In order to find the truth from the confusing future, Uthvi’s Great Prophet entered Craftworld’s most secret Spirit Stone tower, where he was able to enter the subspace relatively safely The deepest part of ——

Subspace is a vast ocean that cannot be controlled. It is swept by storms all day long, destroyed by the ocean currents of danger lurks on every side, and inhabited by deadly predators .

In this rough sea, there are many islands, some of which are not stable, but drift with the waves in the waves, and are connected with its power, but never go deep under the sea surface, so as not to be Swallowed.

Each island is connected to other islands by a long bridge, and the long bridge itself is decorated with castles and cities, some of which can hold millions of souls.

This is an ancient, labyrinth-like bridge. Its arches have collapsed, and ruthless times have swallowed its bridges. In some places it was just flooded by high tide, and in other places. Has sunk deeply under the sea.

Predators learn to walk where they are rolling and constantly touching the water, but they are not born to be able to breathe air freely, and the time to leave the ocean is very limited.

They can't wander into the danger far away from their unique and unmatched world, yet they yearn for light from the outside world.

Imagine that in the same situation, everything is triggered by primordial emotion rather than matter, then you can have a vague concept of subspace and network.

For Elderal Uslan, the great prophet of Usvi Craftworld, this analogy is too superficial.

Whether in the body of an Ada Spirit Race or in a crystal channel of Craftworld, a soul can also affect subspace in the same way as a distorted space in the material world. The Tao also connects them all together, like a network of cables extending through the bridges, guiding energy from one end of the galaxy to the other.

The eternal matrix, as he called it, it was once part of the network. The greatest achievement under the rule of Ada Spirit Race is not only a kind of interconnection between the various settled worlds, but also the foundation On the level, each born Ada Spirit Race individual is connected together.

Long before the decline of the race, when Ada Spirit Race was consumed by the Spiritual God born from their own fallen desires, their souls had been collected by the eternal matrix.

Every soul can return to a new life, the dead recover, the soul reincarnates, or being reborn.

Alderal doesn't have clear confidence in the seemingly accurate mechanism, but he knows that it might work again.

This is the purpose of his soul journey here.

Alderal stood on the broken bridge, looking down at the waters lurking with sharks waiting for opportunities, a closed island submerged under the relentless waves, just within reach, Hidden all the secrets about the past, present and future.

In the eyes of a mortal, the waterfall of uncovered tears is just the name, flowing green and blue energy pouring down from the gap of the network barrier, intertwined into a majestic waterfall.

It will divide into two a glorious palace the size of a city ruling hall, and surround it with smooth crystals covered with gray and black textures as a wall.

Alderal stood in the center of the hall, looking at the roaring waterfall.

What stays here is not his body, but the projection of his mind, so his appearance is still youthful, wearing a purple-gray light robe, and the scepter in his hand is as long as a rays of light, wave-like His long hair was draped over his shoulders, and the rest was tied behind his head with a golden ribbon with a teardrop-shaped ruby ​​tied to his forehead.

He moved effortlessly, and each step seemed to be floating in the air, relying on the power of the mind rather than the body.

What he needs, the knowledge and truth he seeks, is hidden behind the unpredictable veil.

The prophet used rune for divination three times, and the result of each time led him to the path leading to uncovered tears,

Even though he was a little bit emotional about the beauty of the material, His psychic consciousness is still exploring the non-material structure around him-this is a valuable breakthrough in itself.

The sub-Power of Space of primordial does not know what causality is. There is no boundary between the past, the present and the future.

The boots stepped gently on the marble ground, and the Prophet was getting closer to the waterfall.

Among the splashing water, there is a vague shadow gliding like a snake, as if not paying attention to him.

Then he removed a small bottle from his belt, which was inlaid with a crystal that looked similar to a barrier. It was called the bottle of soul, and its purpose was the same as that used by his clansman to store the spiritual bones of psychic energy. resemblance.

Similar, but still different. Compared with transmission, the soul bottle mainly acts as an isolation and protection for the spirit-ordinary thinking cannot penetrate it.

This is a material that can withstand subspace hazards, or, in this case, is used to contain it.

The moment he started, the bottle almost froze his fingers.

