God Hongtian

Chapter 218: Just a clown

Yun Hao's appearance caught everyone by surprise.

The key is that Yun Hao still came out of that ball of fire!

This ball of fire is most likely the innate fire in the Fire Ruins Secret Realm!

In the Qingfeng Dynasty, for a hundred years, a large number of young geniuses entered the Fire Ruins Secret Realm every ten years and paid the price with their lives in search of innate fire.

But all this time, no one has ever had a glimpse of the innate fire. Could it be that... Yun Hao has obtained it?

He Dongliu, who was seriously injured and his whole body looked like charcoal, was extremely shocked!

Luo Li, who was also seriously injured, blinked her dry eyes and thought that her previous feeling was right. Sure enough, it was right to follow Yun Hao at that time...

Xu Lin and Zhou Rong both looked extremely ugly.

They believe that one is born with fire in all likelihood. Nine, refined by Yun Hao...

In other words, they were fighting to death next to the innate fire, while Yunhao was on the side, silently refining the innate fire!

Thinking of this, the two of them were so depressed that they almost vomited blood!

Xu Lin's face suddenly became distorted. He stared at Yun Hao, his eyes were like poisonous snakes, his expression was sinister, and he shouted coldly: "Yun Hao, it seems that you took advantage of me. You trash, you are really lucky." .

But... it's too early for you to be happy. Innate fire is for those who are capable!

With your little strength, you are not worthy of possessing innate fire.

After I kill you, and then extract the innate fire from your corpse, the innate fire will still be mine! "

As he spoke, his fists were already blooming with dazzling golden light of vitality, and his whole body was boiling with vitality.

Teng, setting off waves of roars as if the earth was shaking!

Whether it was Xu Lin or Zhou Rong, they were all very angry with Yun Hao because of Ling Feiyu's incident at Snow Peak.

In addition, now that Yun Hao has taken away the innate fire that they think is theirs, they are even more angry, and both of them are murderous!

Facing Xu Lin's threat and explosive momentum, Yun Hao looked calm and raised his Su Xin Sword, pointing directly at Xu Lin.

Luo Li, who was behind Yun Hao, was about to step forward to help.

"No need, he's just a clown, one strike from me is enough." Yun Hao's voice sounded.

Luo Li: "..."

The corners of her mouth twitched when she heard Yun Hao's words.

A clown?

Xu Lin is one of the top ten disciples of Cangxing Martial Academy. Although he is only ranked tenth, his potential is higher than the nine in front of him!

In the imperial city of Kyoto, Xu Lin was extremely famous.

The same is true for Zhou Rong. He is a natural formation master who is about to have mature bone marks. At a young age, he is already quite famous among the formation masters!

In Yunhao's eyes, these two people were... just clowns? !

They are clowns... What about you and He Dongliu?

Luo Li's thoughts suddenly became extremely complicated.

He Dongliu thought more than Luo Li... After all, before this, he had always thought that Yun Hao would be a drag, and he had openly contradicted Yun Hao...

"The clown... you are the first person who has the courage to say that to me. Okay, very good! Yunhao, I will smash your mouth first, then break your hands and feet, and destroy your cultivation. , trample on your dignity, and make you unable to survive or die.

Yes, let you know who is the real clown! "

Xu Lin roared angrily, stepped forward suddenly, and shot like an arrow from a string.


Just by rushing forward, wherever he passed, a terrifying white wave of air was set off, making a deafening roar.

His fists smashed hard!

The Pukong Fist is famous for its fierceness and superb punch speed.

Before he could rush to Yun Hao, the two fist seals he made appeared in front of Yun Hao with violent power!

The fist seal is like a mountain, rolling with majestic force. This is enough power to easily blast two mountains into pieces.

The angry Xu Lin made a move without any reservation and unleashed his killing move with all his strength!


Suddenly, the sound of swords resounded.

The Su Xin Sword in Yun Hao's hand burst out with blazing light. The sword light was like a roaring ocean wave, arousing overwhelming power. The sharp edge swept across the sky. The two fist seals Xu Lin struck with all his strength did not make the slightest sound, and were directly... annihilated. !

