God Hongtian

Chapter 208: Instant Battle, Separation


The space in the Fire Ruins Secret Realm is filled with a layer of fiery red.

The hot breath is surging and rolling.

As soon as Yun Hao's figure passed through the entrance of the Fire Ruins Secret Realm, a large number of attacks suddenly hit him!

"Quick victory!"

"If there is a person from Qingfeng Martial Academy, kill one of them!"

"Kill Yun Hao first!"

Along with the roar caused by the attacks, there were also loud shouts.


Yun Hao reacted very quickly. In an instant, the Su Xin Sword was unsheathed and the sword swept across. In an instant, the nine sword energy waves merged into one, disintegrating the offensive against him!


Tianshiyuan Luo Li, who followed Yun Hao into the secret realm, shouted softly, and saw her arm flicking, and a colorful silk satin stretched out.

The colorful silk and satin, like a spiritual snake, defeated the rest of the force that rushed towards Yun Hao.

He Dongliu, who entered the Fire Ruins Secret Realm before Yunhao, was also besieged by everyone from the Cangxing Martial Academy. He held a snow-white spear and stabbed several people with it. Then he exploded and charged. Arriving next to Yun Hao and Luo Li.

"Go first!"

Luo Li looked at He Dongliu and said.

He Dongliu nodded and shouted softly: "Qianying!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the spear in his hand suddenly stabbed forward.

Suddenly, gun shadows appeared all over the sky.

Wherever the gun shadow passed, the disciples of Cangxing Martial Academy were unable to resist. They were either knocked over or quickly moved out of the way.

Almost when He Dongliu had just used this Thousand Shadows Secret Skill, the colorful silk in Luo Li's hand

The satin suddenly stretched straight, like a gorgeous rainbow bridge.


Luo Li looked at Yun Hao.

Yun Hao did not hesitate and immediately stepped onto Luo Li's colorful silk.

He Dongliu also stepped on the colorful silk and satin.

Under Luo Li's control, the colorful silk and satin, like a rainbow bridge, instantly shot out into the distance. In the blink of an eye, they had already broken out of the heavy encirclement and got rid of the group of people from Cangxing Martial Academy.

"Senior Brother Xu, Mr. Zhou, they escaped..."

A disciple from Cangxing Martial Academy in Beihan County walked up to Xu Lin and Zhou Rong, his face full of doubts.

Why didn't Xu Lin and Zhou Rong take advantage of such a good opportunity?

If these two people take action, they can definitely keep He Dongliu, Luo Li, and Yunhao behind.

Xu Lin: "Whether it is He Dongliu or Luo Li, they all have trump cards hidden in them.

As soon as we entered the Fire Ruins secret realm, we had a thorough duel with them. Even if we won, our losses would be huge.

This way.

The opportunities in the secret realm of Fire Ruins actually fulfilled others.

Don’t forget, this time Baodan Tower and Flame Valley also sent geniuses in. "

Zhou Rong smiled, nodded and said, "Just now, I just gave them a blow to dampen their morale.

He Dongliu and Yun Hao, as long as they are still in the secret territory, there are many opportunities to kill them. As for Luo Li from the teacher's academy that day, he couldn't be killed casually. "

Xu Lin glanced at Zhou Rong.

There is something in Zhou Rong's words.

Luo Li couldn't be killed casually, but as long as he was careful and didn't let anyone see him, he could still be killed.

Prime Minister's Office and

Tianshi Academy is the two pillars of the Qingfeng Dynasty. On the surface, the relationship between the two parties is okay. They both work for the dynasty. But secretly, the relationship between the Prime Minister's Office and Tianshi Academy is worse than that between Qingfeng Martial Academy and Cangxing Martial Academy. Much worse!

Xu Lin did not expose Zhou Rong's intentions. He looked at Murong Qing from Cangxing Martial Academy in Beihan County.

Although, Murong Qing is a branch disciple.

But Murong Qing’s other identity is that of the eldest lady of the Shen Yong Hou Mansion!

