God Hongtian

Chapter 148: There is a ghost in my heart, start again

All eyes were focused on Yun Hao who walked out of the Questioning Heart Trial Formation.

Everyone's expressions were dull at this moment, as if they were frozen.

Yunhao is out!

I came out not long after I went in!

Counting the time, it seems like only a quarter of an hour?

Perhaps, less than a quarter of an hour!

The record of Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Academy is two and a half hours!

The fastest record of Qingfeng Martial Academy in the entire Qingfeng Dynasty was a quarter and a half minutes!

In other words, Yunhao immediately broke the national record!

Moreover, they saw that Yun Hao's expression was calm and calm, and he didn't look like someone who had just gone through the trial of conscience!

Just now, the group of people who had threatened that Yun Hao would never pass this test and couldn't even get the worst grade of D, felt their faces burning at this moment!

This is no longer a slap in the face.

This is simply pressing their faces to the ground, rubbing them hard, and rubbing them back and forth!

"Breaked the record?" Liu Yan had an expression of disbelief on her face.

Wang Wei nodded and said, "Record-breaking!"

Yunying, who finally came to her senses, asked with a confused expression: "What is the national record?"

Chu Xinyue: "The national record was set by Han Qianshan, the genius of the General Academy ten years ago. When this record appeared in a quarter and a half, even the royal family was alarmed, and Han Qianshan was hailed as a super genius who only appears once in 500 years. .

Han Qianshan has lived up to expectations. Now, under the age of thirty, he has become one of the top experts in the Qingfeng Dynasty. There are rumors that Han Qianshan can even compete in the Qingfeng Dynasty.

In front of Yuan Tianshi, he insisted on using a hundred moves without defeat.

Yun Hao broke Han Qianshan's record and was far ahead of Han Qianshan in less than a quarter of an hour. If Han Qianshan is a genius who appears only once in five hundred years, then Yun Hao is a genius who appears once in a thousand years! "

As a little princess of the royal family, Chu Xinyue naturally knew a lot of news about Han Qianshan.

Of course, Han Qianshan is known as a genius who only appears once in 500 years, not only for the record he left in the Heart-Questioning Trial, but also for other reasons.

But this does not prevent her from promoting Yun Hao.

There is no way, Yun Hao is the most beautiful man in her eyes!

"Brother Yun is mighty!"

"Brother Yun is awesome!"

"Brother Yun is the most handsome!"

At this time, Dongfang Xiu, who finally came to his senses, shouted loudly at the top of his lungs.

I don’t care at all about my previous loss to Yun Hao!

Yun Hao is the little princess's crush. Yun Hao's performance is still so outstanding. What's wrong with fawning over him? Nothing wrong!

"No, there is definitely a problem!"

"Is it possible that there is a malfunction in the Heart-Questing Trial Formation?"

"That should be the case, otherwise, even if he could pass, he wouldn't be able to pass so quickly and easily!"

There were voices of doubt again among the crowd.

On the high platform.

Bai Changfeng looked at Yun Hao with a complicated expression.

Just now, he really just asked Zhou Yu casually just to create pressure, asking him if he thought Yun Hao could break the record.

The result was good.

It really broke a record, and it was a national record!

He even felt...a little ridiculous!

Not only Bai Changfeng, but also Yang Gang and Zhou Yu found it unbelievable.

Bai Changfeng suppressed many thoughts, nodded towards Yun Hao, and said with a smile: "Yes, the performance is very good. Master Qin really found a treasure this time. This is also a blessing for our Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Academy. !”

Zhou Yu hesitated for a moment and said: "Dean, I think we should check the formation before making a conclusion.

After all, this is no longer a matter for our Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County. Once the news spreads, it will be a major event for Qingfeng Martial Academy across the country and will attract huge attention.

If something goes wrong, not only Yunhao will be the target of public criticism, but our Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Academy will also be treated as a joke! "

These words came out of his mouth.

A group of people outside the field felt even more that their guess was correct. There was indeed something wrong with the formation, and Yun Hao... had great luck again!

