God Hongtian

Chapter 221 Next, it’s up to you

The venue fell into dead silence because of Dongfang Xiu and Fatty's words.

Everyone thought they heard it wrong!

Ten years ago, the Qingfeng Martial Academy was attacked by the Cangxing Martial Academy, and all the young people who entered the Fire Ruins Secret Realm were wiped out.

This time, very few people came to Qingfeng Martial Academy, and Cangxing Martial Academy was so powerful that no one was optimistic about Qingfeng Martial Academy, thinking that Qingfeng Martial Academy was very likely to make the same mistake again.


The result was that Qingfeng Martial Academy wiped away the humiliation of ten years ago, and Yunhao alone killed everyone in Cangxing Martial Academy!

is this real?

If they hadn't seen the head of Xu Lin, the genius of the Cangxing Martial Arts Academy, not many people would believe this.

But Xu Lin's head was thrown out first, as if to declare that the disciples of Cangxing Martial Academy who entered the Fire Ruins Secret Realm were really... dead!


One of them is still alive, that is Murong Qing.

However, this dignified eldest lady of the Marquis House, the only descendant of the eighth generation Marquis family, was lying on the ground like a dead dog, covered in blood and miserable.

Anyone with a bit of discernment can see that Murong Qing has been crippled!

It’s no different than death!

Yang Gang and Qin Lan were both stunned and couldn't recover for a while!


Deng Qi, the vice-president of Cangxing Martial Academy, had veins popping out on his neck and shouted: "It's nonsense, nonsense. Just a few of you want to destroy all the disciples of Cangxing Martial Academy? It's simply a fool's dream!"

The fat man put his hands on his hips, looked over, and said, "Old dog, what are you talking about?"

Deng Qi was furious and said in a stern voice: "I said you are here to confuse the public with your lies!"

Fatty: "I'm asking about the old dog. Did I ask you?"

Deng Qi: "..."

His old face is red and blue!

Dongfang Xiu laughed: "Fat brother, maybe he thinks he is an old dog, hahaha!"

Deng Qi's fists were clenched tightly, and the joints bulged, making a clicking sound.

He is the vice-president of Cangxing Martial Academy. He is aloof. Everywhere he walks in Beihan County, everyone is in awe and greets him. But today, he was surrounded by two people from Qingfeng Martial Academy.

A boy plays with words.

He was so angry!

"You... are looking for death!"

Deng Qi's voice was extremely gloomy, containing cold and infinite murderous intent.


Dongfang Xiu sneered, took a step forward, pointed at his neck, and said: "Old dog, who are you trying to scare?

Come on, your Uncle Dongfang’s neck is right here. If you are a man, break my neck. If you don’t dare, stop yelling and barking here. It will dirty your ears! "

Deng Qi stood on the ground, as if roots were growing under his feet. Although he was filled with rage and murderous intent, he really didn't dare to hurt Dongfang Xiu even half a hair in front of everyone!

Dongfang Baichuan, the owner of Ba Dao Villa, can kill him dozens of times with one sword!

Lin Qingwan, the top source master in the Qingfeng Dynasty today, can kill him countless times with just one sentence!

And Yuan Chunqing, who is known as the pillar of the dynasty and sits in Tianshi Academy, can completely wipe out all nine of his clans without making a move!

"Incompetent old dog, he only knows how to be beeping!" The fat man taunted loudly.

When the two of them worked together, they had a very good understanding, which almost made Deng Qi angry to death.

At this time.

Fan Jun, the instructor of Cangxing Martial Academy who was following Deng Qi, changed the subject and shouted: "Let my disciple Murong Qing of Cangxing Martial Academy go free. This is our bottom line. If not, we will bear the consequences!"

Behind Murong Qing is the Shenyong Hou Mansion.

This is a behemoth!

Now that Murong Qing has been tortured like this, the Shenyong Hou Mansion will not let it go.

Therefore, Fan Jun was very smart and asked them to release him.

In this way, even if there is a conflict with the power behind Dongfang Xiu, there will still be help from the Shen Yong Hou Mansion!

Deng Qi also reacted and shouted: "If we don't let him go, none of you will be able to leave!"

Yang Gang took a step forward, looked directly at Deng Qi, and said in a loud voice: "I want to take people away. If you dare to stop me, then let me go and try!"

Qin Lan's attitude was more direct, and with a swish sound, the long sword was unsheathed.

If Yunhao and the others directly killed Murong Qing in the secret territory of the Fire Ruins, it would be easy to handle. As long as no one told them, no one could say for sure.

They did it.

But Yunhao and the others captured Murong Qing alive... This matter was much more difficult.

But both Yang Gang and Qin Lan are very clear that everything Yun Hao does must have his reasons. Therefore, even if they are directly facing the pressure from the Shenyong Hou Mansion, the two of them do not hesitate at all. .

Just do it, no matter who you are afraid of!

"Teacher Yang, Peak Master Qin, leave it to me to handle it." Yun Hao's voice sounded at the right time, and he took a few steps forward.

Dongfang Xiu was very sensible and kicked out Murong Qing, who was lying on the ground. He rolled several times on the ground and landed at Yun Hao's feet.

Yun Hao raised his feet and dropped the soles of his feet.


As soon as Murong Qing raised her head, she was stepped on by Yun Hao and fell into the ground.

"This Yun Hao's courage is too great... This is the only seedling of the main lineage of the Murong family..."

"Don't forget that some time ago, Yun Hao was so strong at the gate of the Shenyong Marquis' Mansion, and directly forced Murong Ming to kill his grandson with his own hands!"

