God Hongtian

Chapter 17 It’s up to you if you want to survive

Xu Yin, an old man, still hasn't figured out his situation until now.

His favor is of great value to other people in Liuyun City.

But in Yun Hao's eyes, let alone Xu Yin, even a favor a thousand times more powerful than Xu Yin is nothing!


Now, it was Xu Yin who asked him!

Yun Hao looked at Xu Yin, with a hint of indifference in his eyes as he was at the top of the mountain, overlooking the ants and crawlers at the foot of the mountain.

Xu Yin's whole body trembled involuntarily again, and chills rose from the bottom of his heart.

"Go get pen, ink, paper and inkstone." Yun Hao ordered.

Xu Yin responded hurriedly: "Okay, I'll go right away..."

After a while.

Xu Yin took the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, laid out the rice paper honestly, polished the ink, held a slender brush in both hands, and handed it to Yun Hao.

Yun Hao took the brush, lightly dipped the tip in black ink, and then started writing on the snow-white rice paper.

The whole process is smooth and flowing, and each stroke has a special charm that seems to be in harmony with the nature of heaven and earth. It also seems that every stroke is like a peerless sword unsheathed, opening up the world and omnipotent!

Xu Yin watched Yun Hao write, and unknowingly, he was immersed in an unspeakable state. Xu Yin never came back to his senses until Yun Hao put away his pen.


There was the sound of the brush being thrown aside.

Only then did Xu Yin wake up.

He looked horrified.

Just now... while watching Yun Hao's writing, I was moved by the charm and entered a state similar to an epiphany!

It's just a pity that the time was too short and was interrupted.

Otherwise... in the state of enlightenment, there must be some insights,

In some aspects, there must be a breakthrough!

The state of enlightenment is a rare opportunity for any monk. Just by watching Yun Hao's writing, you can enter the state of enlightenment...

Is it a coincidence?

Or is Yunhao really capable of this?

For a moment, Xu Yin looked at Yun Hao again and felt that Yun Hao's body was covered with layers of mysterious fog. Moreover, looking at Yun Hao, he had a kind of looking up perspective from the bottom of his heart!

"Yun... Mr. Yun, what is this?"

Xu Yin's tone changed again and he addressed Yun Hao as Mr. Yun.

"Yangyuan Decoction can relieve the common danger of fire poison entering the body of low-level alchemists." Yun Hao said calmly.

"Regardless of any symptoms? Can they be alleviated?" Xu Yin stared at Yun Hao with his eyes wide open, the expression on his face was extremely complicated and wonderful!


, in the eyes of others, it is noble!

But in fact, low-level alchemists also suffer from unspeakable pain!

In the process of refining elixirs, some people do not inherit it well, some people are careless, and some people make it forcibly. Due to various reasons, they will more or less encounter the trouble of fire poison.

If you want to resolve the fire poison in the body, you need a specific detoxifying elixir. Throughout the Qingfeng Dynasty, this detoxifying elixir was controlled by a powerful force, so the price was extremely high.

Even though Baodan Tower was the leader of the alchemy world in the Qingfeng Dynasty, it had never successfully imitated such elixirs.

And Baodan Tower is the biggest demander for this kind of antidote elixir, which means that Baodan Tower has always been restricted by the other party in its contact with that force.

Yun Hao hummed and said: "For ordinary fire poison, if you insist on taking it for seven days, you can recover.

If you are not suffering from fire poison and are terminally ill, you can get better if you take it for a long time.

Of course, this will have a mediocre effect on you, because you are among those who are terminally ill. You should take this decoction first to prolong your life. "

Xu Yin: "..."

He was excited and depressed at the same time.

If such a decoction is truly effective, it will definitely have a huge impact on the world of alchemy.


This decoction cannot save my life!

"Master Yun, can the fire poison in my body... still be completely cured?" He was very worried inside.

Yun Hao: "If you want to survive, it's up to you."

At this moment, Xu Yin couldn't understand. He gritted his teeth and said: "Master Yun, no matter what needs you have in the future, just ask for them. I, Xu Yin, will definitely do my best to make things happen beautifully! "

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