God Hongtian

Chapter 154 Trap, Induction

Wu Qichen led a team of hundreds of elites and hurried out of the county governor's mansion, rushing to the place where the remnants of the Blood Fire Demon Sect were causing trouble.

Although the people in that village were all dead, they wanted to find clues through some traces to determine the whereabouts of the remnants of the Bleeding Fire Demon Cult.

Yunhao also followed.

This time, not to mention the two purposes of trial and fishing, the Demon Cultist appeared. Since he had encountered it, he could not turn a blind eye.

In his previous life, even if he reached the pinnacle of his cultivation in the mortal world, he was not as indifferent to everything as most powerful people.

People have humanity.

If, because of strong cultivation, you feel that you are above all living beings, overlooking the common people, and treating life as nothing but grass, then you are no longer a complete person!

To a certain extent, he was once powerful because he always maintained the same humanity as always, using the sword of love to traverse the world!

Demonic cultists, in order to achieve their goals, do whatever it takes, use living beings as nourishment, and cause countless killings to achieve their goals. These are a group of people that Yun Hao hated deeply in his previous life.

in the crowd.

A captain of the team looked at Yun Hao who was following the team and whispered: "Little brother, what's your name?"


The team leader grinned and said: "He is a man, he knows the danger, but he still has the courage to come out with us to investigate the remnants of the Blood Fire Demon Sect.

As for our young master’s unkind attitude toward you, I hope you won’t take it too seriously, little brother.

Since the remnants of the Blood Fire Demon Cult appeared in Beihan County, too many killings have been committed in a short period of time. Even the county guard was seriously injured when fighting the remnants of the Blood Fire Demon Cult. He is now bedridden and dying. .

The young master is worried in his heart, wishing he could kill all the remnants of the Blood Fire Demon Sect immediately and return one to Beihan County.


The young master is still young. When young people encounter setbacks, they will inevitably become a little irritable. Little brother, please bear with me.

By the way, if you really meet the remnants of the Blood Fire Demon Cult, little brother, don’t rush in too far. You are still young and a disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy, and you will have a bright future.

Young people like you who are courageous, responsible and promising can do more for Beihan County when they grow up! "

Yun Hao nodded and said nothing.

It didn't take long for the group of people to arrive at the village that had been brutally murdered.

Before entering the village, the strong smell of blood was already extremely pungent.

Wu Qichen's expression was gloomy and terrifying, all his strength exploded, and he was the first to rush into the village.

"The remnants of the Blood Fire Demon Sect, I, Wu Qichen, will not be human until I uproot you!"

An angry roar sounded!

Yunhao also entered the village.

Everything you can see is... mummified corpses!

Regardless of whether they were men, women, old or young, their deaths were miserable. Each corpse still had an expression of extreme pain and torture on its face. Each corpse had a gash on its neck that had been bitten by teeth.

Especially those children, their chests were dug open and their hearts were taken out. There is no doubt that the hearts of these children were treated as delicious food by the remnants of the Blood and Fire Demon Sect!

The people of the Blood Fire Demon Cult devour souls and suck blood, and their methods are cruel and heinous!

Looking at these scenes, an extremely cold chill surged around Yun Hao.

"Remnants of the Demon Cult, even if I risk my life, I still have to avenge all the innocent people who died tragically!"

"Ah ah ah, until the devil thief dies, there will never be peace in Beihan County. I will kill every one I see!"

"Crazy thieves, I swear I won't do anything until I kill them."

people! "

There were roars one after another.

These officers and soldiers of the Sheriff's Mansion were all passionate people. Seeing such a tragic situation, they were filled with indignation and wanted to immediately chop the remnants of the Demon Cult into pieces!

Just then, there was a loud shout.

"Master, there are still survivors, there are still survivors!"

I saw a soldier rushing over with a girl in his arms.

Yun Hao's eyes flashed with light, and then he walked over.

The girl looked pitiful, her body was dirty, her hair was messy, her face was stained with tears, her breath was weak, and she was in a coma.

Wu Qichen hurriedly took the girl from the soldier's arms, held it in his arms, and immediately controlled a ray of pure energy to inject it into the girl's body.

The girl woke up slowly and looked at the people around her with blank eyes, looking extremely frightened.

"Little girl, don't be afraid, I am Wu Qichen, the son of the county governor."

