God Hongtian

Chapter 173: The Proud Old Father

Yun Tiankuo said that Yun Hao was too flamboyant and wanted to keep a low profile, but he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

My son is on his way!

The little guy who used to be in Liuyun City is now completely grown up.

As a father, when he sees his child enjoying such a big show, he naturally feels unparalleled pride and pride in his heart!

Yun Hao nodded and said, "Dad, I understand."

Yuntiankuo said hurriedly: "Come, let me introduce you. This is your Uncle Han Feng, and this is Uncle Jiang Zhi. They two were best friends with your father and me when we were young."

"I've met Uncle Han, I've met Uncle Jiang."

Yun Hao greeted the two of them.

The two of them were very reserved, nervous, and somewhat panicked as they held their hands towards Yun Hao.

Yun Tiankuo: "Look at you two looking like this, what are you doing? This is my son, your junior, hurry up, didn't you two say you were ready for a meeting gift before!"

The two of them still looked embarrassed and uneasy.

They did prepare a meeting ceremony.

But looking at Yun Hao's posture now... they can't even get rid of their little things!

Yun Hao smiled faintly and said: "Uncles, this is our first meeting. We have no preparations, just a little care. I hope you won't dislike it."

After saying that, he took out two low-grade Xuan-level weapons from the storage ring and handed them to the two of them.

There are a lot of miscellaneous things in his storage ring, all of which he has been killing

The loot the opponent gets.

Yun Tiankuo directly took the weapon from Yun Hao's hand, stuffed it into the hands of his two old friends, and said: "You're welcome, it's a gift from my son, just take it!"

As he spoke, he realized that the texture of these two weapons seemed to be very unusual, and then asked curiously: "Hao'er, what grade are these?"

"The Xuanjie low-grade ones are really in a hurry, so I couldn't prepare anything better. When we have time, my father and I will visit the two uncles in person and make careful preparations." Yun Hao said.

Yuntiankuo's mouth twitched.

Low grade Xuan level?

Still in a hurry?

Want to be better prepared next time?

Suddenly, I glanced at the weapons thrust into the hands of two old friends with great distress...

It's not that he is stingy, but that he has never come into contact with such a high-level treasure in his life!

The result was good, as I immediately changed hands and gave away two pieces!

A moment's work.

The battle is over.

Yang Gang came over carrying the half-dead Lord of Flying Eagle Castle and threw him on the ground.

Lu Yi also pulled out the leader of the Tiger Gang who had been placed in the alchemy cauldron. This man was countless times miserable than the leader of the Flying Eagle Castle. He was burned into coke, leaving only a faint breath.

"Master Yun, I haven't seen you for more than 20 years, but you still have the same style." Lu Yi said with a smile.

Yun Tiankuo was stunned for a moment, then remembered. Indeed, he had had one or two contacts with Lu Yi more than 20 years ago, but he remembered? What nonsense! Obviously, finished

It's all because of his son, Lu Yi said casually to get closer to each other.

Wu Qichen also ended the battle, killed a large number of bandits, and came over with a few small leaders under escort.

"I think this is Mr. Yun's father, Senior Yun. Junior Wu Qichen has met Senior Yun." Wu Qichen immediately greeted Yun Tiankuo and saluted.

Even now, the sky is vast, and it still feels like a dream.

Wu Qichen then bowed to Lu Yi and Yang Gang, then looked at Yun Hao and said: "Master Yun, I have already conducted a preliminary review. These people all received orders from a mysterious person more than an hour ago.

The mysterious man asked them to capture Senior Yun and promised a heavy reward.

And that mysterious man is also the person behind the scenes who has been secretly supporting these bandits.

But no one has seen the mysterious man, and no one knows who the mysterious man is! "

Yun Hao glanced at Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei understood immediately and stepped forward directly to bite the dying Tiger Gang Leader and Flying Eagle Castle Leader to death!

"Since we can't find out, there's no need to check." Yun Hao said.

He knew what was going on!

There are only a few of his enemies.

Neither Cangxing Martial Academy nor Flame Valley has the energy to secretly support so many bandits in Beihan County.

Who is behind the scenes has been revealed.

The old thief of the Shen Yong Hou Mansion, Murong


He remembers all these accounts and will settle them all with him sooner or later!

It is not appropriate to take action now.

The influence of Shen Yong Hou Mansion is too great. No matter it is the Sheriff's Mansion, Bao Dan Pavilion, or Qingfeng Martial Academy, they will not declare war on Shen Yong Hou Mansion without evidence!

With his current strength, he is still unable to contend with the power of the Shen Yong Hou Mansion on his own.

But...the day of reckoning won't be too far away!


Returning to the county town, Yun Hao and Yun Tiankuo moved directly into Baodan Building first.

Although Yang Gang complained about this, he didn't say much. Although Qingfeng Wuyuan had a contact point in the county, after what happened to Yun Hao during this period, he knew very well that if something happened again , with the power of Qingfeng Wuyuan’s contact point, it doesn’t work at all.

Winter nights are extremely cold.

But Yuntiankuo's heart felt hot.

Thinking of his experiences during the day, he still felt like he was in a dream.

After arriving at the Baodan Tower, Lu Yi's enthusiasm, the visits from important figures such as the chief alchemist Mu Baifeng, and the invitation from the governor's son Wu Qichen all made him feel that everything was too unreal.


Yunhao came to Yuntiankuo's room.

Yun Tiankuo looked at Yun Hao and was so excited that he didn't say anything for a long time. Then he patted Yun Hao's shoulder heavily and said, "You brat, you have to tell me what's going on!"

Yunhao said selectively


After hearing this, Yuntiankuo was silent for a moment and said, "Dad, I know that although you are very good, the process you mentioned was all smooth and smooth. This is impossible. If it were so smooth, nothing like what happened today would have happened." .


If you don't tell me, I won't ask any more questions. Dad doesn't have the ability to help you deal with it, and it's of no use knowing it.

Dad just wants to tell you that no matter what happens, you must ensure your own safety with a clear conscience!

Your father and I have been upright and upright all our lives, but unfortunately, we have also spent our lives as cowards.

Dad hopes that you will also behave upright and become famous everywhere! "

Yun Hao nodded and said: "Dad, I understand. By the way, the situation in the county has been a bit chaotic recently. Dad, you should try not to go out casually."

"Hao'er, you mean, just stay in Baodan Tower?"

Yuntiankuo reacted, thought for a while, and said: "The day after tomorrow is the old lady's birthday. I went out this time to look for fluorescent blood jade. My original intention was to please the old lady and let him train you.

Now, your excellence no longer requires the resources of the Yun family.

But... I still have to go back. After all, we are still members of the Yun family, and our roots are there. But Haoer, you can rest assured that I will not beg them for help like before. "

Seeing that his father had made his decision, Yun Hao said no more and said, "Okay, I will go back with you the day after tomorrow."

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