Chief Instructor Xi Yang Gang: "Dean, I think we can start the second round of trials."

Bai Changfeng nodded and said: "Elder Zhou, let's start the second round of trials."

Zhou Yu frowned.

If it was normal, he would definitely argue and find out.

But today, he had a ghost in his heart and felt very guilty, so he lost the vigor he had in the past, so he said: "Okay, let's start the second round of trials."

Bai Changfeng and Yang Gang looked at each other without trace.

Both of them felt that there was something wrong with Zhou Yu, but there was no basis for it. Just now, they were testing Zhou Yu, and they saw Zhou Yu's uncharacteristic behavior. Now, it is almost certain that Zhou Yu has become a disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy. A moth!

Zhou Yu absent-mindedly raised his hand and activated a formation restriction again.

this time

, another curtain of light appeared next to the high platform.

However, unlike the first trial of questioning one's mind, the light curtain of the second trial is transparent, and everyone will be able to see every move of those participating in the trial!

Within the light curtain, a high mountain stands.

There are 999 steps in the mountain.

From the foot of the mountain, climb to the top of the mountain step by step, and you have passed.

If you reach the top within one hour, you will get a grade of A; if you reach the top within two hours, you will get a grade of B; if you reach the top within three hours, you will get a grade of C; if you reach the top within four hours, you will get a grade of D.

If you can't reach the top within four hours, it means failure!

"Go ahead and behave."

Yang Gang looked at Yun Hao and said.

Yun Hao's expression remained calm and calm as he stepped away, passing through the curtain of light and flying toward the mountain peak.


Li Wen lowered his voice and said: "The last newcomer assessment caused a lot of doubts in our martial arts academy, so the dean and the others were impatient. Even though they knew that Yun Hao's performance in the first round of trials was problematic, they did not care about it. .

If you do this, even if you earn a reputation, it will only be like a mirror in the water. It will be vulnerable and will bring greater harm to the reputation of the martial arts academy! "

Everyone nodded, feeling that what Li Wen said made sense.

And the other side.

Dongfang Xiu took out a piece of red silk directly from the storage ring. The red silk was pulled open and it read: Young Master Dongfang, his famous name is Shenwu!

Chu Xinyue glanced at him with a strange look.

Dongfang Xiu said with an embarrassed look: "I took it by mistake!"

As he spoke, he took out another piece of red silk without any writing on it, then took out the pen and ink from the storage ring and started writing:

Brother Yun, Brother Yun, create greater glory! Brother Yun, Brother Yun, invincible in the world!

He uses special ink, so every word is golden and dazzling!

Looking at his masterpiece, Dongfang Xiu was extremely satisfied. Then he looked at the four girls next to him and said, "Who will hold the banner with me?"

Fourth girl: "..."

Dongfang Xiu: "Okay, you girls are thin-skinned, I will do it myself!"

So, he took out two spears from the storage ring and stuck them on the ground, hung up the banner... and then shouted twice with all his strength!

On the high platform.

Yang Gang's face turned a little dark and he said, "Dean, is he really Dongfang Baichuan's biological son?"

Bai Changfeng raised his eyebrows and said, "Be careful what you say, otherwise we won't get anything good from those two!"

As he said that, he glanced helplessly at that little bastard Dongfang Xiu.

Dongfang Xiu noticed that Bai Changfeng was looking at her and shouted: "The dean's vision is extraordinary. Can you predict whether my brother Yun can break the national record this time?"

Bai Changfeng regretted saving this little bastard's life last time. He quickly turned his head, looked at Yang Gang, and whispered: "Probably not his biological son!"

"here we go!"

"Yunhao started climbing!"

"Whether it is a mule or a horse will be revealed immediately. I believe he will not disappoint us and become a joke!"

"This time, in full view of the public, his incompetence will be revealed!"

Discussions started again among the crowd.

at this time.

Yunhao was already standing at the foot of the mountain.

He looked up at the 999 steps extending to the top of the mountain, and then calmly took the first step!

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