The girl immediately cried loudly and cried: "I'm scared, I'm so scared. A group of bad guys came to our village last night. My parents stuffed me into the cellar... I heard countless people crying and shouting outside, The bad guys kept laughing.

They also said that if they eat our village, they will eat the people in Fenglin Village too...


Wu Qichen, as well as the surrounding soldiers, suddenly showed strong excitement on their faces.

Maplewood Village!

Rush over now, maybe it's still too late!

Finally... I found the whereabouts clues of the remnants of the demon sect!

Wu Qichen immediately ordered several people to take the girl back to the county town first, and then sent people from the county guard's house to Fenglin Village. He himself rushed to Fenglin Village immediately to try to save the villagers of Fenglin Village. And hold back the remnants of the Demon Sect and prevent them from escaping again!


Yun Hao suddenly spoke.

Wu Qichen looked at Yun Hao,

Leng shouted: "What do you want to say?"

Yun Hao did not respond to Wu Qichen, but looked at the girl in Wu Qichen's arms. His eyes were like two sharp swords.

The girl became even more frightened, hugging Wu Qichen's arm tightly and burying her head in Wu Qichen's chest: "I'm afraid... I'm afraid!"

Yun Hao snorted coldly and said, "You can't hide this trick from me!"

The next moment, a sharp edge burst out from Yun Hao's body.

And the girl held in Wu Qichen's arms suddenly emitted a cold and cruel aura.

One of the girl's palms grabbed Wu Qichen's chest, and the armor instantly shattered.

But before the girl's hand could break open the flesh of Wu Qichen's chest, with a swish sound, a sword came out like lightning, accurately cutting off the girl's hand!

Wu Qichen finally reacted, roared, and threw the girl with the broken hand away.

After the girl landed on the ground, she put her remaining palm on the ground and her body shot up, then fled away into the distance like an arrow from a string.

"Have you left?"

A cold voice sounded in the girl's ears.


The next moment, a sword penetrated directly through her abdomen!

Yun Hao flicked the hand holding the sword, and the girl's body was thrown away again, hitting the ground with a bang, and she could no longer muster any strength to struggle.

"Take it!"

Wu Qichen shouted, and immediately some soldiers rushed forward and detained the girl!

Thinking of the danger at that moment, Wu Qichen broke into a cold sweat.

This girl turned out to be a remnant of the Demon Cult in disguise!

If Yunhao hadn't seen through the girl's disguise, they went to Fenglin Village according to the wrong information, and then passed the wrong information back to the county governor's house. The better situation is that the remaining demon sect

The evil reason spreads suspicion and makes their trip in vain.

But there is another possibility. The remnants of the Blood Fire Demon Sect have laid a dragnet in Fenglin Village, waiting for them to die!

Wu Qichen looked at Yun Hao with a complicated expression, but he was a decisive person and immediately said: "It was my fault before, brother..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yun Hao said: "Let's go and investigate quickly and see if we can find some useful clues."

Wu Qichen raised his hand towards Yun Hao and immediately interrogated the remnant of the Demon Cult who was disguised as a girl!

Less than half an hour.

Wu Qichen interrogated and found out the clues he wanted, and then without any hesitation, he killed the remnant of the demon sect disguised as a girl with one knife.

Then, Wu Qichen came to Yun Hao again and said: "The remnants of the Blood Fire Demon Sect are indeed in Fenglin Village. They have set up a magic array in Fenglin Village, waiting for us to take people to die!"

Yun Hao: "Then what are you going to do?"

Wu Qichen: “Even if it’s a dragnet, I still have to go.

I am the son of the county governor, and my father is seriously injured and dying, so I have to take on the responsibility of protecting the people of Beihan County!

If they arrive too late, they will evacuate. If they find them next time, I don’t know how many innocent lives will be tragically killed by their vicious hands!

Brother Yunhao, I was wrong for my previous attitude towards you. I am here to solemnly apologize to you. I also asked Brother Yunhao to go to the county governor's house for me and ask someone to go to Fenglin Village for support. I will take the first step. , go over and hold back the remnants of the Demon Cult! "

Yun Hao said: "I have other things to do. Please arrange for the others to return to the county governor's house. I'll say goodbye!"

After saying that, Yunhao didn't explain anything else and just turned around and left!

In his perception, there are already a group of black shadow warriors that he encountered in Hurricane Canyon nearby. He must deal with these guys first!

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