God Hongtian

Chapter 215: The Great War, Innate Fire Takes Formation

After Yun Hao activated the Seven Star Soul Attraction Formation and resealed the soul of the Golden Flame Two-Headed Lion, the entire Fire Ruins Secret Realm also underwent drastic changes. The fiery energy that permeated the Fire Ruins Secret Realm became much stronger. Before. Whenever someone was injured and bleeding, the ubiquitous fiery energy would immediately burn the blood. But as long as they were careful and timely, even a warrior in the Sea of ​​Transformation Realm could put out the flames of burning blood. But now, it's different! Even if they were not injured, warriors in the Sea of ​​Transformation Realm were under great threat. As long as their blood showed a slight sign of instability, the fiery energy permeating the Fire Ruins Secret Realm would pass through their skin, through their vitality protection, and burn their blood! In a short period of time. Many warriors in the Sea of ​​Transformation Realm who wanted to try their luck and survived to the present suffered and were burned to ashes! Even the Yuan Gang Realm warriors above the Sea of ​​Transformation Realm were also uncomfortable. They must be more careful! Otherwise, once the blood spills, it will be several times more difficult to put out the flames of the blood!

If they react a little slower, the flames will follow the wound and burn into their bodies!


Many people have the idea of ​​retreating and began to withdraw from the Fire Ruins Secret Realm in a hurry.

It is all based on luck and opportunity, but it is based on being alive!

The Burning Body Valley in the Fire Ruins Secret Realm.

The situation here is special, and the hot energy is far beyond other areas in the Fire Ruins Secret Realm.

Nowadays, the changes in other areas are so great, and the changes in the Burning Body Valley are even more drastic!

Here, it is no longer simply filled with a hot breath.

It can be seen with the naked eye that layers of fire waves are surging, and even the yellow-grade magic weapons will be burned and melted immediately under the impact of the surging fire waves in this Burning Body Valley!

"Xu Lin, it seems that the innate fire is about to appear!"

Zhou Rong, a genius array master from the Prime Minister's Mansion, was excited.

Such an abnormal change would definitely not be without reason. He suspected that the biggest opportunity in the Fire Ruins Secret Realm had already appeared.

Although the danger of the Burning Body Valley has also increased countless times.

But they are not ordinary people, they all have powerful strength, and the treasures on their bodies are not ordinary things!

Xu Lin, who ranks tenth among the ten disciples of the Cangxing Martial Academy, has a strong desire in his eyes. He took a deep breath and said: "Zhou Rong, according to the previous agreement, you help me get the innate fire. If I get the innate fire, what you want, the Cangxing Martial Academy will definitely satisfy you!"

Zhou Rong nodded, and a strong desire emerged on his feminine face.

Obviously, there are some things in the Cangxing Martial Academy that are of vital importance to him, and are more tempting to him than the innate fire!

"The flames are moving!"

At this moment, Zhou Rong exclaimed.

Without his reminder, Xu Lin also discovered it.

Before, the surrounding fire waves surged in an irregular way.

And now, the fire waves seem to have a backbone, all surging in one direction.

"Let's go!"

Xu Lin was so excited that he immediately rushed in the direction of the fire waves.

He Dongliu and Luo Li, who were also in the Burning Body Valley, found that the way the fire waves surged had a regular pattern, and they made a decision without hesitation.

The temptation of the innate fire was too great.

For anyone, this is a super fast way to become a strong man!

As long as you can get the innate fire, you will immediately become a super genius that everyone is paying attention to, and you will be trained with the most abundant resources. In the future, you will definitely become the top strong man in the Qingfeng Dynasty, and even walk out of the Qingfeng Dynasty and make a great career in a wider world!


Little did they know.

At this moment, Yun Hao had also entered the Burning Body Valley.

In the Burning Body Valley, the fire waves surged in a regular pattern, which was caused by his hands!

He once again activated the Seven Star Soul Induction Array to stimulate the Sun Flame Heart Fire hidden in the Burning Body Valley.

He was at the center where all the surging fire waves converged.

