God Hongtian

Chapter 178: Your mother is a heroine

Bao Dan Tower.

After Yun Hao came back, Lu Yi and Mu Baifeng, the two leaders of Bao Dan Pavilion, immediately hurriedly found Yun Hao.

"Master Yun, it was my negligence... I didn't expect that after Hu Sandao's followers were dead, he would be so bold as to hide in the county." Lu Yi blamed himself.

Yun Hao said calmly: "I don't blame you."

Lu Yi had done his best on this matter. He led his people around for many days, tracking Hu Sandao and killing all of Hu Sandao's followers.

Without Lu Yi's early efforts, what Yun Hao would have to face today would not be Hu Sandao, but the elites of Flame Valley, and the situation would have been countless times more difficult.

Lu Yi: "Master Yun, is the elixir you used to prevent Hu Sandao's natal poison... effective against all poisonous insects?"

Before, the elixir had not been verified, so Lu Yi was doubtful.

But now, he no longer had the slightest doubt.

If the elixir works, the significance of this matter will be great!

In addition to Hu Sandao, there are a group of people in the Valley of Fire who also master the art of poisonous poison. That is the trump card of the Valley of Fire!

As long as the Gu worm can be restrained, it is equivalent to breaking an arm of the Flame Valley!

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "There are many differences between Gu worms. Even if the other people in the Flame Valley were trained by Hu Sandao and practiced the same witchcraft inheritance, the types of Gu worms are not the same.

If you want to restrain the methods of raising gu in Flame Valley, I can take some time to give you some advice. "

As soon as these words came out.

Lu Yi and Mu Baifeng's eyes were shining.

Mu Baifeng looked at Lu Yi with a pleading look in his eyes.

Lu Yi immediately understood Mu Baifeng's thoughts, and then nodded. He took the initiative and said, "Then let Master Mu's disciple Ling

My son is learning from Mr. Yun how to restrain the poisonous poison. I wonder what Mr. Yun wants? "

Yun Hao nodded.

Mu Baifeng was overjoyed: "Thank you so much, Mr. Yun!"

With a thought in his mind, Yun Hao took out a prescription filled with dense handwriting from the storage ring and said, "Master Lu, Alchemist Mu, please help me collect these elixirs."

Lu Yi took the prescription and at a glance, he felt like his scalp was numb!

The elixirs above are all extremely rare!

This prescription was also the reason why Yun Hao took the initiative to teach Bao Dan Tower how to restrain witchcraft.

He is now the honorary alchemist of Baodan Tower. According to the previous contract, Baodan Tower will unconditionally provide him with the resources needed for alchemy.

But... Lu Yi and Mu Baifeng may really try their best, but if they have to go up to the entire Baodan Tower, ordinary elixirs are fine, but some rare elixirs may not be available even if they are available.

Yun Hao knew this situation well.

So, he threw out a chip.

This elixir was not for Yun Hao's own use.

He prepared it for his father Yuntiankuo!

Yuntiankuo is already in his forties and has missed the time to lay the foundation. If this continues, even if Yunhao gives him the best skills and top-notch elixirs, Yuntiankuo's achievements will be limited.

A tall building rises from the ground, and its foundation determines how high the path of martial arts can go.

Therefore, Yunhao decided to cleanse his father's bones and rebuild his foundation!

The prescription in front of me was prepared by Yun Hao based on his knowledge of Baodan Tower.

The elixirs above may be difficult for Baodan Tower, but they can definitely get them!

Lu Yi was stunned for a moment while looking at the prescription, and then

He gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Yun, I will go to Kyoto personally and I will definitely come back with all the elixirs there within a month!"

"Yeah!" Yun Hao nodded.

After Lu Yi and Mu Baifeng left, Yunhao went directly to his father's residence.

Xiao Hei lay lazily at the door, basking in the warm winter sun.

But as soon as Yunhao arrived, Xiao Hei immediately stood up in high spirits. In the shape of a big black dog, he suddenly stood up with the majesty of a liger!

Yunhao was completely speechless about this hurricane demon wolf.

