God Hongtian

Chapter 212 The Silent Flying Sword

These three relatively strong disciples from Cangxing Martial Academy had just experienced Yun Hao's power for the first time, and they were convinced that the three of them could successfully suppress Yun Hao by joining forces.

But they never expected it.

Yun Hao, whom they were sure to capture a moment ago, suddenly experienced an earth-shaking change in his strength.

The sword struck by Yun Hao combines the mysterious changes of thirty-six sword energies and its grandeur.

The sword energy is sharp, the sword light is blazing, and the sword power is majestic.

It was like a huge wave completely turned into a sword.

Facing Yun Hao's sword.

All three of them looked as pale as paper.

Under the power of this sword, they were unable to resist at all, as if they were insignificant, like ants, like dust, and seemed destined... to die!


The three of them could barely hold up a layer of defense.


Compared to the power of Yun Hao's sword, the power of the three of them was no different than the difference between Yinghuo and Haoyue.

Their resistance was meaningless. In an instant, the three people's defenses were torn apart, and then their bodies flew upside down like kites with broken strings.




Three dull sounds of landing sounded almost simultaneously.

There were already three corpses!

Yun Hao never sheathed his sword, but looked into the distance.

I saw more figures rushing towards this side at great speed.

The person taking the lead is none other than the younger generation of Cangxing Martial Academy

Among the disciples, Lin Jiao is quite famous!

Although there were many people on the other side, Yun Hao's expression did not change at all.

No matter how many earthworms there are, they can't shake the tree.

As for Xu Lin from the General Hospital, Zhou Rong from the Prime Minister's Office, and Murong Qing from the Houfu who were originally staying with Lin Jiao and others, they were not in the team. Yun Hao probably guessed the reason.

It is estimated that these people, like He Dongliu and Luo Li, went directly to the Burning Body Valley in the Fire Ruins Secret Realm.

Lin Jiao arrived with people and stopped next to the three corpses on the ground. She lowered her head and glanced at the three corpses with a gloomy expression.

"Hmph, Yun Hao, you are so brave, you dare to kill people from our Cangxing Martial Academy. Later, we will cut you to death with a thousand knives!"

"What kind of bullshit is the super genius of Qingfeng Wuyuan? Now, you are just a helpless piece of rotten fish, letting us slaughter you!"

"Yunhao, kneel down and die, I'll give you a good time!"

A group of people from Cangxing Martial Academy shouted loudly.

They all had excited expressions on their faces!

As for their fellow disciples dying under Yun Hao's sword, they would not be angry at all.

It was someone else who died.

Compared to killing Yun Hao... obviously, this thing is more worth looking forward to!

After all, Yun Hao is a super genius at Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County, and he is even said to have higher potential than Han Qianshan, who comes out every 500 years.


Yun Hao had previously held hands with Phoenix Ling Feiyu from their Cangxing Martial Academy at Snow Summit, making them extremely envious and jealous.

"A bunch of clowns,

He really doesn’t know how to live or die. "

Yun Hao spoke calmly, his tone seemed indifferent, and he didn't take these people seriously at all.

Lin Jiao, who was taking the lead on the opposite side, retracted her gaze from the three corpses on the ground. She stared directly at Yun Hao with a pair of eyes, the flame of hatred burning in her pupils.

"Yunhao, you indulged the evil dog and humiliated me on the snowy peak. I swore that I would repay you a hundred times a thousand times the humiliation you inflicted on me!

As the saying goes, a dog relies on human power.

But you are just a dog-powerful thing. Without the vicious dog by your side, you...are nothing! "

Lin Jiao said through gritted teeth.

Thinking of that day under the snow peak, in front of countless people, Yun Hao's big black dog sat on her face and let her take a bite of the black hair on the dog's butt, she wanted to kill Yun Hao Cracking skin and cramps with that big black dog!

There was a cold arc on the corner of Yun Hao's mouth, and he said: "I spared your life that day, but today, you...will die."


Lin Jiao was angry and drew her sword.

The sword pointed directly at Yun Hao and shouted: "What a big tone, you want to kill me? You are talking nonsense! Come on, let's take him down together, and we will fight quickly!"

Although Lin Jiao was very confident, she saw that Yun Hao was confident, so she chose the most cautious approach.

Beat up!


After Lin Jiao shouted out her words, there were more than ten people behind her, but no one took action.

"Do it with me!"

Lin Jiao shouted angrily


"Teacher...senior sister..."

"Senior sister, you... behind you..."

A stumbling sound came from the mouths of the disciples of Cangxing Martial Academy.

Lin Jiao frowned and turned around immediately.

The next moment, her pupils tightened!

A dagger with sword edges at both ends and an azure body was hanging behind her without her noticing. Since she had turned around, the edge of the azure dagger was equivalent to directly Aimed at her eyebrows.

We are only one punch away from each other.

In an instant, Lin Jiao broke out in a cold sweat!

With this dagger hanging in the air aimed at her eyebrows, the distance was so close that she felt as if she was falling into the abyss of death...

A group of people from Cangxing Martial Academy were also shocked.

They were standing behind Lin Jiao just now.

But none of them could see clearly how this sword appeared!

It's as if this sword was originally located there...appeared out of thin air!

This sword is naturally Yun Hao's flying sword Youlan!

With his current strength, these people cannot see clearly the trajectory of the flying sword!

"If you die, there will be no second ending for you."

A cold voice came from Yun Hao's mouth. With just a thought, his mental power to control the flying sword exploded instantly.

The sword element attached to the flying sword burst out with extremely sharp edge.

Lin Jiao was like a wooden stake, stunned by the power erupting from the flying sword.


dark blue sword

The laser light easily penetrated Lin Jiao's eyebrows and came out through the back of her head.

The flying sword rolled up in the air, and then powerfully attacked the other disciples of Cangxing Martial Academy.

Harvest their lives like straw!

"Spread out and run away!"

Someone shouted.

Just now, they were bossy and arrogant, threatening to humiliate Yun Hao and cut him into pieces with a thousand knives.

But now, Yun Hao didn't even move his steps, nor did he wave the Su Xin Sword in his hand. He killed them with just one flying sword to the point of splitting their livers and gallbladders!

The flying sword killed several people in a row.

The remaining people scattered and fled for their lives.

"No one can live!"

Yun Hao snorted coldly and took a step forward. The power of the thunderous conception unfolded. Electric arcs flashed under his feet. His figure was like lightning. In an instant, he had already chased a person behind him.

The Su Xin Sword swept out, and a head rose into the sky.

Yun Hao didn't even look, his forward momentum suddenly turned sharply, and he killed another person.

Just a few breaths.

The people led by Lin Jiao who came to surround and kill Yun Hao all died.

Ten years ago, the disciples of the Qingfeng Martial Academy entered the secret realm of Huoxu and were killed by the people from the Cangxing Martial Academy.

This time, Yun Hao alone killed the people of Cangxing Martial Academy and almost wiped out the entire army.

There are also Murong Qing and Xu Lin.

In addition, Zhou Rong of the Prime Minister's Office, who was with the Cangxing Martial Academy, was included.

In the secret territory of Huoxu, there are only three people left on their side!

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