God Hongtian

Chapter 206: There is one, kill one

The entrance to the Fire Ruins Secret Realm was officially opened.

The whirlpool of flames that appeared in Yunhao's sight slowly rotated like a huge flame millstone, stirring and twisting the space.

The surrounding flames were burning, constantly changing into various forms, and the temperature was extremely terrifying.

Even though Yunhao and the others are still some distance away from the entrance, the heat wave brought by the flames still affects their qi and blood, causing extremely manic changes in their qi and blood.

He Dongliu from the Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy frowned and said: "This is a sign that the Fire Ruins Secret Realm is about to open. The movement is already loud enough.

After the entrance was officially opened, flames spurted out from the secret realm, seriously disrupting the world for dozens of miles around.

It seems that the danger in the secret territory of Fire Ruins this time will be far greater than any other time in the past. "

As he spoke, he glanced at Yun Hao and said: "In the Burning Body Valley in the secret territory of Fire Ruins, there is an invisible force that can ignite the blood.

Originally, this situation would only occur when entering the Burning Body Valley.

But looking at the current situation, the invisible energy that can ignite the blood has been poured outside.

People who focus on cultivating the physical body have strong Qi and blood, and are far more dangerous in the secret territory of Fire Ruins than others! "

Yun Hao broke two records of his teacher Han Qianshan. He felt that there was something wrong with his performance, so he didn't like Yun Hao very much, but that didn't mean he was unhappy in all aspects.

Targeting Yunhao.

For example, he did give that map to Luo Li on purpose, and then passed it on to Yun Hao with Luo Li's hand.

What he is saying now is also to persuade Yun Hao to retreat when faced with difficulties and not to risk his life!

After all, they are all from Qingfeng Martial Academy, not enemies.

Luo Li, Yang Gang, and Qin Lan all looked at Yun Hao.

Indeed, they also felt an invisible energy, and as the heat wave hit, the energy and blood in their bodies fluctuated abnormally.

Everyone knows that Yun Hao is physically powerful, so the impact of this energy on Yun Hao is undoubtedly the greatest!

Yun Hao did not give a single word in response. He stared at the entrance to the Fire Ruins Secret Realm in the distance, and a light flashed in his eyes.

Before this, he knew very little about the secret realm of Fire Ruins. He only got some information from Luo Li and He Dongliu.

But now.

Just judging from the flame energy aroused after the entrance to the Fire Ruins Secret Realm was officially opened, he already had a far better understanding of this secret realm than most people!

He already knew what the innate fire in the secret territory of Huoxu was.

The sun burns the heart!

Ranked ninety-eight among the one hundred and eight innate fire types!

It is condensed and condensed from the essence of the Great Sun. It can burn the heart and qi, and burn when exposed to blood.

The ranking of the 108 innate fire types is based on a comprehensive evaluation based on the multi-faceted effects of each type of innate fire type.

Although Riyan Fenxinhuo's ranking is only ninety-eighth, in terms of lethality, it can definitely be ranked within eighty!

"Let's go, someone is starting to go in." Yun Hao said as he watched the figures rushing into the flame vortex.

Yang Gang and Qin Lan both knew that since Yun Hao had made a decision, there was nothing to persuade him, and it would be useless to persuade him.

Luo Li looked at Yun Hao, then looked at He Dongliu, and said: "We will enter the secret realm later. The three of us will go together. Try not to separate. In addition, Yun Hao, if you can't hold on any longer, don't be brave and explore opportunities. Of course it is important, but your own safety is the most important thing. Only by living can you have everything.”

This time, He Dongliu did not say anything to irritate Yun Hao, but nodded.

After a while.

The group of people arrived at the entrance to the Fire Ruins Secret Realm.

"Hahaha, Yang Gang, your Qingfeng Martial Academy really dares to let people die?"

A loud laugh full of mockery sounded.

The person who spoke was a senior teacher from Cangxing Martial Academy.

Yang Gang glanced at this person, and then nodded towards Qin Lan.

Qin Lan understood immediately. Just as she stopped, her speed surged again, and she shot towards the person who called out.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Thirty-six sword qi roared, bursting out with fierce and powerful attacks!

The senior teacher of Cangxing Martial Arts Academy who had just made a mockery had no reaction at all and was cut down by Qin Lan's Thirty-Six Meridian Sword Techniques.

The skin is torn.

In an instant.

The blood flowing from his body was ignited by the invisible flame energy.


Just after being struck, it immediately turned into a fireball. The senior teacher of Cangxing Martial Arts School let out a scream like a slaughtered pig.

"Qin Lan, you are so brave!"

The old man in charge of leading the team from Cangxing Martial Academy let out a roar, stretched out his right arm, and grabbed Qin Lan hard with his five fingers like hooks.

"Boom boom boom!"

The whistling sword energy exploded, and Qin Lan retreated violently.

The old man from Cangxing Martial Academy snorted coldly, raised his hand, and a piece of vitality fell on the instructor who turned into a fireball, helping him put out the flames.

But at this moment, a thunderous explosion erupted. Yang Gang's whole body was full of murderous aura, and he rushed to the old man's vicinity with two fists as big as casseroles. His fist marks fell towards the old man like a violent storm.

The old man was caught off guard and was suddenly in a panic.

Whether it was Qin Lan or Yang Gang, it was obvious that they had already made the decision to take action. The sudden outburst between the two of them was definitely not a temporary act!

After Yang Gang and the old man who led the team from Cangxing Martial Arts Academy exchanged dozens of blows, Yang Gang's body flew upside down and a piece of flesh on his chest had been torn off.

The wound was scorched black. Just now, the invisible flame energy in this area ignited his blood, but fortunately, Yang Gang extinguished it in time with his vitality.

As for the old man, he didn't feel well either. His chest was sunken and several ribs were broken.

Qin Lan's figure flashed and flew to Yang Gang's side. She was fine.

The old man's face turned livid. He groaned and vomited a mouthful of blood. The spitted blood burned directly in the air!

He was extremely angry and stared at Yang Gang and Qin Lan with a fierce look in his eyes: "Yang Gang, Qin Lan, do you want to start a war directly?"

Yang Gang snorted coldly and shouted: "Deng Qi, you old dog collaborated with Fan Jun to sabotage our Qingfeng Martial Academy's newcomer assessment a few months ago. Today, I just want you two to pay some interest first. This account is not over yet." !”

Hearing this, Yun Hao looked at the two people injured by Yang Gang and Qin Lan, and a cold light with murderous intent flashed in his eyes!

No wonder Yang Gang and Qin Lan were already ready to take action!

The last Qingfeng Martial Academy exam was sabotaged, and Yunhao was also one of the parties involved. Moreover, the crazy red-eyed ape at that time even directly locked onto his aura!


All those who wanted to enter the secret realm of Huoxu stayed far away. They did not dare to be tainted by the dispute between the two major martial arts schools.

The hatred between Qingfeng Martial Academy and Cangxing Martial Academy has become as strong as fire and water.

Before they even entered the secret territory of Fire Ruins, the people leading the teams from both sides started fighting.

Once they enter the secret realm of Fire Ruins, won't the people coming from both sides have their brains knocked out?

Deng Qi gritted his teeth and shouted: "Disciples of Cangxing Martial Academy, listen to the order. If you see anyone from Qingfeng Martial Academy in the secret territory of Huoxu, kill every one!"

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