God Hongtian

Chapter 134: Spiritual Roots in Hand, Vitality Generated

In the cave.

Yun Hao's spiritual power spread out, searching for the location of the spiritual roots of the cave.

next moment.

His mental power suddenly condensed into spiritual patterns in the air, burst out with a sharp aura, turned into a spiritual sword energy, and shot towards a water pool in the Cave Heaven Paradise.


The clear water pool suddenly set off a wave of water. The water wave was like a curtain, sweeping toward Yun Hao.

With a thought in Yun Hao's mind, the Su Xin Sword appeared in his hand, and he swung the sword diagonally upwards. The bright sword light burst out, tearing apart the oncoming waves of water.

Water splashes.

Yun Hao took a startling step, leaving behind an afterimage, and rushed to the side of the pool in an instant.


A ray of clear light shot out from the pool, melted into the air and light in an instant, and disappeared without a trace.


Immediately afterwards.

There were bursts of roaring.

The ground in the Cave Heaven Paradise shook, the grass and trees shook, and the air and light were violently distorted, forming an extremely strong oppressive force. This oppressive force rushed towards Yun Hao from all directions, intending to crush Yun Hao into pieces!

Yun Hao snorted coldly, his expression remained unchanged, and a thick and majestic aura came out of the female black pearl stored in his spleen.

This is the power of the earth attribute.

After the power of the earth attribute exploded, it all merged into the Su Xin Sword. Yun Hao held the hilt of the sword in his hand and stabbed the sword into the ground.

In an instant, a layer of earthy-yellow luster rippled like ripples.

Wherever the earth-yellow luster passed, the shaking ground in the cave suddenly became quiet, and the force that oppressed Yun Hao suddenly weakened by half!

"Come out!"

Yun Hao shouted softly, and stabbed the Su Xin Sword into the ground with a sharp stroke.

The sword edge swept up.

The powerful sword energy tore a deep ravine into the ground.

The cave spiritual roots hidden in the ground shot up from the ground and disappeared into the air again.


With his mental power, he firmly locked onto the whereabouts of the cave spirit root. His sword edge flickered, and brilliant sparks bloomed.

The mysterious fire-burning sword sets a prairie ablaze!




The sparks exploded and turned into fires all over the sky. The blazing flames burned the air and distorted the space violently.


A sharp scream followed.

I saw something glowing with blue light, like a small snake, falling from the flames to the ground with a snap.

This is the cave heaven spiritual root!

After the cave heaven spiritual roots fell to the ground, they wanted to escape into the ground.

But the ground has been blocked by Yun Hao with the earth attribute power of the Minxuan Pearl, like a copper wall and an iron wall.

Dongtianlinggen's plan to escape into the ground failed, and he ejected and disappeared into the air again.

But all directions have been completely blocked by Yun Hao's sword energy and sea of ​​fire, and the cave heaven spiritual roots are completely unable to break out of this area.


The next moment, the flying sword Youlan, under the control of Yun Hao, shot towards nothingness, but it made a popping sound.

The Cave Spiritual Root appeared in Yun Hao's sight again.

The flying sword, impartially, just penetrated the spiritual root of Dongtian, and then spun and flew down, and the flying sword nailed the spiritual root of Dongtian to the ground!

Yunhao held the Su Xin Sword in his hand, took one step forward, and came to the side of the Cave Heaven Spiritual Root.

The cave spirit root struggled fiercely, but could not break away from the flying sword that pinned it to the ground.



"Bad person...you are a bad person..."

Dongtianlinggen struggled for a moment and then stopped moving, letting out a cry of grievance.

Yun Hao: "..."

His brows furrowed slightly.

The spirituality of this cave spirit root is much stronger than he imagined!

If it is just the spiritual instinct of the Cave Spiritual Root, which is easy to handle and can be directly refined, the breakthrough can be completed in an instant and officially enter the top treasure body level.

, and is even expected to reach the top-level treasure body Dzogchen in one fell swoop.


The spirituality is so strong that it can even be treated as a real life!

Yun Hao is never ruthless when it comes to killing people.

But to refine a life that has no grudge against him to increase his strength... He can't do this.

This is his humanity!

Some people, when their strength reaches a certain level, will gradually stop looking like a human being. In order to improve their strength, they will often do whatever it takes.

But Yunhao is different.

Even though he had reached the pinnacle of the mortal world in his previous life, he still had feelings, righteousness, love, and a bottom line!

Yun Hao raised his hand and waved.

With a whoosh, the flying sword flew back to his storage ring.

The cave spirit root on the ground twisted a bit, the wound healed, and then turned into a pitiful little girl, curled up on the ground, with big tears falling down from her aggrieved eyes. .