For Elderal, this bottle is not a physical object, but a projection of its counterpart in the mortal world.

In this place, this is enough.

With his arm lightly expressing, when he felt a gentle breeze across his cheek, the Prophet was only a step away from the waterfall.

He turned around where he stopped, trying to find a door between the walls of nothing but the smooth crystal,

In front of the door stood a young Ada Spirit Race, or something similar.

The image of this Ada Spirit Race is more like being refracted through a special lens. The newcomer reveals a fanaticism from the outside. The waist is full, the neck is slender, and the neck is slender. The long golden hair that can fall to the ground seems to be woven into a symbol that wraps around its body.

A silver-white robe deliberately cuts openings in the shoulders and thighs, so that the sickly pale pink skin can be seen.

From that slightly pointed pretty face, a pair of polished sapphire-like eyes stared at him.

Subconsciously, that face reminded him of his student, Veronica.

After the time of a heartbeat, Alderal noticed that the visitor crossed his hands on the chest where the clothes were fastened with single-breasted buttons, and the other pair of arms politely clasped a small part of the back. superior.

There is no doubt that the additional limb immediately revealed the identity of the intruder.

"The Secret Guard..."

He said the name softly, mixed with cold fear, and a kind of sneaking into this mighty demon quietly Warning.


This voice is like silk thread penetrating the soul, bringing a strong feeling of caress, like a lewd invitation.

The devil grinned, showing sharp teeth like needles.

The prophet stared at him and whispered softly:

"Have you never been tired of being banished?"

Alderal slipped the vial quietly Back in his pocket, and in its position conjured the phantom of a golden blade.

"And are you tired of my return?"

The demon's enchanting answer, except for a coquettish head, still maintained a static posture.

Alderal glanced at the waterfalls, they hadn't changed much, if the Secret Keeper wanted to summon its demon servants from the water, it hadn't done so yet.

"Why are you here?"

The prophet asked, stepping away from the Power of Space.

"In order to invite you to look towards a deeper place~"

The demon answered with a smile.

"There, you will find everything you desire."

"And you think that is a temptation that will make me fall into a trap?"

The devil's four arms made a rather impressive shrug.

"I was called the Secret Keeper for a reason."

Then its two hands waved towards the mysterious cascade.

"I assure you that I won't interfere with you."

"It's like a Great Demon's words have some value."

Great Demon tried to make a wounded expression, but couldn't help showing a sly smile.

"Drink some water here, Alderal, that's why you are here, isn't it?"

The prophet gritted his teeth and squinted his eyes. The slit, watching the incarnation of the hungry servant.

"I can see your intentions, lie weaver, you think that if you show enough enthusiasm, I will reject you in order to stop you, but the truth is that you don’t want me to drink water, and I tried to distort my thoughts through these tricks."

"Of course."

The demon admitted with a mocking sad expression:

"I should never expect to beat a great wise man like you, Alderal. I am so stupid that I tried to do it. I should summon a large group of my demon servants to take your soul from The body was stripped and torn away."

The words of the Secret Guardian struck some of his heartstrings, and this forced Elderal to stop again as he walked towards the waterfall.

He frowned and thought, trying to read some of its true intentions from the devil's words, but unsurprisingly, he saw nothing but fraud.

"There is a little riddle."

The Secret Guard carried the four slender arms behind him, and began to circle Elderal, keeping them between each other. The same distance.

"Did you realize and see a bluffing trick, or inadvertently witnessed and agreed to a tangled double deception? Do you think you have been lost or free from my mistress’s love-hate interweaving , But I still hate and love you, Alderal, your arrogance and self-confidence will be the cause of your redemption or depravity, and all this will make me feel more sad or sweet, because it will be based on you and me. Destroy you and my people."

Alderal took a step back to make sure that the water of magic and the demons were in sight. Various probabilities flashed through his mind, but a simple The answer popped up suddenly.

"You know that no matter what you say, I will not believe it. For this you need to say what I want to hear and what I will not hear."

When he speaks At the time, Elderal moved towards the small waterfall, which made the ground tremble, and rumbling sound rang in his ears, but he knew that this was just his mortal senses trying to understand incomprehensible things.

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