God Hongtian

Chapter 100 Trouble is coming

The vertical eyes of the black-spotted vertical-eyed tiger can explode with pupil power that confuses the mind.

At this time, Shi Feng was shrouded in the power of the black-spotted tiger's eyes, and his mind seemed to be drawn into a bottomless abyss. He only felt that he was falling continuously, losing his perception of everything around him.

But suddenly.

The downward trend has stopped.

Light returned to the surroundings.

Shi Feng, who instantly broke out in a cold sweat, widened his eyes and looked at Yun Hao, who had been standing in front of him at some point.

At this time, Yun Hao just retracted his right arm.

As for the black-spotted, erect-eyed tiger, its body flew upside down, one of its claws had been severed, and blood splattered.

Shi Feng was stunned!

What happened just now?


The black-spotted vertical-eyed tiger's body hit the ground with a dull sound, bringing Shi Feng back from his shocking thoughts.

Shi Feng's Adam's apple rolled up and down, and his lips felt dry, and he said: "Thank you so much!"

"You took the initiative to help me, why do you need to thank me?"

Yun Hao's voice reached Shi Feng's ears. At the same time, Yun Hao had already taken a step forward and appeared next to the black-spotted tiger that had fallen on the ground and was still unable to get up. .

The sword points to one point.


The sword energy penetrated the hard head of the black-spotted vertical-eyed tiger!

Yun Hao turned around and looked at Shi Feng, who was still stunned. A smile appeared on his face and said: "It was quite dangerous just now, why did you come forward to help me?"

Shi Feng scratched the back of his head and said with a simple smile: "I

I feel that you are very good, you are different from others, and you do not look down on me. "

Yun Hao: "The demon core of this black-spotted tiger with vertical eyes belongs to you."

Shi Feng was stunned for a moment, then took out the carved knife, cut open the skin and flesh of the black-spotted tiger, and took out a bloody demon core.

He put the demon core on the grass and wiped off the blood, walked up to Yun Hao, handed the demon core to Yun Hao, and said seriously: "This is the demon beast you killed, the demon core is yours, dad said , It’s something that’s not yours, absolutely don’t take it.”

Yun Hao saw that his expression was extremely solemn, so he stopped trying to shirk the blame and put away the demonic core of the black-spotted tiger with vertical eyes.

Shi Feng grinned, then dug out the demon cores of the two yellow-level high-grade demonic beasts he had killed, and placed them in the baggage he was carrying.

"Brother Yunhao, I didn't expect you to be so strong. By the way, I just met someone else, that guy named Li Wu, and I asked him to teach you a lesson. You must be careful."

Yun Hao didn't take it seriously and said: "If you go east, you should have a good harvest."

Just because Shi Feng was willing to stand up and help, Yun Hao simply helped him to help him pass the assessment more smoothly.

To the east, they avoided the three demonic beasts that were about to be promoted to the lower level of the Xuan level. There were also some demonic beasts that were not very strong among the top level of the Yellow level. Shi Feng could almost handle them.

"To the east?" Shi Feng murmured and said, "Okay, brother Yunhao, I'll go there first, take care!"

But Shi Fengcai

Just as he was about to leave, several more figures appeared around him.

"Hahaha, I found Yun Hao!"

"Brothers, do it and fuck him!"

"Li Wu said that if you punish Yun Hao, he is his friend. Maybe he will send us some demon cores to help us pass the exam."

"Li Wu's brother is the core disciple of Yuyin Peak. With Li Wu's talent, once he joins Yuyin Peak, he will soon be promoted to the core disciple. Being friends with Li Wu will have great benefits in the future. This But it’s a rare opportunity!”

Shi Feng turned back and stood beside Yun Hao. He didn't say anything, he just clenched his fists and assumed a fighting posture.

Although he saw how powerful Yun Hao was, there were several Spirit Gathering Realm warriors running over now, so he was still a little worried that Yun Hao wouldn't be able to handle it.

There were five people in total, three at the Spirit Gathering Realm and two at the peak of the Sea Transformation Realm. They were considered a relatively strong team. They surrounded them in a circle with sneers on their faces.

"Yunhao, tell me, will you lie on the ground and get beaten, or will we beat you to the ground?"

"Originally, we really had no interest in dealing with people like you, but who asked you to offend Li Wu? If we teach you a lesson, we can gain Li Wu's friendship. Of course we are happy to handle this kind of thing."

"Hey, there were quite a few demon beasts killed here. It seems we are lucky. We can teach him a lesson and get the demon core in his hand."

Shi Feng, who clenched his fists, shouted: "You guys are too

That's too much. Brother Yunhao has no enmity or enmity with you, but you are bullying Brother Yunhao just because of Li Wu's words! "

There was a sneer.

"Ignorant and vulgar man!"

"He is indeed an idiot who came out of the mountains!"

"Excessive? Hahaha, Shi Feng, Shi Feng, if you want to help Yunhao stand out, then we don't mind beating you up too. Later you will know what is truly excessive!"

"Shi Feng, this matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to get involved," Yun Hao said.

Shi Feng has a simple heart. If he gets involved, he will definitely suffer revenge in the Qingfeng Martial Academy in the future.

"Brother Yunhao, there's no need to say this. They're too abominable. I'll help you deal with two of them, and you can deal with the remaining three by yourself." Shi Feng shouted.

He knew that he was not as powerful as Yun Hao, so he said this.

The five people surrounding them laughed.

"You two want to resist? It's just a joke!"

"Leave it to the two of us to deal with this kind of thing!"

Two of the five peak warriors of the Sea Transformation Realm immediately rushed towards Yun Hao and Shi Feng respectively.

Shi Feng was about to fight with his fist.


Suddenly, the crisp sound of swords resounded.

The flying sword, faint blue, shot out from Yun Hao's storage ring, streaking through the air with a faint blue light.



Then there were two screams.

The two peak warriors of the Sea Transformation Realm who attacked Yun Hao and Shi Feng fell to the ground almost at the same time, with blood gurgling out of their abdomens!

"Wanting to deal with me and please Li Wu is the stupidest decision."

Yun Hao's voice seemed extremely cold.

The words fell.

That wisp of faint blue sword light appeared again.

Like a ghost, it was erratic, but it reached the extreme. In an instant, it pierced the abdomen of another Spirit Gathering Realm warrior with a pop.

He screamed again and fell to the ground.

The remaining two people's faces turned pale. Only then did they realize that they had kicked the iron plate. They were frightened and immediately gathered together to support Yuan Ling and beware of the elusive blue sword light!

"Your defense is useless to me."

Yun Hao's indifferent voice sounded again.

The faint blue sword light fired again. This time, it was no longer a strange assassination, but a majestic blue light!

Like a blue ocean, frontal impact!


In front of the power of the blue sword light, the two souls couldn't even hold on for the blink of an eye, and were torn into pieces!

Their bodies were also blown away by such terrifying force, like kites with broken strings, and fell dozens of meters away!

Then, with a whoosh of light, the blue sword light flew back to Yun Hao and rushed into his storage ring.

Shi Feng, who was standing next to Yun Hao, was once again dumbfounded.

Yun Hao never made a move or moved his steps. He suppressed a powerful team so easily with just a mysterious magic weapon!

What kind of magic weapon is that faint blue light?

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