God Hongtian

Chapter 156: Azure Dragon Spirit Demonstrates Its Power

In the field, the remaining black shadow warriors were all extremely shocked, as if an invisible big hand was strangling their throats, making it difficult for them to breathe.

Today, they were ordered to come with the determination to complete their mission.

With their cooperation, even if they face a strong person who has just entered the golden elixir, they will be able to fight!

But what's the result?

A group of people besieged Yun Hao.

However, Yun Hao easily broke out of the siege.

Their leader, who was at the peak of the Yuan Gang Realm, was killed by Yun Hao with the force of thunder!


"This is not a dragon, this is a real dragon!"

"He...he possesses the Qinglong Yuanling!"

These shadow warriors have been strictly trained and can face death without changing their expressions.

But at this moment, when they thought of the scene where Yun Hao exploded with the Azure Dragon Yuanling and displayed his power, their moods could no longer remain stable!

This is the legendary Yuanling!

In the Qingfeng Dynasty, if someone occasionally condenses the dragon spirit, it is already extremely remarkable. They will receive countless attention and become a peerless genius in the eyes of everyone!

But in front of me... the legendary Qinglong Yuanling appeared!

Although Jiaolong also has the character dragon.

But a dragon is just a dragon. It is far different from a real dragon!

Beside Yun Hao, Qinglong Yuanling let out a thundering roar, and the next moment, Qinglong Yuanling got under his feet.

He stepped on the green dragon and rushed towards the remaining group of black shadow dead soldiers.

Wherever it passed, a huge rolling wave of air was set off.


Yun Hao didn't even need to draw his sword, the power of Qinglong Yuanling swept across, and he was forced to

Then he crushed several black shadow warriors into blood mist!



Shouts full of panic followed.

They are not afraid of death.

But what they are facing now is not death, but a complete crushing from the life level!

This kind of crushing destroyed all their beliefs!

"Everyone who comes must die, no one should be left behind!"

Yun Hao snorted coldly and used the Thirty-Six Meridian Sword Techniques. The whistling sword energy completely blocked the area.

At the same time, Flying Sword Youlan also shuttled through the air again, harvesting the lives of these embarrassed people who had lost their courage and faith!


Zhou Yu's face turned pale.


He murmured, Yun Hao's potential completely subverted his understanding and completely exceeded his imagination!

He has gone down this road and there is no turning back.

I thought that the group of shadow warriors could easily suppress Yun Hao and take him away.

But in the end, something unexpected happened!

Bai Changfeng and Yang Gang also looked like they had been hit hard on the head by a heavy hammer, with extremely complicated expressions.

The muscles at the corners of Yang Gang's mouth seemed to be twitching: "Dean... Dean, you are right, he really brought us... a surprise!"

Strictly speaking, this is no longer a surprise, this is a shock!

The moment they saw Qinglong Yuanling, both of them were frightened!

Bai Changfeng took a deep breath: "A phoenix came out of Cangxing Martial Academy, and a dragon came out of our Qingfeng Martial Academy.

Yun Hao will definitely surpass Han Qianshan and become the strongest person in the history of Qingfeng Martial Academy.

The world of Qingfeng Dynasty is simply not enough for him to fly...


Gang, keep an eye on him and be ready to take action at any time. No matter who wants to harm Yun Hao, we... must risk our lives to protect his safety.

Hahaha, escorting a dragon will become the most glorious experience in our lives! "

A moment.

All the black shadow warriors in the field had been wiped out.

Yun Hao did not leave anyone alive because there was no need for this. He already knew who was behind the scenes. The purpose of this fishing trip was to trick these snakes, insects, rats, and ants out, kill them, and cut off the old thief Murong Guang's right-hand man. !

The ground in this area was covered with pieces of flesh and blood, and was filled with a fishy smell.

There was not a drop of blood on Yun Hao's body.

He withdrew the Qinglong Yuanling, and with a swish sound, the Su Xin Sword was sheathed.

But at this moment.

Zhou Yu finally couldn't hold back anymore and appeared in Yun Hao's sight.

