God Hongtian

Chapter 176 The howling wind appears

"Whoever dares to take action will die!" Yun Feihu laughed angrily and shouted: "Then I will kill you first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yun Feihu slashed out with his sword.

The tiger roared.

The sword gleamed like a tiger coming down the mountain, trying to kill everything. There was a hint of domineering in it, causing many people in the hall to feel uncontrollably frightened.

Yun Hao looked indifferent and didn't pay attention to Yun Feihu's attack at all. He stood there without even the intention of moving to dodge.

Seeing that the domineering sword light was about to fall on Yun Hao.

Yun Hao's right hand suddenly came out like lightning.

One finger, a flick of the finger.

The fingertips hit the blade of the sword!


The sword light exploded instantly, setting off a violent wave of air in the hall.

Yun Feihu's body lost balance as a result, and he stumbled backwards.

Yun Hao snorted coldly, took a step forward, and an afterimage appeared in front of Yun Feihu in an instant.

Yun Feihu's pupils shrank suddenly. At this moment, boundless panic arose in his heart, as if he had been shrouded in the shadow of death, and his whole body was instantly wet with cold sweat.


Elder Yun Ying shouted loudly, shot out from beside the old man of the Yun family, and punched Yun Hao.

He wanted to force Yun Hao to retreat and save Yun Feihu.

However, Yun Hao seemed to turn a blind eye to Yun Ying's attack, and with a swish sound, the Su Xin Sword was unsheathed.

The cold light of the sword energy poured out from the scabbard like a torrent of sword energy.

In an instant, the hall resounded with the roar of sword energy like the waves surging.

With a sound, the thirty-six sword energy, with extremely dexterous changes, easily stabbed holes one after another in Yun Feihu's body!

The punch of the charging Yun Ying was instantly torn into pieces by Yun Hao's sword energy, and Yun Ying's body was also blown away by the sword energy.


Yun Ying's body hit the corner of the hall, then pressed against the wall and slid to the ground.

His whole body was injured by the edge of Yun Hao's sword energy, and his flesh and blood were bloody!


"You...how can you be okay with nothing!"

Yun Ying's voice was intermittent. At this moment, he still couldn't accept this fact.

This is the poison given by Hu Sandao, the elder of Flame Valley!

Yun Hao killed people one after another and used his vitality. Logically speaking, his whole body should have been eroded by the poison long ago.

But the fact is that Yunhao seems to be fine!

If they had known that Yun Hao was fine, even if they were promoted to the Yuangang realm and given another hundred courages, they would not have had the courage to face Yun Hao's power!

Yun Hao looked at Yun Ying, who was struggling on the ground but could not stand up, and said: "You should have died when you were in Liuyun City. I miss my father's concern for the Yun family, so I let you go once, but There is only one chance!”

As soon as the words fell, the sword energy whistling in the hall made a clear and sonorous sword sound, and shot towards Yun Ying, killing him!

Everyone in the hall suddenly did not dare to look directly at Yun Hao.

With a sword in his hand, Yun Hao seemed to be a peerless sword unsheathed, with unrivaled edge.

Above the main hall, the old man of the Yun family was sitting on a spacious chair, his expression

It was as gloomy as water could drip from it, and a cold light surged in those eyes.


next moment.

A powerful aura suddenly erupted from the old man of the Yun family, and the tables and chairs around him turned into debris and flew.

He stood up.

He stared at Yun Hao like a poisonous snake.

Yun Hao also looked at the old man of the Yun family, pointed his sword pointedly, and said: "I said, whoever takes action will die, and you are no exception!"

The aura of the old man of the Yun family is still rising.

Immediately afterwards, a strange scene appeared.

His skin was bulging with bumps, and then these bumps shattered like bubbles, and squirming Gu worms came out along the broken skin.

In the blink of an eye, the old man of the Yun family was covered with poisonous insects.

These Gu worms were dark green in color and covered with thick liquid. The liquid dripped and pits were corroded on the ground!

The strong fishy smell instantly suppressed the bloody smell that filled the hall.

"Old man..."

"Old man, what's wrong with you?"

"How did it become like this?"

A series of horrified shouts rang out.

There were also some women who were so disgusted that they were vomiting when they saw this scene!

The aura of the old man of the Yun family finally climbed to about the seventh level of the Yuangang Realm, and then stopped.

But at this time, he had completely lost his human form. His body was like a nest of insects, with a large number of Gu insects squirming on his body.

"Yunhao, even if you are not poisoned by my poison, but... you will never get out alive. You killed my son Hu Biao."

, you must pay with your life! "

A hoarse voice came from the mouth of the old man of the Yun family.

This voice is completely different from the original voice of the old man of the Yun family.

Obviously, this is no longer the old man of the Yun family, but Hu Sandao who controls this body with Gu insects.

"You hidden rat wants to kill me, but you can't!"

"You arrogant and ignorant little thing, suffer death!" The body of the old man of the Yun family suddenly leapt towards Yun Hao.

Yun Hao snorted coldly and raised his sword diagonally. In an instant, the fire and sword energy merged.

The Mysterious Fire Burning Heaven Sword Technique turned into a raging sea of ​​fire, drowning the old man of the Yun family who came to kill him.

The omnipresent sharpness in the sea of ​​fire tore the old man of the Yun family into pieces in an instant!

Whether it was body fragments or those dark green Gu insects, they were directly turned into ashes in the flames!

In the hall, everyone held their breath, and there was dead silence, except for the sound of burning flames.

That's when.


The formation that blocked the main hall was opened.

The closed door also opens.

A middle-aged man with long hair, face as pale as paper, and a sinister aura walked in slowly.

This person is none other than the elder of Flame Valley, Hu Sandao!

A few days ago, he was chased by Lu Yi from Baodan Tower. He finally got rid of Lu Yi, but the followers around him were all dead!

How could he be willing to do so?

The hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable!

Therefore, he sneaked into the county town again, and then came to the Yun family, and laid out a plan, hoping to use the power of the Yun family to kill Yun Hao.

In this way, when the time comes to kill Yun Hao, Lu Yi and others will

For a while, it wasn't obvious that he was the mastermind behind the scenes, and he was able to escape calmly.

But he never expected that the useless Gu insects he handed over to the Yun family would be completely useless to Yun Hao!

Now, he had to take action himself!

"A bunch of useless trash, what use do you have!"

Hu Sandao snorted coldly.

next moment.

In the main hall, except for a few people from Yuntiankuo, all the others fell to the ground and groaned in pain. Among them, the first batch of people who were poisoned by the poisonous poison were in the same situation as the old man of the Yun family. Countless dark green poisonous insects emerged from their bodies. It came out of the skin!

Those who had just been poisoned in the main hall were so frightened that they peed like urine!

Hu Sandao stared at Yun Hao with sinister eyes and said, "Do you know why my name is Hu Sandao?"

After saying that, he let out a sinister sneer to himself, and said: "Because, I never like to use voodoo insects to kill people, what I like is to use voodoo bugs to erode the target.

Then, the first cut broke the Dantian, the second cut cut out the heart and liver, and the third cut cut off the head!

This process makes me extremely happy!

But when it comes to you, I decided to change my approach.

Yunhao, I will make you endure three thousand three hundred and thirty-three knives!

With my ability, I guarantee that you will die of anger only after enduring this Ling Chi pain!

It's not just you.

Your useless good-for-nothing father will have to suffer the same fate as you.

This is the price you pay for killing my son! "

Hu Sandao's body suddenly blew up a biting wind, and the entire hall instantly seemed to turn into an abyss. Along with the howling wind, there was also Hu Sandao's perverted and sinister sneer...

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