God Hongtian

Chapter 11 Thirteen Swords of Death

Yunhao searched all the memories in this life, but could not find any information about his mother.

When he was a child, he often asked his father about this matter, but his father avoided talking and changed the subject every time.

Yunhao thought for a moment, suppressed these thoughts, and then walked to the weapon rack in the corner of the room.

Even though he has never been able to practice and become a martial artist, as the son of the owner of the Mad Sword Martial Arts School, he always has a sword in his residence.

This is Yuntiankuo's expectation for his son.

Yun Hao reached out and took off the sword hanging on the weapon rack.

He grabbed the hilt of the sword with his right hand and slowly dragged the sword out!

The three-foot green front flashed with a cold light, revealing a spirit of agility!

This is a middle-grade yellow-level sword!

Weapons, elixirs, and martial arts are divided into four levels and sixteen levels.

They are the four levels of heaven, earth, black and yellow, and each level is divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade and top-grade.

Even though middle-grade Huang-level weapons are not very good in a small place like Liuyun City, they are not bad either.

After all, the head of the Yun family from Beihan County

The sword Yun Feng of the family uses is only the best of the Huang rank.

With a graded sword, there is spirituality.

Normally, if you want to be recognized as a spiritual weapon, you need a period of cultivation and sacrifice.

But when the sword first entered Yun Hao's hand, the sword spirit seemed to be jumping for joy, and the sword body trembled slightly and made a crisp sword cry!

Yun Hao glanced at the sword in his hand, then walked out of the room with the sword and came to the empty yard.

A sword technique appeared in his mind.

The best of the Huang class, the Thirteen Swords of Death!

With the amount of physical energy he currently has, he can only use Huang-level swordsmanship at best.

For Yun Hao, all the sword techniques in the world are in his heart.

But in his physical body, he had never practiced swordsmanship properly.

When he took action against Yun Feng's group just now, he noticed a problem.

To deal with the guards in the Qi-entraining realm, no skills are needed, just simple basic sword movements are enough.

But against some opponents with more powerful vitality, you need to use the subtlety of swordsmanship

, even though he has countless sword skills in his heart, his body has not formed a physical memory at all.

This leads to the fact that sword moves cannot be perfect!

At the moment, what Yun Hao has to do is to practice the swordsmanship moves, so that his body can form an instinctive memory that matches the true meaning of the swordsmanship in his heart, so that he can show the true power of the swordsmanship.

After going through the moves of the Thirteen Death Swords in his mind, Yun Hao raised his sword.

The sword light flashed in the courtyard instantly.

The Thirteen Swords of Death, this is the sword technique to kill the enemy. Every move contains fierce murderous intent.

As Yun Hao practiced this set of sword skills over and over again, the temperature in the courtyard gradually dropped. If anyone was here, they would feel like they were falling into a cold cave and their hearts would tremble.

Before I knew it, the sky was getting dark.

In the courtyard, Yun Hao and the sword were integrated, and the subtle changes in the sword's movements were like an antelope hanging its horns, leaving no trace behind.

After practicing diligently for a long time, and with the blessing of absolute experience, the physical body has already formed an instinctive memory of this set of the top-grade yellow-level Thirteen Swords of Death!

Just then, Yun Hao stopped, sheathed his sword, and spit out a


He raised his head and looked at the starry night sky.

In my mind, my thoughts were spinning a thousand times.

Bits and pieces of the past life and scenes of this life are intertwined with each other.

"Master, the owner is back."

At this time, a martial arts guard who was guarding Yun Hao's safety outside the yard came in to report.

Yunhao immediately put away all his thoughts and went to the main hall of the martial arts gym.

Yuntiankuo's face looked tired and pale.

In the afternoon, he was struck by Yun Haisheng's power. He was already injured, but he didn't bother to rest and recuperate, so he went to investigate the truth of last night without stopping.

"Dad, do you have any clues?" Yun Hao poured a cup of tea for Yun Tiankuo and asked.

Yuntiankuo shook his head and said: "The only place where we can find clues is at the crime scene, but the people from the City Lord's Mansion have blocked the place. Feiyu and I can't get in at all. We can only investigate near the brothel, but we get nothing." ”

Yun Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

The city lord's palace gave him three days.

But this way, he was not given a chance to investigate at all.


"Where's Feiyu?" Yun Hao asked.

Yuntiankuo sighed and said, "That child is very stubborn. I asked her to come back and rest first, but she refused. She will continue to look for clues."

Speaking of this, Yuntiankuo said again: "I came back to get something. I will go to the city lord's mansion tonight to see if I can see the city lord!"

Obviously, Yuntiankuo came back not to rest, but to see that it was getting dark and wanted to take something to the city lord to plead for mercy.

"Dad, don't go to the City Lord's Mansion to ask for help. Since they have sealed off the crime scene, they are determined to kill me. The City Lord will not see you."

Yun Hao couldn't bear to let his father plead humbly in front of others again.

Yuntiankuo frowned and said: "As a father, I have to make my own decision. Even if the city lord doesn't see me, I still have to try. I can't do nothing. I can't just watch you being sent to the ancient tomb of life and death!"

Yun Tiankuo didn't listen to Yun Hao at all and insisted on going to the City Lord's Mansion.

After Yun Tiankuo left the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall with his gifts, Yun Hao also made a decision.

Tonight, check it out for yourself!

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