God Hongtian

Chapter 180: Get Murong Guang out

The Shenyong Marquis' Mansion is luxurious and elegant, with a red-lacquered and gold-lettered door plate hanging, shining with dazzling golden light.

On both sides of the gate, there are two stone lions.

Two rows of gatekeepers stood on both sides of the gate. They all had strong auras, and at worst they were at the peak of the Sea Transformation Realm!

A tall, round-waisted guy with oily hair and a pink face came back with a group of evil slaves escorting a girl in a long skirt.

This man is none other than Murong Chusheng, the young master of the Shenyong Hou Mansion, a well-known super playboy in Beihan County, who does all kinds of evil because of his family background.

Murong Chusheng came back with his men, glanced at the guard at the gate, and said, "Has Han Yingying been captured?"

Guard: "Reply to the young master, not yet."

Murong Chusheng frowned and said: "A bunch of wastes, they are so slow. I have to play with two at a time today, and one will not be enough fun!"

As he said that, he glanced at Jiang Xi, who was captured by him, with an evil light shining in his eyes.

Jiang Xi looked at Murong Chusheng with eyes filled with deep hatred.

Murong Chusheng chuckled and said: "Little madam, I really like the stubbornness of you and Han Yingying. Later, you two will lie in front of me, hahaha, that feeling must be wonderful!"

at this time.

Jiang Xi suddenly broke free from the rope that tied her hands behind her back.

"Murong Chusheng, go to hell!"

She rushed towards Murong Chusheng, took off a hairpin with one hand, and stabbed Murong Chusheng in the heart!

"Master, be careful!"

One of Murong Chusheng's guards

, reacted very quickly, and instantly stood in front of Murong Chusheng, punching out with such force that Jiang Xi was knocked backwards and flew more than ten meters away.


Murong Chusheng directly slapped the guard who took action.

"You bastard, this is my plaything today. You broke it. How can I play with it?"

The guard hurriedly lowered his head: "Master, I..."

Murong Chusheng said impatiently: "Forget it, considering that you are also the protector of the Lord, I won't argue with you this time."

Then, Murong Chusheng led others towards Jiang Xi, who was lying on the ground struggling but unable to stand up.

The hairpin in Jiang Xi's hand was directly pressed against her throat, piercing her skin. With a determined look on her face, she said, "Even if I die, I won't let you taint me!"

Murong Chusheng smiled coldly and said: "It doesn't matter, you can try it. Even if you die, I can still play. Anyway, there is still one Han Yingying alive. When the time comes, one of them will be dead and the other alive in my arms." , Tsk, it’s very exciting just thinking about it, I’ve never played like this before, hahaha!”

Jiang Xi's body was trembling.

How could a young girl in her prime be willing to die like this?

But if it fell into the hands of Murong Chusheng, she would rather die than be afraid of death!

But... after death, he will still be defiled by Murong Chusheng... Thinking of this, the despair in Jiang Xi's heart has reached its peak!

This is an extreme powerlessness!

Even after death,

There's no way to escape the poisonous hand!

Murong Chusheng glanced at the guard on the side.

The guard immediately understood and took advantage of Jiang Xi's desperate mood to rush forward, trying to control Jiang Xi.



There was only a barking sound, like a black electric light, which shot out in an instant. The guy who rushed towards the river screamed and fell to the ground.

I saw a big black dog, with its mouth wide open and its fangs exposed, stepping on Murong Chusheng's guard.

"Master, should I bite them to death?"

Xiao Hei looked aside.

Yunhao walked over and nodded.

Xiao Hei immediately bit down and broke the guard's neck!

Yun Hao walked to Jiang Xi's side, helped her up, took the hairpin from her hand, and said, "It's okay."

Jiang Xi looked at Yun Hao blankly.

Yun Hao said: "I promised Uncle Jiang that I would take you home safely. In addition, Uncle Han's daughter is safe now."

As soon as these words came out.

Jiang Xi guessed Yun Hao's identity and said, "You...are you Uncle Yun's son?"


Yun Hao nodded.


Murong Chusheng's eyes narrowed slightly, cold light burst out, and he stared at Yun Hao.

"What, you want to play hero and save the beauty? You are quite brave. You come to the door of our brave prince's house to show off. You are tired of living and looking for death!

Little bastard, I don’t care who you are. Now, kneel on the ground, kowtow a hundred times, and then kill yourself with your own hands.

Please apologize to me for killing this dog, and I will spare your life.

Otherwise, I will let you know what it means to be unable to live and to die! "

Xiao Hei suddenly bared his teeth, stared at Murong Chusheng fiercely, and said: "Master, this damn fat guy is disgusting to look at, I will bite him to death!"

Yun Hao: "No need."

Murong Chusheng laughed and said: "It seems that you are somewhat self-aware. I will count to three. You do as I say and everything will be fine. If not, you will bear the consequences!"

But he didn't wait until Murong Chusheng shouted out.

Yun Hao's figure disappeared from the place in an instant, and then appeared in front of Murong Chusheng. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Murong Chusheng's throat.

This guy weighing several hundred kilograms was like a little chicken, being lifted up by Yun Hao by his neck.

Murong Chusheng's face turned red instantly, and he kicked his hands and feet wildly.

"How dare you attack my young master? You are tired of living!"

"Why don't you put our young master down? If you dare to continue hurting our young master, believe it or not, not only will you die, but your nine tribes will also be killed!"

"Let them go!"

A group of guards were shocked and angry.

In Beihan County, the Murong family is king, but now, an ungrateful guy unexpectedly appears and dares to attack Murong Chusheng, even at the door of the Shenyong Marquis Mansion!

At this time, Murong Chusheng's face turned purple.

Yunhao didn't take the threats around him seriously at all. He looked at

Murong Chusheng snorted coldly and raised his hand.

The next moment, Murong Chusheng's body directly hit the plaque on the gate of the Hou Mansion.

at the same time.

His sword essence burst out, rolling the swords in the hands of Murong Chusheng's attendants.

The swords of these guards immediately took off their hands and shot towards Murong Chusheng.


Murong Chusheng's body smashed the plaque with the four characters "Shen Yong Hou Mansion" engraved on it.

Before Murong Chusheng's body fell to the ground.

Several long swords have already arrived.




One sword pierced Murong Chusheng's chest, and four swords pierced Murong Chusheng's wrists and ankles respectively. The last sword directly tore the space between Murong Chusheng's legs!

Murong Chusheng's attendants were all dumbfounded.

Everyone nearby was shocked when they saw this scene.

Who is this?

You know, the word "Murong" means the sky in Beihan County, but now, someone actually... pierced the sky!

A howl like a slaughtering pig came from Murong Chusheng's mouth.

The guards in the Shenyonghou Mansion reacted very quickly. In the blink of an eye, a large number of people rushed out.

"Who dares to be so bold as to act wild in front of the Hou Mansion!"

The leader of the guard roared angrily.

Yun Hao calmly walked to the gate of the Hou Mansion, looked at the guard leader, and said: "Tell that old thief Murong Guang that I, Yun Hao, am here and tell him to get out!"

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