He looked at Yun Hao, his complex expression gradually turning into determination.

"Yunhao, it seems that there are many uncontrollable factors in this trial. I declare that the trial ends early. Please follow me back to the martial arts academy first!"

Yun Hao looked at Zhou Yu and said, "Elder Zhou, don't you want to say something else?"

Zhou Yu glanced at the body fragments on the ground and said, "I will investigate the origins of this group of people.

The reason I didn't take action in time just now was because I sent Teacher Liu and Teacher Li to follow Wu Qichen to deal with the remnants of the Blood Fire Demon Sect, which delayed me for a while. When I arrived, you had almost finished the battle.

This is a dereliction of duty on my part. After I return, I will truthfully report it to the dean. No matter how the dean handles it, I will not have any complaints. "

He talked and walked

Xiang Yunhao.

Just when he came less than ten meters in front of Yun Hao.

Zhou Yu's body suddenly burst out with a tyrannical power of golden elixir, and he suddenly made a huge handprint to grab Yun Hao!

The moment Zhou Yu took action.

A powerful force suddenly fell from the sky and stood in front of Yun Hao.


This power easily defeated Zhou Yu's hand seal.

Immediately afterwards.

Dean Bai Changfeng flashed and appeared in front of Zhou Yu.

He looked at Zhou Yu with a complicated expression and said, "Elder Zhou, you have disappointed me so much!"

Zhou Yu's face changed drastically.

At this moment, he had no way to defend himself and was caught!

The next moment, his figure burst out and he wanted to escape.

Knowing Bai Changfeng's character, he knew very well what he was going to face, so he only had one choice left, that is, to escape!

If Bai Changfeng wanted to protect Yun Hao, he would not chase him.

As long as he escaped, with his strength in the Jindan realm, he would not have to worry about having no way out. Joining the Shenyong Marquis Mansion and becoming a staff member in the Shenyong Marquis Mansion would be a good way out!

The Shenyong Marquis Mansion could protect the Blood Eagle from being discovered by the Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy for twenty years, and it could also protect himself!

However, before Zhou Yu could escape, another strong breath broke out. Yang Gang, the chief instructor of the Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy, rushed out like a ferocious beast, blocked Zhou Yu, and punched out with a terrifying explosion that caused a landslide.

"Bang!" Zhou Yu, who only wanted to escape, was hit by Yang Gang's punch without any defense, and his body flew out. Yang Gang jumped up. Almost as soon as Zhou Yu's body hit the ground, Yang Gang caught up with him, grabbed Zhou Yu's collar with one hand, and lifted him up. He stared at Zhou Yu angrily and shouted: "Why, why did you betray Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy!" Zhou Yu looked ashen, smiled bitterly, and said: "It seems that you have suspected me since early... I have nothing to say after falling into your hands. I only have one request, I hope you will give me a quick death for the sake of what I have done for Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy." Yang Gang did not respond, but directly carried Zhou Yu and walked in front of Yun Hao and Bai Changfeng. He looked at Yun Hao, and the scene of Yun Hao's burst of Qinglong Yuanling involuntarily appeared in his mind, and he once again felt a sense of humility in his heart! Bai Changfeng also looked at Yun Hao and said, "If you don't mind, I want to spare his life first. After all, there are more than one termite in Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy."

Yun Hao: "President Bai will take care of it. I'm going to Fenglin Village first."

"The remnants of the Blood and Fire Demon Cult in Fenglin Village have set up a magic array. I'll go with you."

Speaking of this, Bai Changfeng looked at Yang Gang again and said, "Master Yang, you will take the traitor Zhou Yu back to the Martial Arts Academy and wait for me to come back and interrogate him!"

Yang Gang replied, "Yes!"

After Yang Gang left with Zhou Yu, Bai Changfeng looked at Yun Hao with a complicated expression and said solemnly, "From now on, Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy will be the most determined force behind you!"

He has seen Yun Hao's potential.

This potential can completely lead the entire Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy to a higher level!

Therefore, he can make this promise, because he knows very well that even if the dean of the general hospital knows, he will definitely put the biggest chip on Yun Hao!

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