This guy is a real dog!

"Uncle Yun, try this snack. I just learned it. If it doesn't suit your taste, just tell me and I will change it."

"Miss Ling'er is very clever and this snack is delicious."

"As long as Uncle Yun likes it, I'll send some over later."

"Don't bother me. Miss Ling'er, you are an alchemist. Refining alchemy takes a lot of time and is hard work."

"It's not hard."

"How old is Miss Linger this year?"


"A little older than my Hao'er, but it doesn't matter, older girls will love others."

"Uncle Yun...this..." Ling'er lowered her head, her pretty face flushed.


Yun Hao walked in and shouted helplessly.

Yuntiankuo stood up with a smile and said: "Come on, come on, try the snacks that Miss Ling'er just made. Miss Ling'er is really well-behaved."

Ling'er continued to lower her head, not daring to look at Yun Hao, and said: "Uncle Yun, Yun... Master Yun, I suddenly remembered that the teacher told me something, so I'll go and get busy first."

After saying that, he trotted away in a hurry.

Yun Tiankuo's gaze was not withdrawn until Ling'er completely disappeared from his sight, and then

Then he looked at Yun Hao and said with emotion: "This girl Ling'er is really well-behaved and sensible."

Yun Hao: "Dad..."

Yun Tiankuo: "Don't interrupt me, just listen to me!"

Yun Hao: "..."

Yun Tiankuo: "I know that you are accommodating to me and single-minded, but as long as you can handle it well, it would be great to have a few good girls around you.

Work harder, work harder, and when you see me and your mother again, we will have a big fat grandson in each hand, how perfect! "


Yunhao looked confused.

In his memory, his mother had died in a disaster when a monster attacked Liuyun City when he was young.

Yuntiankuo nodded, seeming to recall the past, and said: "Your mother...is not dead, she just had to leave us because she had no choice but to leave us. I made an agreement with her. When you really grow up, I will go Find her."

Yun Hao: "Dad, where did your mother go?"

Since he was not reborn, but a pure reincarnation, this is a true blood relative!

Yun Tiankuo smiled calmly and said: "I can't tell you about that place, but I can tell you clearly that your mother is a hero and a heroine among women. What she does is for the righteousness of the human race!

I also hope you don’t blame your mother for leaving you in your heart.

Before she left, for several days and nights, she held you in her arms and refused to let go, until all her tears ran dry.

After she left, she couldn't help but came back several times.

But... there is really something important waiting for her, and she bears the burden of the safety of countless people! "

Yunhao was silent.

Is it related to the justice of the human race?

Obviously, his mother was very unusual. His father didn't tell him the specific location, it must be because that place was full of dangers, and he didn't want him to go there.

Yun Tiankuo patted Yun Hao's shoulder heavily and said, "Hao'er, my agreement with your mother is that when you grow up, become a real man, and can face the storm alone, I will go find her. Now, the time has come, I plan to leave in a few days.”

Yun Hao: "Dad, we will leave again in a month!"

Yuntiankuo: "What's wrong?"

Yun Hao: "I'll prepare two gifts, one for you, and the other for you to hand over to my mother!"

"Okay, if your mother receives your gift, she will be very happy."

Yuntiankuo said with a smile, and then seemed to suddenly think of something, and said: "By the way, I made an agreement with your Uncle Han and Uncle Jiang before, and I will take you to visit me as a guest.

The relationship between the two of them with your father and me is similar to that between you and that little fat guy from the Su family.

I will be leaving Beihan County soon, and I don’t know when I will meet them next time. There is still time now, so please take some time and come with me. "

Yun Hao nodded and said, "I'm free now."

Yuntiankuo: "Okay, then prepare some gifts and give them to your Uncle Han and Uncle Jiang's daughters when the time comes. Don't be petty.

If it's appropriate, I don't mind you being together at all, but the premise is that you have to deal with Feiyu and Ling'er's affairs well! "

Maybe he was planning to leave Yun Hao's side, so Yun Tiankuo wished that Yun Hao would marry a few more and come back to have grandchildren!

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