Xu Lin's pupils contracted, and his mind was filled with horror.

But before he could react, the sword light, as blazing as the roaring waves, had already appeared in front of him.

At the critical moment, Xu Lin roared, crossed his arms in front of him, and golden energy burst out, trying to resist Yun Hao's sword!


The defense he made was meaningless under the sharp edge of this sword!

The unparalleled sharpness contained in the sword light tore apart his vitality defense like tearing tissue paper.

A cluster of sparks bloomed at the tip of the sword in the sword light.

The moment the spark appears.

Xu Lin's whole body's energy and blood became boiling hot.

Than, it seems to be burning with blazing flames!

It is the innate fire, the sun burning the heart fire!

Yun Hao's move was the chestnut-taking from the fire of the Mysterious Fire Burning Sky Sword that he had used before!

Previously, he had only used the intermediate level of acquired fire, but the power of this move was already considerable.

Now, with the innate fire Sun Flame Burning Heart Fire, the power of this move has been completely improved!



The sword edge pierced Xu Lin's arms that were crossed in front of him. The sword moved forward and pierced Xu Lin's chest again.

A look of extreme pain appeared on Xu Lin's face, and he let out a shrill scream!

Immediately afterwards.


A raging fire swept out of Xu Lin's body, and his body was swallowed up by the flames in the blink of an eye!

Under the control of Yun Hao.

Xu Lin's body was eventually burned, leaving a dead head.


Zhou Rong, who came from the Prime Minister's Mansion, turned pale.

Xu Lin's strength is stronger than him!

But Xu Lin was instantly killed by a sword in front of Yun Hao...

He was so frightened that his whole body shivered, and he made a decision immediately. A large number of spiritual patterns surged around his legs, and his figure turned into a hurricane, and fled into the distance in an instant!


With a thought in Yun Hao's mind, the flying sword Youlan shot out, with a cold blue light, shooting towards Zhou Rong who was escaping.

The flying sword chased Zhou Rong, pierced Zhou Rong's body, and brought out a bloody light.


Zhou Rong's screams followed, and the next moment, his figure disappeared directly from the place, and ripples appeared in the space around the place where he disappeared.

Yun Hao frowned slightly.

Zhou Rong is actually free this time

A time-traveling type of protective treasure!

When he was in the Tomb of Life and Death before, Murong Guang was able to escape because he used such life-saving objects. However, Zhou Rong's space teleportation magic weapon was obviously more advanced than what Murong Guang used at that time!

At this time, Luo Li on the side stepped forward and said: "When Zhou Rong was born, he caused a strange phenomenon of spiritual patterns and rays of light. He was mistaken for a person born with bone patterns, and attracted an formation master from the ancient country of Daxia.

After the formation master arrived, he found that Zhou Rong's bone patterns were incomplete, so he did not directly accept Zhou Rong as his disciple.

But he still gave Zhou Rong a chance. As long as Zhou Rong could have complete bone patterns before the age of twenty, he would be eligible to become his disciple.

Therefore, before he left, he gave Zhou Rong a very high-level teleportation talisman.

Zhou Rong had obviously used the Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman just now, and he should have been teleported out of the Fire Ruins Secret Realm now! "

Yun Hao nodded, looked at Luo Li, and then at He Dongliu, who was burned to coke.

Luo Li: "Yunhao, thank you very much!"

After that, he solemnly thanked Yun Hao.

He Dongliu took a deep breath, lowered his head, and said: "Yunhao, it was my fault before, I was blind... Thank you for your life-saving grace. I, He Dongliu, will definitely repay you!"

Yun Hao: "You guys go out first, the Fire Ruins Secret Realm is about to collapse."

Sunfire Burning Heart Fire is the foundation of the Fire Ruins Secret Realm.

As the Riyan Burning Heart Fire was refined by Yun Hao, the Fire Ruins Secret Realm was on the verge of collapse and could not be maintained for much longer.

Just after Yun Hao said these words.


A loud shout sounded from a distance.

"Brother Yun...Brother Yun, help me...!"

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