Layer upon layer of fire waves gathered around him, gradually condensing into a huge fireball.

The fireball slowly rose up and hung in the air, like a real sun, emitting eternal light and heat, illuminating the world!

Yun Hao was in the center of the fireball, his right palm raised, and his palm spread out.

The red sun mark formed by a large number of fire elemental spirits in his palm also slowly floated up.

Yun Hao controlled the power of the Seven Stars Spirit Induction Array, stimulating the red sun mark to suddenly spread out, and the spiritual energy in it turned into countless flying stars, and then merged into the huge fireball that wrapped Yun Hao.

This requires a process, and it cannot be done overnight.

Yun Hao is not just waiting, if you really want to wait for the spiritual energy and flame to merge, it will take at least several days.

The longer the time is delayed, the more changes will occur.

So, he pinched the seal with both hands, and performed the top fire control method Tai Yan Fire Technique to promote the fusion of spiritual energy and flame, and the speed was directly increased by ten times and a hundred times!

About an hour later.

He Dongliu and Luo Li came to the bottom of the huge fireball hanging in the air.

They looked up at the huge fireball with deep shock on their faces!

"Innate fire... This must be the innate fire!" He Dongliu could no longer remain calm, his tone was excited and anxious.

Luo Li withdrew her gaze, looked at He Dongliu, and said, "As promised, if we discover the innate fire, we will each rely on our abilities!"


He Dongliu responded.

They are joining forces, but both of them want to have innate fire.

So, next, they will become competitors!

The next moment, the two figures stood up from the ground at the same time, shooting towards the huge fireball in the air.

But they didn't wait until the two of them got close to the huge fireball in the sky.


A fist seal came through the air.

The fist seal was fierce, as huge as a mountain, and the powerful pressure caused all the fire waves to be blown away, broken, and annihilated in an instant!

The key is that the speed of this fist seal was so fast that it hit behind He Dongliu in an instant.

He Dongliu, who was rushing towards the huge fireball, frowned, turned around suddenly, and swung the spear in his hand towards the terrifying fist mark.


A huge explosion erupted.

The fist seal exploded, and He Dongliu lost his balance and flew dozens of meters to one side.

The other side.

Luo Li, who was also rushing towards the huge fireball, suddenly stopped.

Almost as soon as she stopped, a large number of spiritual patterns appeared on her

in front of.

If she hadn't noticed it in advance, these sudden spiritual patterns would have definitely landed on her body!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Luo Li, be wise and get out immediately. If we really have to fight, you are no match for me!" Zhou Rong from the Prime Minister's Mansion made a cold threatening voice. Around him, dense spiritual patterns were flowing and shining. .

"He Dongliu, if you don't want to die, just get out of the way. I don't mind letting you go. If you insist on seeking death, I will help you!"

A loud shout rang out, and Xu Lin, the genius of the Cangxing Martial Arts Academy, clenched his hands into fists, and his fists were full of ferocity and violence.

He Dongliu had a stern look on his face, snorted coldly, and without a word of nonsense, he held a spear and fired at Xu Lin.

The move is full of gun shadows!

The innate fire is right in front of you, let him go? It’s simply impossible!

Even if he doesn't have innate fire, if he meets Xu Lin, he will start a fight without hesitation!

This is no longer a personal grudge, this is the countless hatred accumulated by Qingfeng Martial Academy and Cangxing Martial Academy for decades or hundreds of years!

"Do you want to try it too?" Zhou Rong from the Prime Minister's Mansion looked at Luo Li sadly.

Luo Li held a colorful ribbon in her hand, smiled, and said, "Zhou Rong, then show your true ability and let me see how powerful your half-hearted bone pattern is!"

As soon as the words fell, the colorful ribbon in Luo Li's hand shot towards Zhou Rong like a rainbow bridge in the sky!

The battle outside.

Yun Hao felt it clearly.

However, he had no time to care now.

The most important thing at the moment is the ether fire-generating technique, which speeds up the fusion of spiritual energy and flame, so that the Sun Flame Burning Heart Fire can truly take shape as soon as possible!

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