"This is different. Murong Qing is the only one in the family. The old Marquis is famous for his love for his granddaughter. If the old Marquis finds out, he will definitely take revenge at all costs!"

"Perhaps, Murong Qing's father and Murong Botao, who is in charge of hundreds of thousands of elites in the frontier, will come back because of this... This Yunhao is going to destroy Tiandu!"

People around him stared at this scene and started talking.

Deng Qi stared at Yun Hao with a cruel expression and a sinister gaze, and shouted coldly: "Yun Hao, you...are looking for death!"

Yun Hao: "People are at my feet. If you want to save them, you can do whatever you want!"

All around, the noise started again.


So crazy!

If you want to save people, you can do whatever you want!

This is completely disrespectful to Deng Qi!

Deng Qi is a super strong man in the Golden Core Realm. Where did Yunhao get his courage?

Yang Gang and Qin Lan were not at ease, but Dongfang Xiu said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, Master Qin, you don't need to take action, I, Brother Yun, am invincible with one sword!"

The fat man held his head high and said, "Did the two heroes of Liuyun get their fame in vain? Who cares?

What kind of golden elixir or silver elixir is nothing but a floating cloud under the sword of my brother Yun! "

Yang Gang and Qin Lan didn't want to talk to these two stupid guys anymore. When did it happen? Is this an occasion for bragging?

However, when Luo Li nodded towards the two of them, they were stunned.

what's the situation?

Luo Li from Tianshi Academy also thinks there is no problem?

"Yunhao, you are arrogant and don't know how high the sky is. If you want to die, I will help you!"

The one who shouted was Fan Jun, the instructor of Cangxing Martial Arts Academy. After he finished shouting, he raised his hands towards Deng Qi: "Vice President Deng, if you take action against someone like this, it will be like dirtying your hands. Let me do it! "

Deng Qi nodded: "Kill!"


As he spoke, Fan Jun strode forward, drew his sword, and pointed the blade directly at Yun Hao: "Ignorant boy, let's see if I don't cut you into pieces!"

As soon as the words fell, a strong storm rose around Fan Jun. He rushed with the wind and slashed with his long sword. The strong wind turned into dense sword light, like a torrent pouring towards Yun Hao!

Although he is not at the Golden Core Realm, as one of the most senior instructors at Cangxing Martial Academy, his combat prowess is at the top of the Yuan Gang Realm!

Faced with Fan Jun's fierce offensive.

But Yun Hao didn't even think about drawing his sword.

He looked calm, as if he didn't care.

I saw the sword light that filled the sky was about to strike Yun Hao.


The sword energy in Yun Hao's body suddenly burst out with a sharp edge!

Although he didn't draw his sword.

But there is a clear and sonorous sword sound that resounds between heaven and earth!

A layer of sword light spread all over three feet of Yun Hao's body!

No matter how dense the Gangfeng sword light slashed, all the sword light was silently annihilated after touching the layer of sword light surging around Yun Hao!

No sword light can come within three feet of Yun Hao!

Even if the person who wields the sword is Fan Jun, the most senior instructor at Cangxing Martial Academy, it won’t work!

Fan Jun's attack was huge, but the result left everyone dumbfounded.

Fan Jun's expression suddenly changed and he launched his killing move again.

Yun Hao glanced at him casually and said, "Death!"

As soon as he said the word "death", the sword light surging around him suddenly condensed.

It became a magnificent sword energy and shot out.

The sword energy broke through the air and set off a terrifying howl!


Fan Jun let out an extremely frightened shout and held his sword in front of him.

There was a crisp explosion, and Fan Jun's long sword in front of him broke into two pieces. Then, his body also exploded in two as the sword energy cut down!

in the air.

Blood rains!

Broken intestines and internal organs fell like rain.

The crowd around them opened their mouths to the maximum extent and their eyes almost bulged out.

At this moment, they finally knew where Yun Hao got the courage!

His courage comes from his own strength!

Unexpectedly, even a master of Fan Jun's level couldn't let Yun Hao move a step, couldn't let Yun Hao draw his sword to meet him, couldn't let Yun Hao suffer half a hair's damage, but was instantly killed by Yun Hao's sword energy in a single thought!

After the deathly silence caused by extreme shock, there were boiling exclamations!

Unbelievable, unbelievable!

Even if they see it with their own eyes, most people still think it is too unreal!

Yun Hao's feet were still stepping on Murong Qing, and his eyes were looking at Deng Qi, the vice-president of Cangxing Martial Academy.

During the examination at Qingfeng Martial Academy, it was Deng Qi and Fan Jun who plotted to cause a crazy red-eyed violent ape to lock onto Yun Hao's aura.

At that time, they wanted to kill Yunhao!

Now, it's time to settle this account.

Although Ling Feiyu is still in Cangxing Martial Academy, Yunhao is not worried that Cangxing Martial Academy will embarrass Ling Feiyu because of him.

Cangxing Martial Academy, don’t dare!

Ling Feiyu is the phoenix that has attracted the attention of Cang Yue Taoist Academy. She is about to go to Cang Yue Taoist Academy to compete for the position of saint. No one in the Cangxing Martial Academy within the Qingfeng Dynasty has the courage to confront Ling Feiyu. Rain and rain are bad!

Deng Qi felt deeply uneasy in his heart.

He is at the first level of the Golden Core Realm, and he can kill someone of Fan Jun's level with one move, so he may not lose to Yun Hao.

But Yunhao was too calm, so calm that it made him panic!

Yun Hao looked at Deng Qi and said, "Next, it's your turn."

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