"Almin, can you determine their location?"

Soshian fired at a location where Spirit Race might be, then turned to the one that rushed too close Human skin spider shooting.

On the other hand, a group of human skin spiders are rushing towards another hunting underground lizard, and paid a heavy price-before the overwhelming number finally came into play, six spiders were caught by sharp claw and The fangs were torn to pieces.

These wild beasts that were once domesticated do not seem to be very obedient.

"I will, sir."

Almin paused after making a promise, poked his head from behind his shield, and then immediately retracted.

A single-molecule disk flew directly over the original position of his head.

"Sir, they are always moving, it is difficult to determine the detailed location!"

"We can't be suppressed here all the time, they will increase in number!"


At this moment, Soshian suddenly felt a brief tremor from the ground under his heels, accompanied by a faint rumbling, as if something had collapsed or opened.

Saul also lowered his head slightly, and he also noticed the abnormality.

"What's coming."

He said softly, without opening the communicator, only the nearest Soshian could hear it.


"These Spirit Races are just scouts. From the conversation with them just now, I probably judged that they had encountered a group of very powerful enemies, and They are expelled from this world, so this time they recuperate and regain their homes."

"Then we can't sit still, we must go back to the ground and notify Astra Militarum in the nearby star area."


"But...the strong enemy who expelled them before, does it still exist."

Soshian froze for a moment, as if he noticed something, turned his head, and saw the head knocked off. The man was still lying on the ground, and the human skin spider who arrived first had already begun to enjoy a delicious meal of human flesh.

But the next second, the human skin spider was shattered by a laser beam.

Along with the peculiar sound of metal heavy objects stepping on masonry, a fist sized red highlight first emerged from the dark, followed by the mottled crimson metal shell, iron gray exposed joints, and half-buried The arc-shaped head in the torso.

This is two tall metal structures, the heavy laser cannon on the left shoulder is still emitting waste heat, and the automatic explosive gun with both arms is raised.

da da da ——

The squally metal storm swept over the human skin spiders, breaking them into clusters of blood mist.

Sudden attackers disturbed these underground monsters. They howled and turned to new enemies, trying to overwhelm each other with their numbers.

Then, the darkness crosses one after another light spot, like a splendid meteor, but it ablates a path of scorching among the clusters of monsters. In just a few seconds, there are hundreds of monsters. Was wiped out.

One by one, those metal structures continued to walk out of the darkness, forming a tight line of fire, and destroying those monsters at a very long distance.

After paying the extremely terrifying price, those underground monsters finally understand that they have encountered hard bones, and they are also enemies that cannot be solved by numbers.

So after a long roar, they turned their heads and fled to the darkness when they came, without any nostalgia.

The entire square suddenly became quiet, and the gunshots and roars disappeared, leaving only the low buzzing of the server.

"This is something mechanically taught..."

Soshian watched the metal structures carefully behind the bunker. Although he had never seen such robots, the robots had mechanical He knew the standard of teaching.

And Sol, beside him, was even more surprised than him for the first time.

"Sybonitica omnic Legion?"

Soshian was a little strange when he heard the name in the first year of the first year. After Sol gave a simple reminder, he immediately recalled The information I saw in the Legion archives.

As early as the end of the dispute, it was already the most terrifying and most powerful of the Legions of the Mechanical Gods. According to the sacred duty of Mars' Crimson Resolution, it was responsible for the use in war. The heavy burden and terrifying mission of combat robots.

In addition, it is also necessary to develop, multiply, and maintain terrifying combat robots.

These resolutions are a milestone in the start a Sect righteousness of the Mechanic Teaching when it was established in the Age of Disturbance, which permanently imprisoned the creation of the evil soulless intelligence known as the "Silicon Intellectual", and Declare that any such residual intelligence, and any sage or mortal who serves such intelligence or attempts to create such intelligence, will be punished to death.

However, these resolutions also allow the survival and creation of "low-level and just" artificial life deemed sacred, so these mechanical beasts and their relatives are designed for war and killing The intelligent machine-the combat robot, was handed over to the newly created Cybernetica Legion to control.

Mechanical God Cult understands the strength of these Supreme killing machines if they gather together-they have overthrown Imperium one after another in the Dark Ages.

Therefore, from the very beginning, there is a declaration from the Mechatronics-Cybernetica Legion should be broken up into a large number of self-sufficient small groups called "groups" Independent unit.

Such a scheme effectively restricts the size of the military power that any Great Sage in Legion can drive.

Generally speaking, the destructive power of a group comes from 30 to 100 combat robot squads, and each squad governs 3-5 sacred war machines.

Each group is managed by a high-level priest of Mechanical God, and the secret knowledge of intelligent control technology is also in their hands.

Below them are a number of senior sages who will personally lead the war machine on the battlefield, vowed to serve these sages’ guards, and group their own data craftsmen and slave laborers. Work with the machine servant to take care of the various needs of the group on and off the battlefield.

The group also controls its own supply network, mobile workshops, transport vehicles, battlefield vehicles, orbital landing equipment, and even in some cases its own space ships.

But on the other hand, Cybernetica Legion is strictly forbidden to build its own forging furnaces and church halls, so they must rely on the mechanical master and Forge World to provide allegiance, supplies and funding. The Internet can survive and thrive.

When the God Emperor came to Mars, Cybernetica Legion [should be Imperium] served on the battlefield, and naturally became a part of the alliance treaty between the Mechanic Cult and the God Emperor.

Therefore, the responsibilities of many groups have changed from defenders of Forge World and other servants of large machinery sects to chapters of dervish-style expeditions. Fighting is unimaginable by many humans. On the battlefield, he has been loyal to many masters.

Due to its strong adaptability and excellent battle strength, the Cybernetica Legion’s group is highly valued in the Great Expedition, and many Astarte Legions (especially Qianzi and Iron Hand) ), Trader Ronin, Knight family and Imperium army have fought side by side.

However, there are many other people who regard them as ancient horrors in the old long night, so they hate, fear, and even avoid them.

Although most of the time, Cybernetica Legion’s combat robots are difficult to produce and difficult to maintain. The mystery knowledge possessed by the sages of Legion and the outstanding record of Legion have ensured that in the Horus Rebellion Before the outbreak, there were thousands of active Legion groups on various fronts of the Imperium of Man.

When the Horus Rebellion began, the independence of Cybonitica Legion’s many groups determined. In general, Legion will not completely fall to the side of the loyalists or the rebels, but They tend to follow their long-serving masters.

Some other groups, because they remember their pledge of loyalty to the God Emperor, or worry that the galaxy will fall into disorder, they regard the traitors as despicable apostas who should be destroyed, and some are struggling to escape. The ambition of the Crimson Resolution saw the war started by the commander as a good opportunity to pursue a technology that was listed as a taboo for a long time.

After the end of the Great Rebellion, Cybernitika Legion, who did not fall to the rebels, renewed his oath of allegiance to Imperium, but was bound by a stricter oath of allegiance than Astarte Chapter.

Except for Mars, it is almost difficult to see them.

Soshian never thought that he would meet here.

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