God Hongtian

Chapter 130 Core Disciple, Mission

With the blessing of the Mixuan Pearl, the time it takes for Yun Hao's physical body to be tempered to the top half-step treasure body has been shortened by at least half!

After the breakthrough, Yun Hao stopped, walked out of the training room, and came to the yard. With a thought, the Su Xin Sword shot out from the storage ring. He raised his hand and grabbed the hilt!


The sound of the sword is crisp.

In an instant, the sword's edge lit up several gorgeous sparks in the air.

What he used was exactly the Mysterious Fire Burning Heaven Sword Technique that he used when taking the Qingfeng Martial Academy exam!

Sparks bloomed in the air, turning into a prairie fire in an instant. The raging flames filled every space in the courtyard, and the courtyard seemed to have turned into a world of flames.

But the courtyard walls, courtyard gates, including the flowers, plants and pavilions in the courtyard were not burned at all by the flames!

Yun Hao's control is so perfect that it has reached the realm of transformation!


The top of Yujian Peak.

Peak Master Qin Lan noticed someone coming up and immediately ducked out of the hall.

"Master Yun."

Qin Lan took the initiative to say hello.

Yun Hao: "Master Qin, I would like to ask, are there any other treasured cultivation places in Qingfeng Martial Academy that are suitable for body tempering?"

Nowadays, if you want to go one step further to achieve the top-level treasure body, although it won't take too long to rely on Lieyang Pill and Mixuan Pearl, it is naturally best if you can save some time.

Qin Lan thought for a while and said: "Over there at Yudan Peak, there is an elixir called Hundred Refinement Pills, which is a low-grade Xuan-level pill and has three hundred points per pill.

After taking the Baidu Dan, the overbearing medicinal properties will explode in the body, tempering the body like thousands of times. However, this medicine can easily cause hidden dangers in the body that are difficult to eradicate.

There is also a body-melting furnace on the Imperial Weapon Peak, which uses special fire and allows people to be tempered like weapons. It costs about 500 points each time.

But using the melting furnace is more risky. If you are not careful, you will be seriously burned. Yuqifeng has not turned on that furnace for several years.

In addition to the Hundred Forging Pills and the Melting Furnace, there is a small

The space fragments contain the power of thunder and can be used to temper the body.

However... if you want to open that space fragment, you must meet three conditions at the same time. One is to be under the age of twenty-five, the other is to be promoted to a core disciple, and the third is to pay three thousand points. "

Yun Hao has no interest at all in Yudan Peak's Hundred Forged Pills.

You can try the melting furnace at Yuqi Peak.

The space fragments containing the power of thunder greatly attracted Yun Hao's interest.

"Peak Master Qin, how can I be promoted to a core disciple?"

Qin Lan: “If you want to be promoted to a core disciple, you must first accumulate 10,000 points.

After the accumulated points reach 10,000 points, you can apply to the main peak to start the core disciple trial. If you pass the trial, you will be a core disciple.

In the entire Qingfeng Martial Academy, there are still many disciples under the age of twenty-five who have accumulated 10,000 points.

But very few can pass the test.

There are currently thirty-nine core disciples in the Seven Peaks of Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County.


In this case, you must obtain the Yuangang realm to have a greater hope of passing the trial.

Without reaching Yuangang Realm, the hope of passing the trial is quite slim.

Your cousin Yunying is very good at passing the trial with the tenth level of the Spirit Gathering Realm. Of course, she is also very lucky. The most difficult part of the trial is what she is best at, so She can pass. "

Yun Hao: "There should be some exceptions, right?"

Qin Lan nodded and said: "Yes, if you gather the dragon spirit like Dongfang Xiu did, you don't need to participate in the trial.

Alchemists, weapon refiners, and formation masters who are at the lower level of Xuan level do not need to participate in the trial.

But whether you are condensing high-level Yuanling, or becoming a low-level Xuan-level formation master, weapon refiner, or alchemist, you still have to abide by the regulations, you must be under the age of twenty-five, and you must have accumulated 10,000 points! "

Yun Hao nodded and said: "Peak Master Qin, I'll take my leave now."

In this case, let's first pile up the accumulated points to 10,000 points.


Qin Lan shouted hurriedly

Zhu Yunhao said: "Master Yun, you exchanged the dragon's essence and blood, maybe you want to try to condense the dragon's essence, right?"

Yun Hao looked at Qin Lan but did not respond.

Qin Lan: "I went to the Royal Beast Peak two days ago and asked the peak master of the Royal Beast Peak to refine three more drops of dragon essence blood from the hybrid dragon."

She handed a jade bottle containing three drops of dragon essence and blood to Yun Hao, and said: "Although I can't break the points mechanism of the martial arts academy to provide you with some conveniences, there are still ways to do it in other aspects."

Regarding Yunhao's matter, Qin Lan really tried his best.

Yun Hao did not shirk the blame and took the three drops of dragon essence and blood.

He knew what Qin Lan was thinking.

Qin Lan is betting on herself!

But it doesn't matter.

As long as Qin Lan can do her job well and do things for herself with all her heart, it will be a piece of cake for Yun Hao to get a tenfold or a hundredfold return on the bargaining chips she placed on him.

Leaving the summit of Yujian Peak, Yunhao went down the mountain again and headed to the mission distribution point!

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