Xu Lin's attitude towards Murong Qing was quite polite and said: "Junior Sister Murong, if you want to kill Yun Hao, I can help you. I will suppress him and hand him over to you at your disposal."

Murong Qing smiled and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Xu, for your kindness. However, Senior Brother Xu, your goal should be to find the innate fire. I have many ways to deal with Yun Hao."

She has received news from the Hou Mansion.

Her grandfather Murong Guang arranged for a group of blood puppets to enter the secret realm of Fire Ruins.

Next, she will join up with those blood puppets, and then use the blood puppets to kill in the secret territory of the Fire Ruins to collect blood essence!

Moreover, she did not want anyone else to interfere with Yun Hao's matter. After all, she and her grandfather Murong Guang both felt that the unknown treasure in the tomb of life and death must be in Yun Hao's hands.

She didn't want any more accidents to happen while taking back the unknown treasure.

"Since Junior Sister Murong has already made up her mind, I won't say anything. It's better for Junior Sister Murong to be careful. The situation in the secret territory of Fire Ruins this time is worse than any other time in the past years.

All must be special. "Xu Lin said.

Zhou Rong: "Xu Lin, it's time to leave."

The two of them have already made the decision to join forces, and they will not waste time with the people from Cangxing Martial Academy in Beihan County.


The two left together.

Murong Qing looked at the disciples of Cangxing Martial Academy beside her and said, "You all move together and leave marks on the road, I will come to you."

"Junior sister Murong, do you have any plans for the Shen Yong Hou Mansion?" Lin Jiao asked.

Murong Qing: "Well, it's not convenient for me to say more now. When the time is right, I will bring the power of the Hou Mansion to join you and strive to lead everyone in this secret territory to gain some opportunities!"

The matter of the blood puppet must not be leaked.

Moreover, according to the secret message his grandfather Murong Guang gave him, even the people from Cangxing Martial Academy must be killed. After all, the more talented young people are, the greater the use of their essence and blood!

After some warnings.

Murong Qing left the team alone and went to join the group of blood puppets.

The other side.

He Dongliu, Luo Li, and Yun Hao fell into an uninhabited area.

He Dongliu looked at Yun Hao: "If it goes well, I won't mind helping you out of danger, but if the situation is not optimistic, I will not help you out like just now."

Luo Li: "...He Dongliu, can you stop putting on such a stinky air? Now, the three of us should cooperate!"

He Dongliu: "I just hope he recognizes the facts. It's still too late for him to withdraw now. If he waits until he is trapped in a tight siege, he will regret it.

It's useless, not to mention, he is just a burden in the team! "

Yunhao ignored He Dongliu.

He looked up at the sky in the Fire Ruins Secret Realm.

This is a secret realm, and it is normal for there to be no sun, moon and stars.

But he has been able to be 100% sure that the innate fire that exists in the secret territory of the Fire Ruins is the Sun Flame Burning Heart Fire formed from the essence of the Great Sun!

The fire burning in the heart should be suspended in the sky in the form of a great sun!

But there is no sun in the sky of the Fire Ruins Secret Realm.

After thinking for a moment, Yun Hao withdrew his gaze, looked at Luo Li, and said, "Miss Luo, take your leave."

Luo Li: "..."

He Dongliu: "Do you want to act alone? Or exit the secret realm now?"

Yun Hao: "It has nothing to do with you."

He Dongliu: "..."

The next moment, Yun Hao flew away.

Luo Li looked at He Dongliu speechlessly: "Actually, you have some considerations for him, but why don't you explain it differently?"

He Dongliu: "Being straightforward is the way of a real man. Talking in roundabout ways, I don't have the time to waste!"

Luo Li was extremely helpless, paused, and said, "I feel that Yun Hao is not that simple!"

“Whether he is simple or complex is none of my business.

Hurry to the Burning Body Valley, which is the place where there are most likely clues to the innate fire.

Xu Lin and Zhou Rong will definitely rush over as soon as possible. We can't lag behind them! "

Say it.

He Dongliu took the spear and left!

Luo Li glanced at the direction Yun Hao left and muttered, "Why do I feel that it is right to go with Yun Hao..."

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