao!

Yun Hao seemed to ignore Murong Ming's counterattack. He stepped out with a sword, and the sword tip was surrounded by blazing fire. At the same time, his mental power turned into dense light golden spiritual patterns around his body!

"Little beast, die!"

Crazy Murong Ming pressed down with both hands.

In the light curtain of the big formation, a heavy light poured down, like the sky collapsing, and it was going to crush Yun Hao below!

But the next moment, the light golden spiritual patterns surging around Yun Hao shot in all directions like countless arrows and merged into the light curtain of the formation.

The power of the big formation mobilized by Murong Ming disappeared silently without a trace!

Murong Ming's bloodshot eyes widened, and his eyeballs almost popped out.

Yun Hao, who rushed forward, once again rushed to him with thunder, and the sword edge surrounded by the Sun Flame Burning Heart Fire pierced into Murong Ming's chest with a puff in an extremely crisp and neat way!

The Sun Flame Burning Heart Fire rushed into the blood vessels of his limbs along Murong Ming's heart. He had been able to extinguish the Sun Flame Burning Heart Fire burning in his body several times before, but this time, he could no longer extinguish this terrifying innate fire!


The Sun Flame Burning Heart Fire suddenly erupted and completely submerged Murong Ming's body.

Yun Hao looked indifferent, and watched Murong Ming being burned to ashes with his own eyes, then turned around and flew in front of Bai Changfeng.

Bai Changfeng looked at Yun Hao, and a storm was set off in his heart!

The legendary innate fire, and the ultimate control of the power of thunder and lightning, including the means of manifesting spiritual patterns with the fighting spirit to disintegrate the Qingfeng Martial Academy's protective formation...

Each of them, taken out individually, is enough to stir up heated discussions in the Qingfeng Dynasty!

And all of these are actually concentrated on Yun Hao alone!

Too crazy, too incredible!

Even if he saw it with his own eyes, Bai Changfeng still felt as if he was dreaming, unbelievable!

Is this... the real reason why Yun Hao can become the Demon Suppressor of the Martial Hall at such a young age?

Bai Changfeng suddenly felt that...even if the identity of the Demon Suppressor is extremely respected in the Martial Hall, it is still...a bit of a waste of talent for Yun Hao!

Yun Hao: "Zhang Tai, Feng Yi, Fang Cun and others are dead, Murong Ming is also dead, but there are still a large number of traitors and the private soldiers brought by Murong Ming, kill them all first!"

Bai Changfeng was shocked again.

Zhang Tai, Feng Yi, Fang Cun, the leaders of the traitors, are also dead.

However, it is normal to think about it. Yun Hao can even kill Murong Ming, so it is not difficult to kill those traitor leaders.

Bai Changfeng came to his senses and immediately left the main peak with Yun Hao. But before they could start, they saw a bloody figure shooting from a distance.

"Dean... Murong Guang rebelled and wanted to sacrifice blood in the county city!" The person who came shouted, it was Yang Gang, the chief instructor of Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy!

Yun Hao and Bai Changfeng immediately took the initiative to fly towards Yang Gang.

Yang Gang looked at Bai Changfeng and Yun Hao, extremely anxious, and said: "Dean, the situation in the county city has reached its extreme.

The little princess personally led the power of the county governor's mansion to try to disintegrate Murong Guang's vicious calculations, but she never expected that He Yong, the peak master of our Yuzhen Peak, was a traitor. He betrayed us, resulting in the death of all 500 soldiers in the county governor's mansion garrison camp.

The little princess also fell into a desperate situation and was hunted down by Murong Guang and the demon cultists..."

Yang Gang stopped talking here. He had fought his way out of the siege and wanted to come back for help, but he also saw the current situation of Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy...

In this state, how could Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy have the spare energy to go to the county city to rescue the little princess?

Yun Hao's eyes condensed and said, "Little princess?"

Bai Changfeng took a deep breath and said, "Chu Xinyue, that's the little princess!"

Yun Hao had guessed that Chu Xinyue might be related to the royal family, but he didn't expect that Chu Xinyue was actually a direct descendant of the royal family and a princess of the current dynasty!

"Dean Bai, General Instructor Yang, you should stabilize the situation of the martial arts academy first, and then take people to the county city."

After Yun Hao finished speaking, he picked up the sword and walked away.

"Where are you going?" Bai Changfeng asked hurriedly.

"Save people!"

Yun Hao responded with two words, and his figure rose from the ground, turned into a lightning, and disappeared in an instant.

Even if the county city has been surrounded by Murong Guang's army, he has to go this time!

So what if there are thousands of troops?

No one can stop him from saving people!

He did not forget that he still owed Chu Xinyue a...favor!

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