God Hongtian

Chapter 144: Core Disciple Trial

Liu Yan looked startled when she heard Yun Hao ask the core disciples about the trial.

She immediately came to her senses and thought this was normal!

After what happened in Hurricane Canyon, she had a general understanding of Yun Hao's combat effectiveness. Liu Yan believed that she was no match for Yun Hao. She could pass the core disciple trial, and Yun Hao had no problem!

Liu Yan adjusted her mentality and said: "Junior Brother Yun, to start the core disciple trial, you need to submit an application first. If you are ready, I will help you submit the application. It will probably be done tomorrow.

However, I have to tell you the specific content of the trial now. "

"Then there's Senior Sister Lao Liu."

Liu Yan: "There are three trials in total. The first trial is a test of state of mind, the second trial is a test of understanding and strength, and the third trial is a random test.

Each trial will be evaluated, and the evaluation is divided into four levels: A, B, C and D.

If you want to pass the trial and become a core disciple, you must have one Grade A and two Grade B..."

Liu Yan explained the contents of the first trial and the second trial to Yun Hao in detail.

Then he paused for a moment before continuing: "The third random trial is full of too many uncertainties. To put it simply, it depends on luck.

The martial arts academy will prepare some trial content, and let the people who conduct the trial draw lots according to the drawing method, and whatever they draw will be what they draw!

This time I

The random trial was to perform a high-level mission in the martial arts academy, and it was a relatively simple high-level mission, so I was lucky.

I have also started the Core Disciple Trial before, but my luck was extremely bad. I drew a monster that was about to be promoted to the middle level of the Mysterious Level. I had to persist for a quarter of an hour under the attack of the monster. As a result, even one round of attacks from the monster I haven’t even survived..."

After saying that, Liu Yan looked at Yun Hao with a complicated expression and said, "However, with your strength, Junior Brother Yun, there should be nothing to worry about!"

After all, there is a limit to the Core Disciple Trial, even if you get the most difficult random trial.

In Qingfeng Martial Academy, normally speaking, as long as you have the first level of Yuangang Realm cultivation, you can almost definitely pass the trial.

In Liu Yan's mind, there was a picture of Yun Hao killing a shadow warrior with one sword when he was in Hurricane Canyon. Those shadow warriors were all at the first or second level of Yuangang Realm!

Yun Hao: "Then please ask Senior Sister Liu to help me submit the trial application."

"Okay, I'll go right away. Calculate the time. By the time the Peak Master comes back, you should have passed the trial and give the Peak Master a surprise by then!"


As Liu Yan submitted the application to the main peak, the news that Yun Hao was going to conduct the core trial spread like wildfire, and formed a storm that swept through the seven peaks of Qingfeng Martial Academy!

"What? Yunhao wants to start the core disciple trial? He just joined the Qingfeng Martial Academy.

Long? Have you had it for a month? "

"Haha, what a sensationalist, what does he think he is? I remember that when he joined the Qingfeng Martial Academy, he had just transformed into the Sea Realm. Now that he is exhausted, he has entered the Spirit Gathering Realm for the first time!"

"He was lucky. When he joined Qingfeng Martial Academy, he had more than 2,000 points. When he went out to do a low-level mission, he unexpectedly encountered the Blood Eagle. His life was also good enough. Not only was he not killed by the Blood Eagle, It took until Mr. Yang arrived, which is equivalent to gaining another 10,000 points!"

"Comparing people with each other, even if they are dead, it's his uncle's fault. I have been working hard for several years and my accumulated points are less than 5,000 points."

"What is there to be envious of? What we practice is to be down-to-earth. If someone like him is too lucky at the beginning, it will only make him restless and he will suffer in the future!"

As a newcomer, he had a huge amount of points in an instant. This was something that had never happened before in Qingfeng Martial Academy. Therefore, Yunhao received a lot of attention in Qingfeng Martial Academy. Of course, most of them It's envy that leads to jealousy!

Main peak.

Li Wen, the first core disciple from Yuzhan Peak, stood at the entrance of a courtyard at the top of the peak.

"Li Wen, please see Elder Zhou."

After a while.

The courtyard door opened with a creak.

"come in."

Li Wen looked left and right and found that there was no one else nearby, so he walked into the courtyard, and then

Close the courtyard door behind you.

In the yard, a man with gray hair was leaning on a lounge chair, holding a birdcage in his hand, teasing the sparrow in the cage, without even looking at Li Wen.

This person's name is Zhou Yu, the elder of Qingfeng Martial Academy, who is responsible for the trials of core disciples.

Li Wen bowed and saluted, and said: "Elder Zhou, I am here because of the instructions of Mr. Murong. I hope Elder Zhou can do a little favor."

Zhou Yu frowned, put down the birdcage in his hand, stared at Li Wen, and said, "Li Wen, are you helping Murong Guang?"

Li Wen stood up straight, raised his head, looked into Zhou Yu's eyes, and said, "Not only me, but Vice President Zhang is also working for Mr. Murong."


Zhou Yu suddenly stood up, and a powerful aura erupted. He took one step forward and stood within a punch of Li Wen. The power of the Golden Core Realm crushed Li Wen.

"Li Wen, if you keep talking nonsense, even if you are the first core disciple of Yuyin Peak, I will still kill you!"

Li Wen's face turned pale. He gritted his teeth and resisted Zhou Yu's pressure, saying: "Elder Zhou, your mentor, Vice President Zhang, is indeed working for the old master.

Yun Hao went out on a mission. Old Marquis wanted to capture Yun Hao alive. Qin Lan wanted to protect him secretly. Vice President Zhang immediately transferred Qin Lan away. Elder Zhou, do you think this is a coincidence?

If Elder Zhou still doesn’t believe it, then this thing, Zhou

The elders should be familiar with it, right? "

With that said, Li Wen took out a broken sword from the storage ring.

The moment he saw the broken sword, Zhou Yu's expression changed drastically.

Li Wen: "Elder Zhou, this is a promise you made to Vice President Zhang. No matter what, as long as Vice President Zhang gives instructions, you must do it!

Before Vice President Zhang took Qin Lan to Kyoto, he handed the Broken Sword to me. He said that if some emergencies arise, let me bring the Broken Sword to you, Elder Zhou. "

Zhou Yu withdrew his pressure on Li Wen, with a complicated look on his face, and said, "Say it!"

Li Wen finally breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The people that the old Marquis arranged to capture Yun Hao in Hurricane Canyon failed. Yun Hao is now going to start the core disciple trial, so this is another opportunity to capture Yun Hao.

As long as Elder Zhou can make some moves in the random assessment during the trial and let Yun Hao leave Qingfeng Martial Academy alone, no matter where he goes, the matter will be settled! "

Zhou Yu was silent for a long time.

Li Wen: "Elder Zhou, this matter is just a personal grudge between the old Marquis and Yun Hao. If you help the old Marquis, it will not have any impact on Qingfeng Martial Academy. Moreover, from now on, you We can also get the secret support of the old Marquis, so why not do it? "

Zhou Yu took a deep breath and said: "Stop talking nonsense here, I know the matter, you can get out!"

"Then I'll thank you, Elder Zhou." Li Wen smiled, then said goodbye and left.

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