God Hongtian

Chapter 127: A big gamble, take action

"Yunhao, stop!"

Dongfang Xiu shouted, his face full of displeasure.

Seeing that Yun Hao still had no intention of stopping, he snorted coldly, jumped up, flew through the air, and then landed in front of Yun Hao.

"Dongfang Xiu, what do you want to do?" At this time, the young woman from the points management office also rushed out and stood next to Yun Hao.

She glared at Dongfang Xiu: "Martial arts academy has rules. This is not Ba Dao Villa. If you want to rob openly, then just wait for the harshest punishment!"

Dongfang Xiu touched his nose and said helplessly: "Sister, do you think I look like the kind of barbarian who would openly steal things?"

Woman: "Oh, if you don't look like me, who else does?"

Dongfang Xiu: "..."

The movement here has attracted the attention of a group of people who had just failed to compete for the dragon's essence and blood, and they all gathered around.

Dongfang Xiu looked at Yun Hao and said: "Yun Hao, I always convince people with reason, so don't worry, I, Dongfang Xiu, don't even bother to do things like robbing things.

You have more points, so you win.

But there are some things that I definitely have more than you. "


Raise your hand and wave.

A thread-bound book and a piece of soft armor flew out of his storage ring.

"This is a mid-level Xuan-level swordsmanship and a low-level Xuan-level protective inner armor. Taken together, measured by martial arts points, it exceeds three thousand points. As long as you give that drop of dragon essence and blood to I, the swordsmanship and the inner armor are all yours."

The people around him were all jealous.

Xuan-level swordsmanship is no longer low-end in Qingfeng Martial Academy.

And the inner armor of the lower Xuan level is even more valuable. Wearing it on your body is like giving you an extra life. It can withstand the power of the Yuan Gang realm.

nice one!

It is indeed an Oriental show.

Convince people with reason!

His reason is that he is rich and powerful!

These guys who were watching the excitement asked themselves, if they got that drop of dragon essence and blood, and Dongfang Xiu exchanged this level of martial arts and inner armor, more than half of them would immediately agree.

Taking the dragon's essence and blood and condensing the dragon's essence is an extremely weak probability. It is difficult for one person in a thousand people to succeed.

But martial arts and inner armor are real benefits!

However, Yunhao didn't even look at what Dongfang Xiu brought out.

Dongfang Xiu's mouth twitched.

This kid is pretty good at pretending?

next moment.

Another bead was taken out from the storage ring.

The beads were khaki in color, exuding a light luster, and filled with an aura of eternity. As the beads appeared, everything within a few hundred meters became several times heavier!

"What's going on? It seems like something is pressing on me!"

"Gravity, the bead in Dongfang Xiu's hand has changed the gravity of this area!"

"There is a mother who is a top source master, and she is really awesome. I guess this thing was created by her mother from the source stone!"

Everyone in the field was amazed. Every move they made was affected and felt very uncomfortable.

Yun Hao looked at the earthy yellow beads in Dongfang Xiu's hand.

The corners of Dongfang Xiu's mouth curved.

It seems that I took the bait!

"Yunhao, this is the gravity bead my mother found from the source stone. It can triple the gravity within a range of 500 meters!"

Dongfang Xiu said proudly: "Of course, such an important treasure cannot be given to you easily.

I'll make a bet with you.

If you can take one of my moves, the dragon essence and blood will be yours, as will the sword skills and inner armor.

, including this gravity bead, I will give it to you too!

If you fall down after my move, I will still give you the sword skills and inner armor, but you have to give me the dragon essence and blood. As for the gravity beads, naturally they have nothing to do with you. "

He took out this gravity bead, which was completely a bait to lure Yun Hao to gamble with him.

He wanted to rob it, but he really didn't dare. This was not Ba Dao Villa. If he robbed it, even if he had an amazing background, he would not get any good results.

Yun Hao's eyes moved away from the gravity bead in Dongfang Xiu's hand.

This is indeed a treasure extracted from the Origin Stone, but its name is not the Gravity Bead, but the Minxuan Bead!

This substance is used to temper the body and can absorb the filthy odor deep in the body. The power of the earth attribute constantly nourishes the body and enhances its strength at all times.

If he obtains this female mysterious bead, it will be of great benefit to Yunhao in practicing Taichu Creation Art to temper the physical world!

"as you wish."

Yun Hao spoke.

As soon as these words came out.

The woman standing next to Yun Hao was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Junior Brother Yun, don't be fooled by him..."

