God Hongtian

Chapter 119: Nine Transformations of Sword Origin, Transformation

The sword pool of Yujian Peak is located at the top of the peak.

Qin Lan lives in the center of the peak, where the sword pool is located to the east of the peak.

Yunhao followed the route marked on the resource detailed booklet and came to the entrance of Jianchi.

The sword pool is embedded in the mountain, and the entrance is a cave entrance.

No one is guarding it.

Qingfeng Wuyuan has already formed a complete system in these aspects.

There is a formation light curtain at the entrance of the cave.

No one can break in by force, otherwise the formation will be attacked. Points must be paid with identity tokens to open the entrance.

Next to the entrance of the cave, there is a stone tablet.

The stone tablet is like a sword, with the word "Jianchi" engraved on it, and a groove that can just fit the identity token.

Yun Hao thought.

The flying sword Youlan flew out from the storage ring.

The blue sword light spread like water waves, touching the light curtain at the entrance of the cave, and the light curtain slowly opened.

Yun Hao retracted his flying sword, stepped calmly, and passed through the light curtain, and then the light curtain closed again.

After spiraling downward for a while along a winding passage in the cave, a sword pond appeared in Yun Hao's sight.

The sword pool is round in shape, not big, about a hundred meters in diameter, with swords inserted in it.

From the top grade of the Huang class to the middle grade of the Xuan class, there are a total of one hundred and eight.

Every sword exudes sharpness and sharpness at all times, and these sharpnesses are controlled within a certain range by the formation.

Swordsman monks understand and practice swordsmanship in this area,

You will get twice the result with half the effort.

The layout of the sword pool is not a secret in the cultivation world.

Any kendo force with a little bit of energy can set up a sword pool.

The quality of the sword pool lies in the formation of sharp edges and the grade of each sword.

In order to complete the Nine Transformations of the Sword Origin in the Origin Sword Scripture, he once spent countless efforts and paid a huge price to gather 18,000 high-quality swords to deploy the sword pool.

His understanding of Jianchi is unmatched by anyone in the world.

After just a cursory glance at the sword pool at Yujian Peak, he shook his head.

It’s true…it can’t be put on the table!

The swords that make up the sword pool are of varying quality and confusing types. They are obviously pieced together.


Jianchi's formation is full of loopholes.

It is simply impossible to use this sword pool to complete the first turn of the sword element.

Yun Hao thought for a moment, and the next moment, the preliminarily repaired Su Xin Sword appeared in his hand.


The Su Xin Sword shot out, like a golden electric light, and fell into the middle of the sword pool in an instant!

Although the grade of Su Xin Sword is not high now, in essence, it has infinite possibilities and can fully carry the edge of one hundred and eight swords.

As Su Xin Sword fell into the sword pool.

All the sharp edges seemed to have a backbone, which merged into the Su Xin Sword for transformation, becoming solid and pure!

Immediately afterwards.

Yunhao's mental power swept across

, outline the spiritual patterns out of thin air, and wisps of spiritual patterns are integrated into the base of the formation without destroying the original formation.

After half an hour of transformation, this sword pool was at least ten times more effective than the sword pool he saw when he first came in!

It can be regarded as barely meeting his training needs.

Yun Hao's figure flew up and then fell into the middle of the sword pool.

The Shiyuan Sword Sutra started to circulate.


The sword essence in his body instantly burst out with a sharp edge, like sharp swords, whizzing around him, setting off waves of tsunami-like sword sounds!

The originally invisible and sharp energy in the sword pool turned into faintly visible sword shadows at this moment, rushing towards Yun Hao's body like hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea.


The top of Yujian Peak.

In the square in front of the main hall.

With the sword on her back, Liu Yan, who was tall and tall, faced the main hall with a slight hesitation on her face.

Finally, she bit her lip and said, "Disciple asks to see the Peak Master."

Qin Lan slowly walked out of the hall.

She looked at Liu Yan with extremely complicated eyes, filled with relief, regret, and hope at the same time.

"Liu Yan, you came to me to talk about Yun Hao, right? I know all the rumors among the disciples of Yujian Peak in the past two days. Do you have any resentment in your heart?"

Qin Lan said.

Liu Yan looked calm and said: "Disciple is indeed dissatisfied with Yun Hao's matter, but he has never complained.

The arrangement of the peak master naturally depends on the peak master.


I haven't been promoted to core disciple yet, so I can only get the current treatment, and there is nothing wrong with it.

As for the comments of the junior brothers and sisters, please rest assured, Peak Master, I will restrain them and prevent them from making rash comments. "

An imperceptible smile appeared on Qin Lan's face.

It would be hypocritical for Liu Yan to say that she had no objection at all.

Liu Yan was very calm. She clearly expressed her dissatisfaction, but she did not get angry because of it. She had her own strength in her heart.

"Then why did you come to me?" Qin Lan asked.

Liu Yan: "This disciple wants to go out to perform a high-level mission, so he came here to inform the peak master."

Disciples of Qingfeng Martial Academy must perform tasks if they want to gain points.

Tasks are divided into low-level, intermediate, high-level, and top-level.

Generally speaking, only those who have passed the test of core disciples can attempt high-level tasks.

Qin Lan frowned: "You are now at the ninth level of the Spirit Gathering Realm, performing high-level tasks. The danger is too great, why do you go?"

Liu Yan: "There are currently no core disciples in Yujian Peak, and they are often teased by other peaks. The disciples want to earn enough points to redeem the martial arts academy's realm-breaking pills, and then participate in the core disciple trials!"

Qin Lan's brows furrowed.

The Boundary Breaking Pill can indeed increase the probability of breakthrough.

But the probability is less than 30%!

Once it fails, it will even seriously damage its own foundation.

Even if it succeeds, it will lead to a false realm and delay the future.

She also knows

Chu, Liu Yan is so anxious, it is indeed out of her own desire, but also because she is not convinced, so she has to fight for herself!

Qin Lan didn't say anything to make Liu Yan give up, but said: "There is no rush to carry out high-level tasks for now. After Yun Hao comes out of Jianchi, you can also go to Jianchi."

Yunhao went to Jianchi. She naturally knew that Jianchi was the most important training place in Yujian Peak. Any movement or movement was under her control.

Of course, she didn't know what was happening in Jianchi now, but she felt that Yun Hao should bring some changes to Jianchi.

After all, that sword pool is really not worthy of publicity. Since Yun Hao wants to use the sword pool to practice, there is a high probability that he will make some moves.


Liu Yan murmured and then said: "Peak Master, the sword pool can accommodate many people to practice. I can go in now."

She didn't want to wait any longer.

She desperately wants to prove herself!

Qin Lan shook his head and said: "Now, leave the sword pool to Yun Hao alone. After he comes out, you can go in again!"

Liu Yan's hand suddenly clenched tightly, and her nails dug into the tender flesh of her palm.

Qin Lan saw her emotional changes, but did not explain anything and said: "You should step back first."

Liu Yan: "Yes!"

She turned and left, with a look of loneliness on her face that could not be concealed.

Qin Lan looked at Liu Yan's back, sighed softly, and said to herself: "Silly girl, maybe there is an opportunity waiting for you in the sword pool."

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