God Hongtian

Chapter 123 Dragon Essence and Blood

The phantom of the dragon that rushed out of the jade bottle was only as thick as chopsticks, but it contained a powerful source of energy that no python could possess.

This is dragon energy!

Although the dragon is far away from the real dragon, in any case, it is indeed related to the dragon.

Yun Hao raised his hand and pressed it.

The tiny dragon phantom was pressed back into the jade bottle by his power.

The fat man had quick eyesight and quick hands, and immediately blocked the jade bottle with the stopper again.

Through the jade bottle, a drop of bright red blood can be vaguely seen, and the phantom of the dragon comes from this drop of blood.

The fat man chuckled and said, "Brother Yun, am I a brother who is loyal enough?"

Yun Hao looked at the fat man with slight surprise and said, "Fat brother, where did you get this drop of dragon essence and blood?"

The blood in the jade bottle is the essence and blood of the dragon.

Essence and blood are not ordinary blood. Essence and blood contain the life source of the dragon!

Monster blood like this has many uses, but the most commonly used place is to condense the soul of warriors at the peak of the Sea Transformation Realm!

The fat man looked proud: "Brother Yun, what's the pattern on your identity token?"

Yun Hao: "Dragon."

Fatty: "Yes, there is a thousand-year-old dragon in the main courtyard of Qingfeng Martial Academy.

That dragon interbred with some giant pythons and produced many offspring, and occasionally a small dragon with some dragon blood was produced.

We have a little guy like this at Qingfeng Yushou Peak in Beihan County. He is very cunning. Some time ago, when the person feeding him was not paying attention, he

He slipped out and hid in a room belonging to a handyman disciple.

The handyman disciple's room has never been occupied.

You call it a coincidence, I happened to go from Yujian Peak to Yushou Peak that day, became a handyman disciple, and lived in that room! "

Yun Hao: "...So, you captured that little dragon and refined the blood essence?"

The fat man looked left and right, looking cautiously, and whispered: "I roasted that little guy and ate it...I kept this drop of blood specially!"

Yunhao was speechless again.

This fat man is so courageous, he dares to eat anything!

"Brother Yun, put it away quickly, you will need it to condense the Yuanling.

As for me, hanging.

After all, my talent is not that good. My cultivation depends entirely on eating. This drop of essence and blood is inherently impure. My success rate is too low. Your talent is much better than mine. Your success rate is high! "The fat man said.

Yun Hao was not polite to the fat man and collected the drop of dragon essence and blood.

Although he practices Taichu Creation Art, which is completely different from the current warrior training system, he can still condense Yuanling!

Yuanling is a very special kind of power. It is not only useful at the level of gathering spirits. In the future cultivation realm, Yuanling can also show considerable power.

Of course, some low-quality Yuanlings will soon be of no use as their cultivation level improves.

The higher the quality of Yuanling, the higher the realm it is suitable for.

For example, the true phoenix Yuanling condensed by Yunhao's fiancée Ling Feiyu belongs to the mythical beast Yuanling. This kind of Yuanling

Ling, even if his cultivation reaches the level of Yun Hao in his previous life, he can still be called a powerful trump card!

Jiaolong Yuanling is barely of medium quality.

But Yunhao had his own way to extract pure dragon energy and condense the true dragon spirit!

"Fat brother, are there any small dragons like this in Yushou Peak?" Yun Hao asked.

The dragon energy contained in this drop of dragon essence and blood is too rare. Even if Yun Hao has miraculous means, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

If he wants to condense the pure True Dragon Yuanling, he needs to use a lot of this blood essence.

As rumored, Ling Feiyu condensed the true phoenix spirit in Cangxing Martial Academy just by watching the picture of Phoenix bathing in fire. Such words are 100% exaggerated. Many rare things related to phoenix should have been used in this. things.

Fatty: "There is also a hybrid dragon in Yushou Peak that has lived for decades, but that dragon is the treasure of Yushou Peak and I can't catch it...

But if you want dragon essence and blood, there is still a way.

Every three months at Yushou Peak, we will extract a drop of blood essence from the dragon that has been around for decades and place it at the points redemption office. It is a bit expensive, though, and you can exchange one drop with one thousand points.

Although this thing is very expensive and has a low probability of success, it is a hot commodity.

Every time it is delivered, a group of people rush to redeem it. After all, with one thousand points, you can have a bright future. If you are lucky enough to succeed, you will make a lot of money!

I remember that a few days later it was time to collect blood again.

When the time comes, I will notify you in advance and you will go to the points exchange office to guard it. "

Yun Hao nodded and said, "Okay, then remember to inform me."

After saying that, Yun Hao took out a copy of the nine-level follow-up technique of Swallowing Heaven Jue that he had already written down from his storage ring, and handed it to the fat man.

Fatty: "What's coming from?"

Yun Hao smiled and said: "The Heaven-Swallowing Technique I gave you last time was only the first-level cultivation method. It just so happened that during this period, I found the subsequent nine-level cultivation method by chance."

The fat man's eyes suddenly shone, and he took the skill manual with both hands. He looked at Yun Hao excitedly, wishing he could kiss Yun Hao hard with his oil-stained mouth!

"Brother Yun, you are simply my brother!"

This technique is so great, you don’t have to do anything, just eat and it’s done.

Seeing that Fatty was so happy, Yun Hao didn't say anything about the difficulty of this technique in the later stages. Anyway, in Fatty's original state, he would reach the Yuangang realm in his lifetime.

And with the Heaven-Swallowing Technique, even if he cannot find so many rare heavenly materials and earthly treasures to swallow in the later period, his future is destined to surpass Yuan Gang Realm countless times!

The two just chatted for a while.

The huge monster leg that the fat man was holding was eaten by him.

He patted his big belly, looked at Yun Hao, and asked eagerly: "Brother Yun, do you have anything to eat for me?"

Yun Hao: "..."

Fatty: "Forget it, I'd better go back to the Beast Control Peak. Disobedient monsters are killed every day at the Beast Control Peak. There is no shortage of monster meat to eat."

After the fat man leaves.

Yunhao returned

He entered the training room, took out the drop of dragon essence and blood, and burned it with fire. In the end, only a faint wisp of dragon energy was left that could hardly be caught even with mental power.

This operation seems simple, but it is only simple for Yunhao. It would be impossible for anyone else to refine it successfully.

Yun Hao took out a jade stone from the storage ring, and then sealed the extremely subtle dragon energy into the jade stone.


In the sword pool of Yujian Peak.

When Liu Yan first came in, she noticed that the sharpness of Jianchi was much weaker than before.

But when she started practicing the Thirty-six Meridian Sword Techniques she had just obtained here, she discovered that although the sharpness of the sword pool had weakened countless times, the sharpness now was in order and was extremely suitable for assisting in the practice of swordsmanship!

Liu Yan finally understood Qin Lan's good intentions.


Qin Lan prepared it for Yun Hao, and it was her turn after Yun Hao finished using it...

When she thought of this, the stubbornness in Liu Yan's heart broke out, and she practiced the Thirty-Six Meridian Sword Art with all her strength, over and over again, even if her whole body was wet with sweat, even if she was exhausted, she never stopped. Down.

Just when she couldn't hold on any longer and was exhausted to the point of collapse.



A faint sound of a sword sounded in her ears, and Qin Lan even thought she had heard it wrong.

But the next moment, an extremely special feeling swept through her body.

She was so tired that she was about to collapse. Suddenly, she felt like she was flying into the clouds!

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