"Bad guy!"


"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...I'm so pitiful..."

Yun Hao: "I won't kill you."

The little girl's eyes widened and she looked at Yun Hao: "You are a bad person. Can I believe what the bad person says?"

Yun Hao: "...I said I won't kill you, so I won't kill you, but you have to find another place to survive."

Little girl: "Where to go?"

Yunhao: "My Dantian."

Little girl: "I understand, you want to lock me up like the pigs raised in Xiaoshi Village, fatten me up and then kill me!"

Yun Hao: "..."

A newly born Dongtian, but the spiritual power of Dongtian's spiritual roots is simply unbelievable, but he compares himself with pigs raised in captivity...

Yun Hao collected his thoughts: "Ten years.

Within ten years, I will never hurt you a bit.

If you want to leave after ten years, I will never stop you. "

This cave spirit root is not suitable for refining, Yun Hao had a sudden thought in his mind.


As long as the Tianling Root does not come into contact with the outside world, the vitality of the heaven and earth that is born will be pure vitality that has not been contaminated by the evil gods in the Heavenly Palace!

By practicing Taichu Creation Technique on his own, the physical world and the world have taken initial shape, which can completely isolate the cave-heaven spiritual root from contact with the outside world.

In other words, the Cave Heaven Spiritual Root can further enhance the speed of birth of vitality in the physical world!

Doing this, in a short period of time, although the effect is far less than directly refining the cave spirit root.

In the long run, it has huge benefits!

The little girl stared at Yun Hao, her big black and bright eyes still filled with tears, and blinked, "You don't know how to lie to children, do you?"

Yun Hao: "...No."

Little girl: "But if you beat a child, how can you prove that you won't lie to children?"

Yun Hao: "But now, you have no second choice."

The little girl burst into tears again.


With that said, the little girl turned into a clear light and floated in front of Yun Hao.

Although he was reluctant, being eaten by Yun Hao was more terrifying, so he honestly chose to do what Yun Hao said.

With a thought in Yun Hao's mind, a swallowing power burst out from his body, and he directly took the little girl into his Dantian!

next moment.

A pure breath swept from Yun Hao's dantian and rushed towards his limbs and bones.

Previously, Yun Hao practiced the Taichu Creation Art, which was equivalent to tempering with fierce fire, beating with a heavy hammer, and going through thousands of times!

Now, this cool and pure breath nourishes his body in an alternative way, and in an instant, he completes a considerable sublimation!

Qi, blood, and rays of light spurted out from Yun Hao's body. The skin, flesh, muscles, bones, and blood instantly completed a deep and close connection. The vitality of the physical body circulated endlessly, and life was endless!

The breakthrough of the top-level treasure body is like a gentle breeze and drizzle

, it will be a matter of course!

A few days ago, he was still thinking about speeding up and using some resources of the martial arts academy to fully advance to the top level treasure body as soon as possible, so he came up with the idea of ​​taking tasks to gain points.

But now, through other means, he has successfully been promoted to the top level treasure body.

The cave-heaven spiritual roots in his dantian have initially shown their effects, and just as Yun Hao expected, the vitality born from the cave-heaven spiritual roots does not conflict with the vitality born from his physical body, heaven and earth, and can be perfectly integrated.

It is equivalent to the spiritual root of the cave being turned into a part of the physical world!

Without the cave spiritual root, this cave heaven suddenly experienced extremely unstable fluctuations, as if it would collapse and explode at any time.

Yun Hao did not stay here for long, and immediately left the cave and appeared in front of Shi Feng.

"Brother Yun, you figured it out... This crooked-neck tree feels like it's going to fall into pieces. If you don't come out, I don't know how to help you..."

Shi Feng had a nervous and worried expression on his face.

Yun Hao entered the cave. He never thought that this was an opportunity that originally belonged to him, nor did he think about how to get some benefits from Yun Hao.

He was just waiting quietly outside for Yun Hao to come out. After realizing that something was wrong, he was sincerely worried about his friend's safety!

Yun Hao glanced at the crooked neck tree next to him and said: "In five days at most, this tree will disappear completely. There may be some movement by then. Brother Shi, go tell the people in the village what happened in recent days." Don’t enter the back mountain.”

Shi Feng: "It goes without saying. If you tell me, it will easily arouse their curiosity. If you don't tell them, no one will come. This back mountain is the forbidden mountain of our Xiaoshi Village. No one is allowed to come in!"

Yunhao nodded.

Shi Feng: "Brother Yun, I will go back to the village to say goodbye to everyone, and then I will go to Hurricane Canyon to pick indigo grass."

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