Dongfang Xiu laughed: "Okay, what a man says is hard to follow. Yun Hao, I'm not forcing you. This is what you promised yourself. I'll just say it. I, Dongfang Xiu, am magnanimous and can convince people with reason!"

There was another round of discussion around him.

"This Yunhao really wants Dongfang Xiu's gravity beads, and he doesn't care how much he weighs!"

"Dongfang Xiu dared to take out the things, but he never thought that Yun Hao could get them. Dongfang Xiu is the young master of Ba Dao Villa, and he practices the strongest inheritance of Ba Dao Villa!"

"I also heard that Dongfang Xiu's mother found a strange medicine from the source stone, which made Dongfang Xiu's vitality explode far beyond the realm!


"Dongfang Xiu came to our Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County and stayed in Kyoto for a while. He stayed with his seventh uncle and grandfather every day. Yuan Tianshi is the pillar of our Qingfeng Dynasty. If you give him any advice, even if Dongfang Xiu is just a pig, It can’t be weak!”

"What's more, Dongfang Xiu is not a pig!"

"Well, Dongfang Xiu is certainly not a pig. He has very good qualifications. The reason why he has not been promoted to Yuan Gang until now is because he has been pursuing the condensation of the dragon Yuanling. He spent several years. Half a year ago, he was already Success!"

"Those who want to treat Dongfang Xiu as a pig are doomed to suffer big losses!"

Dongfang Xiu: "..."

These words were obviously highlighting his family background and praising his talent, but they still sounded harsh to him.

I am definitely not a pig.

But being compared to pigs all the time is really unbearable!

"Yunhao, let's start!" Dongfang Xiu just wanted to get the dragon essence and blood as soon as possible. He shouted, withdrew the influence of the gravity beads on the environment, and then released his Yuanling.

In an instant, a fierce pressure filled the air.

A black dragon more than ten meters long with horns on its head was hovering around him lifelike.

"Jiaolong Yuanling..."

The crowd exclaimed, even though everyone had known for a long time that Dongfang Xiu had condensed the dragon spirit, but this was the first time they had seen it.

This is the Yuanling they dream of!

Even though Dongfang Xiu is only at the first level of the Spirit Gathering Realm, the pressure of his dragon spirit is more terrifying than many warriors at the higher level of the Spirit Gathering Realm!

The people in the field were stared at by the fierce eyes of Jiaolong Yuanling, and they were all palpitating. Strong uneasiness emerged uncontrollably from the bottom of their hearts. Their legs were weak, and they had the urge to kneel down and prostrate themselves!


! "

Immediately afterwards, there was another crisp sound of the knife.

In Dongfang Xiu's hand, a cold light flashed, and a straight knife was unsheathed. The knife was brilliant and extremely sharp!

"High-grade Xuan-level soul-cutting knife!"

The crowd made shocked sounds again.

"Look, the vitality on Dongfang Xiu's body is actually glowing with a little purple light... He... He has practiced Yuan Tianshi's top-notch Xuan-level Ziyun Gong!"

"The rumors are indeed true. Dongfang Xiu took the strange medicine that his mother prescribed from the Origin Stone. His vitality is much stronger than that of warriors of the same level!"

"The top-grade Xuan-grade Ziyun Kung Fu, the top-grade Xuan-grade soul-slaying knife, the dragon spirit, the violent vitality... with such terrifying foundation, and then using the top-grade Xuan-grade Overlord sword technique of Ba Dao Villa, this... is a gathering. A warrior at the tenth level of the spiritual realm wouldn't be able to withstand one of his moves..."

Yunhao was very calm.

He looked at Dongfang Xiu's black dragon spirit, and some secrets were already presented to his sight without any hindrance.

No wonder Dongfang Xiu has gathered the dragon's essence and wants the dragon's essence and blood...

It’s no wonder that with Dongfang Xiu’s family background, she gathered Yuanling half a year ago, and half a year later, she is still at the first level of the Spirit Gathering Realm.

The lack of Yuanling shook the very origin of his life!

If it had been anyone else, he would have been dead long ago.

The fact that this guy can survive to this day is probably because of the prominent family background behind him, which has put in countless efforts and sacrifices to delay his life!

At this time, Dongfang Xiu looked at Yun Hao with an arrogant expression: "Of course, you don't have to take my move. You can just admit defeat. I am kind-hearted and never like to bully others. To convince people with reason is the purpose of my life. ”

Yun Hao: "I don't want to waste time, so let's take action."

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