God Hongtian

Chapter 19 Conflict

As soon as Yunhao walked out of the backyard of Baodan Building and came to the first floor of Baodan Building to leave, he met Jiang Chuan who came in with someone.

Jiang Chuan waved his hand.

Suddenly, the people around him surrounded Yun Hao.

"Young City Lord, execute this bastard quickly. We can't let this kind of murderous and dismembered demon live anymore!"

"That's right, if he lives one more day, the girls he murdered will be one day later in resting in peace. We are also worried that this bastard will kill someone again..."

"Please also ask the young city lord to take him directly to the execution ground for questioning for the sake of Liuyun City's stability!"

A group of people in the Baodan Tower came over one after another, talking all over the place.

Jiang Chuan's face showed the confidence that everything was under control, and the corner of his mouth raised a cold arc.

"Three days have passed, and only one day has passed."

Yunhao took the initiative to speak up.

Jiang Chuan sneered and said: "I said I would give you three days, and I will certainly give it to you. However, during this period, the City Lord's Mansion has the power to require you to cooperate with all investigations. Come with me!"

Yun Hao: "I'm still busy investigating the truth. If you want to ask anything, just ask it here."

Jiang Chuan snorted, then directly asked a person in charge of Baodan Tower for a room, and then entered the room with a confidant and Yun Hao.

Jiang Chuan stared at Yun Hao and said coldly: "There are still two days left. If you can't prove your innocence, I will put you in the ancient tomb of life and death as I said yesterday. How dangerous the ancient tomb of life and death is, you You should know in your heart that even if you are able to practice now, with your strength, once you enter the Tomb of Life and Death, you will definitely be dead."

"Are you trying to intimidate me? Didn't you say that you want me to cooperate with the investigation and ask me for questioning?" Yun Hao was calm and composed.

A little panicked.

"Then I'll open the skylight and speak out!"

Jiang Chuan stopped trying to hide his guilt and said, "If you want to survive, it's very simple. Go back and persuade Ling Feiyu to come and stay with me for a few nights. I will find a way to exonerate you!"

Hear this.

Yun Hao's eyes suddenly showed murderous intent.

An icy breath burst out instantly.

Jiang Chuan's mind suddenly fell into a trance, and he felt uncontrollable panic. He quickly took a few steps back, and then gritted his teeth and said: "Yunhao, I have given you the opportunity. If you don't know how to cherish it, then what you will have to pay is You bastard life!"

The cold murderous intent on Yun Hao's body became even stronger.

"You'd better put away your dirty thoughts, otherwise, I won't let you even have a chance to regret it!" Yun Hao shouted coldly.

He has already felt the affection Ling Feiyu treats him.


, Yunhao also accepted Ling Feiyu and recognized Ling Feiyu as his woman.

Jiang Chuan's words just now have undoubtedly touched Yun Hao's bottom line!

"You ungrateful bitch, how dare you talk to me like this, Xiao Fei, suppress him and take him back to prison!" Jiang Chuan was also angered and shouted.

He took his confidants with him. After receiving the order, he rushed towards Yun Hao without any hesitation.

The surging breath surged.

This Xiao Fei had a cultivation level in the first level of the True Yuan Realm. He rushed in front of Yun Hao and directly pulled out a long knife. The blade swept across and slashed towards Yun Hao's waist and abdomen.

Yunhao took one step forward.

Huang Jie's top-notch body skills were unleashed with the Jing Huan Step.

His figure was like a thunderstorm, and he easily avoided Xiao Fei's attack.


The long sword is unsheathed!



He already had a strong murderous intention in his heart, which was more in line with this set of swordsmanship. When the sword light swayed, the whole room seemed to be shrouded in death!


Then came the screams.

Xiao Fei, who possesses the first level of True Yuan Realm, was knocked backwards by Yun Hao. He hit the wall of the room heavily and fell to the ground. His chest had been split open vertically, and his intestines and internal organs flowed out. .

Even if he doesn't die, most of his life is gone.

Seeing this, Jiang Chuan was extremely shocked.

"You are a bold and crazy person who resisted law enforcement and hurt people in our city lord's palace. Even if I execute you now, no one will dare to say anything!"

Jiang Chuan shouted angrily, and suddenly a violent aura erupted from his body, and the energy surging in his body made a splashing sound like the crashing waves.

His cultivation seems to have surpassed the True Yuan realm and reached the Sea Transformation realm!

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