God Hongtian

Chapter 203 Innate Fire

As soon as Yun Hao returned to Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy, he went straight to the main peak and found Bai Changfeng.

Bai Changfeng was handling some Martial Arts Academy affairs in the main hall. When he saw Yun Hao coming, he immediately asked others to leave.

"Did the Demon Suppression Envoy come for the Fire Ruins Secret Realm?"

Yun Hao nodded: "Tell me the details of the Fire Ruins Secret Realm."

Bai Changfeng: "The Fire Ruins Secret Realm, according to legend, was set up by a powerful sect thousands of years ago specifically for the trials of young disciples.

There is a restriction to enter the Fire Ruins Secret Realm, only young people under the age of 20.

That sect has disappeared in the long river of time, only the Fire Ruins Secret Realm has remained, and it will appear once every ten years, and each time it appears, it will last for about a month.

According to the information collected by the young people who have entered the Fire Ruins Secret Realm, There is a wisp of innate fire in the Fire Ruins Secret Realm.

No one knows what the innate fire is and how to get it.

But the temptation of the innate fire is too great.

Even if

there is no clue at all, every time the Fire Ruins Secret Realm is opened, countless young geniuses from the entire Qingfeng Dynasty will come and fight for it!

Perhaps it is because in the past few decades, this kind of fighting has been too fierce, and many young geniuses have been killed.

When the Fire Ruins Secret Realm was opened this time, Tianshi Yuan Chunqing proposed to the emperor to strictly control the number of people entering the Fire Ruins Secret Realm.

However, No one expected that the sign of the opening of the Fire Ruins Secret Realm would cause such a big stir, which was unprecedented!

Xu Lin came to the headquarters of Cangxing Martial Arts Academy.

Zhou Rong came to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Luo Li came to Tianshi Academy.

He Dongliu came to the headquarters of Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy.

All four of them are famous geniuses in Kyoto.

In addition, the headquarters of Baodan Building and Flame Valley will also send people, but no news has been received about who they are.

Yun Hao's eyes flashed, and he said: "Is there no quota in Beihan County?"

Bai Changfeng: "Yes, and , Beihan County

The number of places is completely unlimited.

As long as you are under 20 years old, you can go if you want.

Because Yuan Tianshi thinks that since the Fire Ruins Secret Realm appeared in Beihan County, there must be a reason. Maybe the person who can find the innate fire must be from Beihan County! "

Yun Hao: "When will the Fire Ruins Secret Realm be fully opened?"

Bai Changfeng: "According to the previous rules, it will take at most half a month, and at least within these three to five days!"

Yun Hao: "I'll go there."

"Okay, I'll arrange it!"


The news of the Fire Ruins Secret Realm soon spread throughout the county.

People who have been living in Beihan County only then knew that there was such a special place in Beihan County!

Innate fire...

This is a huge treasure!

You know, in the entire Qingfeng Dynasty, all alchemists and weapon refiners are using acquired fire.

Even if it is acquired fire, few people are top-notch.

Owning a high-level perfect acquired fire is already the dream of most alchemists and weapon refiners!

Fire seeds are not only useful for alchemists and weapon refiners, but also for warriors.

Warriors with fire seeds can achieve twice the result with half the effort when practicing fire-attributed martial arts and have strong combat effectiveness.

An innate fire seed can completely make strong men who have surpassed the Jindan realm fight each other, even to the death!

However, the Fire Ruins Secret Realm can only be entered by people under the age of 20.

If someone can get the innate fire seed, it means that he is destined to become the most outstanding figure in the Qingfeng Dynasty in the future!

Yinmang Mountain.

In a secret room temporarily built underground.

Corpses piled up into a mountain, and blood pools gurgled with blood bubbles.

Murong Guang was immersed in the blood pool, and blood lines like bloody earthworms were running on the surface of his skin.

His younger brother Murong Ming came hurriedly: "Brother, the Fire Ruins Secret Realm is open!"


Leng Xie, the elder of the Blood and Fire Demon Sect, also appeared in the secret room like a ghost and said: "Find a group of good seedlings under the age of 20, refine them into blood puppets, and send them to the Fire Ruins Secret Realm. If we can get the innate fire, it would be the best. Even if we can't get the innate fire, using this batch of blood puppets to collect the blood of those young geniuses will be of great help to our practice of the Blood and Fire Sutra!" Murong Guang opened his eyes and looked at Murong Ming. His eyes were black and his pupils were blood-red, which was extremely strange: "Do as Elder Leng Xie said." Murong Ming nodded and said: "In addition, the leader of the Cangxing Martial Academy this time is the genius Xu Lin from the main academy, and Qing'er was also arranged by Li Xuanyin to enter the Fire Ruins Secret Realm." Murong Guang thought for a while and said: "Contact Qing'er secretly, and then give the refined blood puppets to Qing'er to control." "Yes!" Murong Ming immediately left the secret room. Leng Xie looked at Murong Guang who was soaking in the blood pool and laughed coldly: "Murong Guang, soon, we can let go and do something big! I believe that it won't be long before the entire Qingfeng Dynasty will be ours!"

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